Chapter 329 The rules that were broken

In the movie city.

Yu Lian and Zhan Ning, who had finished filming for the day, also successfully spent the first night.

They also recovered to the first level of strength and were able to use the Knight Code to add a halo to themselves.

This gives them a certain confidence.

"What should I say?" Zhan Ning stood up and looked at the scattered photographers around him.

The scene they were filming today included a night scene, so they hadn't finished filming yet.

Yu Lian saw what Zhan Ning meant by asking.

Now that the first-level strength has been restored, should we immediately turn on the killing mode and earn points as quickly as possible?

To be honest, he was indeed a little moved.

The Killing Fields is not a place that talks about kindness. Returnees from previous Killing Fields all tell stories about the cruelty of the Killing Fields.

These ordinary people are just NPCs in the battlefield. If you kill them, you can get points.

With this thought in mind, Zhan Ning has already approached one of them.

"Savage Grip."

Zhan Ning spoke softly, and as his voice sounded, a gray-brown halo appeared under his feet.

Blessed by the Savage Grip, his strength increased slightly.

Standing directly in front of him is the action director of the crew, who has a martial arts background.

Zhan Ning approached, intending to give him the ultimate fatal blow from behind.

But the moment he took action, the martial artist suddenly grabbed Zhan Ning's arm as if he had eyes behind his back, and then threw him hard on his back.

No surprises.

Zhan Ning was beaten to pieces.

Seeing this scene, Yu Lian immediately stopped her movements.

"You kid? Do you want to knit?" Wu Xing suddenly felt a chill as he looked at Zhan Ning, who was thrown to the ground and sprawled out.

"You don't want to touch me from behind, do you? You really like men when you are riding a horse?!"

Zhan Ning's face was bruised and red by him, and he opened his mouth, but could not make any sound immediately.

Wu Xing's voice was so loud that the entire crew looked at Zhan Ning with strange expressions.

Including Yulian.

Zhan Ning sacrificed himself to discover an unexplained rule for them:

Unlocking a level of realm means unlocking it for all members, including the aborigines of this world!

At this time, they all saw the numbers jumping on the electronic screen.

Bob, who is in first place, has many 9s behind him.


Gong Yangjin looked at Bob, who was at the top of the standings, with a speechless expression.

She then looked at the two thousand yuan she had earned after taking the kendo training class.

The joys and sorrows of people are not connected.

Oh, I almost forgot, Bob is not a human being.

“The Killing Fields always induces killing, whether it’s points or crime coins.”

"Based on my experience in participating in the Killing Fields last time, it tells me that in the initial stage, it is best not to act rashly before you have thoroughly understood the rules."

"Because every choice will have an irreversible impact on the subsequent development."

Gong Yangjin said to herself, her eyes stayed on the third place in the standings, Han Zhan.

There was worry in his eyes.

"Azhan, I hope you haven't done anything against your true will."

As soon as Gong Yangjin finished speaking, the standings suddenly stopped refreshing like a lag.

Immediately afterwards, Bob, who was first in the standings, completely disappeared from the standings.

At the same time, a line of rules appeared at the bottom of the standings:

The sin gold coins used to exchange points can only be obtained through formal channels.    The criminal gold coins obtained through informal channels have been forcibly cleared.

"You can't even stand the killing field. Did you change the rules overnight?"

Seeing this scene, Gongyang Jin was secretly amazed.

Over the years, there have been so many killing battlefields in history, but this scene has never happened before.

the reason is simple.

In the past killing battlefields, a group of people were often selected, entered into a large area, and then killed each other and fought to achieve the final victory.

But this time the killing battlefield is different.

Not only did it not allow everyone to start fighting in the first place, but also because of the era and background it chose, it turned an existence like an omnic into a bug-level existence.

simply put,

This time the killing field seems to be an incomplete semi-finished product, a work with flaws and loopholes.

So just now, it made a patch that cleared all the points that Bob had stolen through looting.

The poor omnic thought that he could finally turn his hand into clouds and rain, but he was directly sanctioned by the rules.

As a result, Frog's points returned to the first position.

Moreover, his points have increased a lot compared to just now, now reaching 8 million points.

Far ahead.

The rules that had been broken were finally back on track.

In the second half of the night, the points did not fluctuate much.

Just after 6 o'clock in the morning, the standings stopped updating, and Frog successfully topped the list with 9.5 million points.


After the dust settled on the first night's contest, Han Zhan rubbed his eyes and felt a little sleepy.

In the end, he did not choose to hunt for points.

When he just lay down on the bed and planned to take a nap, a pop-up window suddenly appeared on his website.

A little dragon man who is shaking his head and swaying his butt.

Put on the headphones and Bob's voice comes from the computer.

"The main account has been blocked. I think we need to cooperate." Bob explained his purpose concisely.

Because he cheated too hard last night, his identity as an entrant has been taken away. This is what the so-called large account has been blocked.

But Bob had a backup plan, and since he was an omnic being, he was not immediately obliterated.

"How did you find me?" Han Zhan was a little surprised that Bob could accurately appear in his computer.

"It's very simple. In yesterday's entertainment news section, find out who viewed and collected the Reuters photos of Zhan Ning and Yu Lian kissing..."

Korean War: "6"

This is indeed a strange idea, but it is very effective.

"How do you want to cooperate with me?" Han Zhan asked his second question.

"Give me a start-up capital, and I will help you leverage his number one position."

"What are the conditions?" Han Zhan was not dazzled by Bob's promise, and he continued to ask calmly.

From the beginning of forming an alliance with him to now being blocked for cheating, one thing Han Zhan can be sure of is that the little dragon in front of him doesn't have much ill will towards him.

But he still had to confirm the other party's purpose.

No one helps another person for no reason.

The image of Bob the Dragon Man wagged his tail on the computer desktop, then raised his head and looked at Han Zhan outside the computer through the screen.

"I want you to take me out, back to Beijun, and deliver it to that little girl named Shang Siting."

Bob's words made Han Zhan's eyes sharpen.

"These are the messages in your external chip's memory bank," Bob added.

(End of this chapter)

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