Chapter 350 Data Demon

Can't touch each other.

Although he couldn't hear Frog's soliloquy explanation, Gongyang Jin, in the fallen darkness, still thought of this intuitively.

This completely invalidated her original plan.

A burst of dark ripples appeared on the ground beneath his feet, and a pair of pure black hands protruded from the ripples and clung to Gong Yangjin's feet.

Just as she was about to react, the other two patrollers who had fused incorrectly were already rushing towards her.

Gongyang Jin was forced to give up his evasive actions and ducked to avoid the two patrolmen's "colliding" behavior.

The fallen knight seemed to have expected her reaction.

The dark, fallen hands took advantage of the situation and turned into ropes, binding her from the calf down.

After the two patrolmen jumped into the air, they were instantly enveloped in darkness as thick as ink.

The next second, they reappeared among the dense black hands and grabbed Gong Yangjin's ankle again!

At this time, Gongyang Jin had just finished his evasive action and his whole body was in a curled up state.

Faced with this sudden sneak attack, she could only barely avoid one of them with extraordinary reactions.

The owner of the other hand, the patrolman controlled by Frog, had a crazy smile on his face when he grabbed Gong Yangjin's ankle.

He will prepare the dagger in advance and pierce his heart.

"As an inspector, you killed a fellow patrolman, which was a serious dereliction of duty. You will be punished: 10 points will be deducted!"

The sound of the rules of the killing field, ignoring the restrictions of the fallen dark world, sounded simultaneously in Gong Yangjin's ears.

Gong Yangjin’s total points are 30 points.

I have "accidentally killed" a colleague before, and now it's the second one.

After her points were deducted twice, she only had the last 10 points left.

As long as another patrolman is sacrificed, her role identity will be forcibly taken away.

By that time, she will no longer be able to fight back under the pressure of social class.

Inside the patrol room.

The fallen knight riding on the war horse, as well as the war horse under him, began to emit black smoke.

Two dazzling rays of light bloomed in the dark helmet of the fallen knight whose specific face could not be seen clearly.

The low and hoarse voice suddenly became solemn.

The knight's sword, which he had always placed on the saddle on the right side of the horse, was raised high by the fallen knight with both hands.


Another layer of pitch black halo covered the original halo again.

The fallen dark space suddenly became thicker under the second halo of the fallen knight.

The ground beneath his feet turned into a swamp, causing Gong Yangjin's legs to sink deeply.

Those densely packed black "hands" danced and flew upwards, constantly restricting Gong Yangjin's movements.


Gongyang Jin snorted.

This time, her pain returned.

The last patrolman came up behind her and held out his hand to her.

At the same time, she heard Frog's voice from behind her:

"game over."

Just when that hand was about to touch Gong Yangjin's shoulder.

At her feet, a torrent of dark green data composed of pure numbers 0 and 1 suddenly erupted. The patrol room shrouded in the darkness of depravity is completely filled!

Everyone present seemed to hear a crisp clicking sound in their ears, and then, the dark world that originally enveloped the entire patrol room shattered!

The huge torrent of pure data is still being released from Gong Yangjin's feet.

"It is true that the Fallen Knight's fallen aura can plunge people into a dark world, but my virtual and real technology can also allow people to be in an illusory world."

"The most convenient and quickest way to break the halo of corruption is the collision of two worlds!"

Before I saw the person, I heard his voice first.

Among the countless 0s and 1s that filled the entire room, some were suddenly pulled together and condensed into the shape of a little dragon.

"This is impossible. You have no social class. How is it possible..."

"Who says I don't have a social hierarchy? Take a closer look?"

While Bob was talking, he walked to Gong Yangjin's side.

On his head, he wore a small melon-skin hat, which looked a bit funny.

"Fruit vendor, social class: 1."

"Since you have studied the character identity card, you should know that the character identity card is one of the rules set by the Killing Fields, and even the Killing Fields itself cannot violate it."

"I did an experiment with a wild dog. As long as it is a living creature with life, it can be given a character identity."

Therefore, in the current killing battlefield, there is a wild dog with the identity of "Social Level: 0, Antique Vendor" wandering around.

It may be trying to find other wild cats and dogs to trade food for the ancestral bone it holds in its mouth.

Closer to home.

"Even if you are a fruit vendor at social level 1, how can you be the opponent of a conspirator at social level 3?"

"Pay attention to the words you use. As a scientific researcher, you must be rigorous enough."

There is no doubt that social class 3 exerts huge pressure on social class 1.

But it does not mean that it is absolutely impossible to turn defeat into victory, even if the probability is as low as a few decimal points.

When Gong Yangjin was still the coach of the social level 1 kendo gym, she had used the ancient magic weapon Xuanyuan Sword to defeat level 2 scoundrels.

For Bob, this move was deliberate. It only needed to call Yidiandian's data flow, nothing more.

Even the conspirators of social level 3 are destined to be temporarily eclipsed in the face of this huge torrent of data!

"The Killing Fields revokes my status as an inductee."

"I am standing here now, with the same identity as the NPCs in the numerous killing fields."

Once when Qin Se came to the world, Shang Siting created an advanced civilization with rapid technological advancement in just a dozen days.

Although Bob is slightly inferior to Shang Siting, given three days, it is impossible for him to achieve nothing.

"Then come, data demon!"

As Bob exaggeratedly raised his hands and paws, the overwhelming torrent of data suddenly split and fell, transforming into behemoths comparable to the size of high-rise buildings.

These behemoths, like the little dragon man Bob in front of him, are all composed of the numbers 0 and 1.

They have no arms or legs, only a bloated and huge body and two empty eyes.

Suddenly, a gap opened in the center of its body, swallowing the last patrolman inside.

The patrolman who was swallowed was repeatedly penetrated by countless data torrents, and was instantly assimilated into a string of data and disappeared without a trace.

More data demons lowered their bodies and opened their huge mouths towards the fallen knight and Frog, who were as small as dust below.

The situation is reversed.

(End of this chapter)

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