Chapter 351 Escape intact


Facing the data demon that suddenly collapsed, the fallen knight rolled over from his horse and fell down, with his feet on the ground.

His hands clasped tightly around the knight's sword.

He turned the pitch-black knight's sword, pointed it downwards, and stabbed it into the ground beneath his feet.

This time, more turbulent black ink surged from the ground, completely engulfing the figures of the fallen knight and Frog.

A large amount of data poured down with the data demon, continuing to impact the black mire on the ground.

a long time.

The figures of Gong Yangjin and Bob slowly walked out of the falling green digital rain.

"It's a pity that they still ran away."

Bob looked at the mess on the ground and sighed.

“In order to prepare for a data torrent of this magnitude, I spent three days preparing.”

"Only this kind of data torrent can summon such a level of data demons. It's really a pity that we can't kill them."

"The Fallen Knight and Frog are both veteran strong men, and they still have some means to save their lives."

Gongyang Jin didn't sigh long and short like Bob. Gongyang Jin was very sober.

Being able to catch Frog off guard this time was a result of mental calculation but not care.

As early as when Gong Yangjin was besieged by gangsters in the kendo gym, she already knew that the patrolman might be controlled by Frog.

How could he be completely defenseless?

It seems that Han Zhan was transferred away from the mountain, but in fact, the killer move they prepared for Frog was right under the patrol room!

"At least I tried their methods and figured out how crooked the rules of the Killing Fields really are."

As an omnic, Bob looked at the ruins and mess outside the patrol room, shook his head and sighed.


"Because you did not handle it in time, the patrol room and the surrounding area suffered irreversible and devastating damage. Penalty: 100 million points deducted."

After hearing the reminder of the rules of the Killing Fields, Han Zhan breathed a sigh of relief.

Not long ago, Bob went to the patrol room to assist Gong Yangjin as planned.

With the help of other special commissioners on my side, the difficulty and risk are not great.

Thanks to the joint efforts of all the special commissioners, the rogues in the evil camp suffered heavy losses.

Gong Yangjin was the only one who couldn't let go.

She proposed to use herself as bait and Bob's hidden data demon as a killing move to try to hunt Frog.

The stakes are high.

Now after hearing the reminder sound of the killing battlefield, Han Zhan felt relieved.

Irreversible destructive damage, this level of attack is not like the handiwork of the Fallen Knight and Frog.

So it can only be Bob's killer move, the destructive power produced by the data demon.

Data Demon is a method created by Bob using virtual and real technology.

Its birth requires a huge data torrent as a basis, and the data torrent originates from the urban network of the entire killing battlefield.

Bob's move greatly damaged the city network and could only be used once.

The price is not small.

But at least they didn't get nothing.

"Hunter, you have stirred a hornet's nest this time."

Zeng Buping, who was walking from a distance, saw Han Zhan standing here and raised his hand to him.

This time, thanks to the list of special commissioners provided by Zeng Buping, he and Bob were able to contact all the special commissioners in the shortest possible time.

"Zeng Te, thank you." Han Zhan said seriously.

Zeng Buping shook his head indifferently.

"Protecting is always harder than destroying."

"Now you should also feel how difficult it is to be a good person in the killing battlefield."

indeed so. No matter how many rogues are eliminated, the damaged urban infrastructure cannot be restored, the disturbed and frightened people cannot be calmed down immediately, and the destroyed order cannot be restored immediately.

The result is that the points in the Korean War have dropped again and again.

Compared with yesterday, he had already been deducted a huge amount of more than 10 million points due to rules penalties.

Although they won the final victory in this battle, this victory required too many sacrifices.


"Because you successfully destroyed the Victory Garden, as a side of the evil camp, you received a reward of 100,000 points."

"Because you successfully destroyed the Gold and Silver Building, as a member of the evil camp, you will receive a reward of 100,000 points."


"Because you successfully destroyed the patrol house, as the evil camp, you will receive a reward of one million points."

Stand up shop.

Zhan Ning and Yu Lian were lying on the lazy chairs, looking at each other in confusion as they listened to the reminder sounds of the killing battlefield in their ears.

what's the situation?

They didn't do anything, they just filmed in the vertical store and basked in the sun, and then you tell me, they gained more than 10 million points for no reason?

That’s directly invincible!

"Are we...really not going to do something?" Zhan Ning looked at Yu Lian and asked.

"What can we do?" Yu Lian asked back.

Regardless of their current roles and abilities, they cannot have any impact on the overall situation. At most, they just drift with the tide.


"If the sky falls, the taller ones will hold it up first, so we won't panic."

"Aren't the rules of this killing battlefield too friendly to the evil camp? As long as you try your best to destroy them, you can get points?"

Even Zhan Ning and Yu Lian noticed something was wrong.

They couldn't help but worry about the Korean War.

"If after today, Han Zhan and the others can't think of any useful methods, I'm afraid this killing battlefield will be difficult."


Killing battlefields, inaccessible places.

Suddenly a lot of black silt surged up on the ground and soon covered the entire ground.

The figures of the fallen knight and Frog crawled out of the black mud.

"You underestimated them."

"I didn't expect that he would actually use himself as a bait. Even though he knew there was an ambush, he would risk his own life and prepare a killing move to deal with me."

Frog recalled the previous scene when Bob's data demon came, and he slowly closed his eyes.

"Haha, hahahaha." He laughed a little sickly.

Today's battle with Han Zhan and Gong Yangjin resulted in a win or loss for both sides.

But from the perspective of winning conditions in the Killing Fields, he is still better.

Soon, Frog stopped smiling again.

He and the fallen knight turned their heads at the same time and looked behind them.

There, a man in a white suit appeared again.

"Well done."

"Although the vast majority of the rogues were lost, you caused great damage to the killing field."

"Residents are panicking, order is broken, and justice is out of balance."

"You are a qualified conspirator. As a reward agreed in advance, I will not be stingy either."

As he spoke, he took out two cards shining with golden light from his arms.

"A blank card, a conspirator character identity card with social level 3, this is the reward given to you by Destruction."

"Merge them and complete the promotion!"

(End of this chapter)

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