Chapter 363 The counterattack begins

The Fallen Knight is completely dead.

The points pressure on Han Zhan and Gong Yangjin suddenly eased.

There are still two hours until six o'clock and the standings disappear.

Han Zhan put away the dropped character identity card, sat cross-legged on the ground with Gong Yang Jin, and immediately adjusted his breathing.

The melodious music of Fu Xiqin's "Qingxin San" cleansed away the pent-up hostility in their hearts and the aura of depravity they had been tainted with.

At the same time, it purifies the surrounding air, making the area that was originally shrouded by the fallen world become bright again.

"Frog's cards are all gone."

Han Zhan grinned and sneered while recovering.

Fallen knight, clone, scoundrel, all the cards that Frog can play have been played.

Even if he still has a hidden trump card, if he doesn't choose to play it out at this time, it means he doesn't have it by default.

"Now that all his cards have been played, isn't it our turn?"

Han Zhan's words made Gong Yangjin and Bob look over at the same time.

"I have no opinion."

Gong Yangjin was the first to express his stance.

As soon as she finished speaking, she coughed twice more.

I was halfway through using Jade Broken just now, but was interrupted by Han Zhan's voice. After it was forcibly terminated, the breath in my body has not been completely smoothed out.

Han Zhan's decision was her decision.

As a couple, Gong Yangjin chose to trust him unconditionally.

"You want to fight back?" Bob, as a dragon man, leaned back with an exaggerated expression.

"Yes, fight back." Han Zhan nodded and admitted.

"Don't forget, this is the points stage."

"Every time you kill someone, you can get one hundred points."

"Frog, as a person from the evil camp, used this method to earn points in the past few days. So, why can't we?"

Han Zhan's words made Bob's eyes light up.

That's right, weren't the clones that Frog used to increase his points, which were extremely weak to them?

Frog can swipe it, but Han Zhan and Gong Yangjin can’t swipe it?

When Bob thought of this, he immediately became energetic, "I can call the monitoring to select the best route for you to earn points!"

He just did this yesterday.

Now I do it again, it’s completely familiar.

Just do it.


In the standings, the points in the Korean War are going on a roller coaster.

His points first continued to fall at an even rate due to the massive destruction caused by a large number of rogue clones.

Immediately afterwards, there were originally more than 10 million points, but suddenly in one second, they dropped crazily by a huge amount!

Directly ranked last.

Not only that, as long as the rogue clone is destroyed for a while, his points will be completely cleared and his character identity card will be deprived.

However, it was not too early for Frog to be happy.

He just blinked. After the standings were refreshed, Han Zhan's points suddenly jumped up again and returned to more than 10 million points.

"What kind of nonsense are you doing?"

"There are times when you have convulsions in the killing field?"

Frog noticed that not only Han Zhan, but also Gong Yangjin, who was 100% bound to him, had tens of millions more points on the standings.

His eyes narrowed slightly, already having a guess.

"They killed the fallen knight. As a despised person at social level 4, the fallen knight was in a hostile camp with them, so after killing him, he was rewarded with the rules of the killing battlefield."

Because Frog completely gave up control of the Fallen Knight, he now doesn't know whether the Fallen Knight is alive or dead.

But judging from the changes in the points rankings, Frog can analyze one or two.

"If I were you, I would take back the copies I sent out now." Another voice sounded from behind.

Frog turned around, and the figure in the white suit appeared again.

"Who are you?" Frog narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the stranger in front of him.

He always had an inexplicably familiar feeling. No one would show kindness for no reason, there would always be some agenda, but the person in front of me not only gave him a reward, but also gave him some reminders and suggestions.

"who am I?"

The man in a white suit chuckled and did not immediately answer Frog's question.

He turned around and walked away.

"You'll know."


Stand up shop.

Yu Lian and Zhan Ning, who had been keeping a close eye on the standings, breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the Korean War points had returned to more than 10 million points.

"so close."

"Yeah, it's really dangerous."

"He was almost eliminated by the rules and deprived of his character identity."

"If he was really stripped of his character identity, he would be completely dead."

Neither Yu Lian nor Zhan Ning wanted Han Zhan to die.

Because once Han Zhan dies, the two rebels will definitely not be able to escape.

"Wait a minute. Why are his points still going up?"

"Not just him, Gong Yangjin's points are also rising. What did the two of them do?!"

The two of them looked at each other, looking at each other.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of them.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the figure, Zhan Ning and Yu Lian jumped up from their seats in panic.

"If you want to survive, do as I say."


Two hours is not a long time.

Following the route planned by Bob in advance to clean up those rogue clones, it was fruitful.

It was barely able to make up for the points lost early this morning.

When I got home, it was just past six o'clock.

The standings in the standings are finalized.

Although Han Zhan and Gong Yangjin have worked hard to kill the rogue clones, their points can only be ranked fourth and fifth.

As for the three in front, they are Dream Demon Frog, Zhan Ning, and Yu Lian.

Zhan Ning and Yu Lian were pure bastards, and they were given a piece of the pie just because they also belonged to the evil camp.

There is no doubt that Frog the Nightmare ranks first.

As for the Fallen Knight, his status as a candidate has been completely erased from the standings.

The settlement screen freezes for a few seconds, and after everyone has finished watching, the scoreboard disappears.

At the same time, the rules reminder of the killing battlefield unexpectedly sounded in Han Zhan's ears.

"You are ranked fifth in the standings and will get a chance to draw a card."

Han Zhan: "?"

What? Did I hear it wrong?

When does fifth place deserve a chance to draw a card?

Also showing a surprised look was Gong Yang Jin.

Judging from her expression, she must have heard a similar prompt.

Sure enough, Gongyang Jin took the initiative and asked: "Azhan, did you hear the rules? Why am I ranked fourth in the standings and can still get two opportunities to draw cards?"

"There should be no bugs in the Killing Fields, right?"

"No, there are no bugs in the Killing Fields." The speaker was Nuan Xue. She had already woken up and listened to the experiences of Han Zhan and Gong Yang Jin during this period.

She went on to say:

"Can't you see that such a killing battlefield obviously favors the evil camp?"

(End of this chapter)

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