Chapter 328 There are still masters!

Two apostles of life and death, two points for 100 points!

Is this...a bug?


Very simply, the last created Death and Life Apostle pierced the chest of the previous Death and Life Apostle with his bare hands.

With a thumping heart beating, it was picked out with blood and stuck to the hand, and then squeezed hard.

Blood splattered everywhere.

At this time, the points on the head of the Death and Life Apostle also changed from 100 points at the beginning to 200 points in an instant!

"Is this okay?"

A meaningful smile appeared on Frog's face.

Sure enough, after he killed a Death and Life Apostle, Frog's name appeared first on the electronic screen in the sky that only they could see.

"The killing battlefield sealed my abilities and realm, and also suppressed my spiritual consciousness energy."

"In my current state, a first-level Death and Life Apostle body can satisfy my parasitic requirements."

"Creating a first-level copy does not require much spiritual energy."

Frog was muttering to himself, hugging the trash can next to him, and slowly started to eat.

After a while

Another copy of the Apostle of Death and Life was created.

Perform the same operation again, and his points will be refreshed to 300 points!

In less than a minute, the points were refreshed twice, and the other candidates may have just read the rules.

"Good luck."

"I need more food, more food!"

"Tremble! It's incubus time!"

Frog licked his dry lips.


Han Zhan stood at the window,

Read all the rules silently.

As he expected, the rules were updated.

The updated rules not only directly multiplied the number of sin gold coins that need to be prepared for the next day by ten times, but also clarified how to obtain points and how to exchange sin gold coins for points.

"A killing field, or are you encouraging us to kill?"

First it's the crime gold coins, then the points. In this killing battlefield, the value of each person's existence seems to be replaced by a series of simply assigned numbers.

Whether it's a sin gold coin or a hundred points.

Just kill it and you'll get it.

Simple and crude rules.

The Korean War did not do this immediately.

"Not in a hurry."

"I have the home field advantage. Since sin gold coins can be exchanged for points, I can get at least hundreds of thousands of points, which will be a step ahead of others!"

"I didn't expect that after traveling for so long, I can experience the feeling of 'gnawing at the old' again. It feels so good to chew on the old. It feels good for a while, and it feels good all the time."

Han Zhan is thinking of this.

He suddenly saw on the electronic screen that the harmonious picture where everyone had one hundred points suddenly changed after a refresh.

A familiar name is climbing incredibly fast at the speed of a rocket.

Incubus, Frog!

The points that followed behind him had changed from a hundred points at the beginning to a thousand points in the blink of an eye, and then not long after, it became five thousand points, ten thousand points!

Han Zhan: "???"

The points have risen so fast, is this guy going to massacre the city?

No, even if you massacre the city, it can't be that fast, okay?

How did he do that?

Han Zhan thought of a possibility.

"No way? It can't be true, right?"

"The ability of the Apostles of Death and Life is unlimited replication, creating replicas that are also alive."

"If each copy is judged to be a separate living entity, then Frog can increase his points like crazy just by killing the copies continuously!"

If it was as he guessed, wouldn't he just take off on the spot and become invincible?

Who else can beat him in the standings? Even if someone else had cleared the entire killing field, their points would probably not be as high as his!

"There's this card bug! I want to report it!"

Han Zhan tried to shout.

However, no one paid any attention to him.

Han Zhan could only watch as Frog's points went from ten thousand to twenty thousand, from twenty thousand to forty thousand, to eighty thousand, to one hundred thousand...

In just one hour, Frog's points have reached a level that no one else can understand.

The second place is the Korean War with 6480 points.

It’s almost the same as the other party’s fraction.

If the Korean War is compared to "making money," then Frog is directly "printing money."

To be honest, how can someone who makes money be better than someone who prints money?

Just when Han Zhan thought that Frog was going to dominate the rankings with an unquestionable crushing attitude.

The list is refreshed again.

Frog's points ranking dropped directly to the second position after this refresh!

Han Zhan was so shocked that he opened his mouth slightly and leaned back.

There are actually experts!


In a small Internet cafe.

A computer suddenly turned on automatically and the screen lit up.

This is an inconspicuous little corner of the Internet cafe. Young people who occasionally stay up all night will choose this corner to view study materials.

But not today.

The small Internet cafe is always deserted on Saturdays and Sundays.

On the computer screen that turned on automatically for no apparent reason, two words quickly appeared:

"Hello, word!"

Then the words disappeared, and the computer desktop standby screen completely disappeared, and then a series of dense "0"s and "1"s appeared, completely filling the entire computer screen.

next moment,

The lighting in the entire Internet cafe seemed to dim suddenly, and then quickly returned to normal.

One morning, I had just completed the account opening inexplicably, and a large amount of money began to be transferred crazily on the bank card of the registered account name "Bob"!

The amount jumped crazily and rose crazily.

This is the feeling when money is no longer money, but a series of numbers.

"Choose, exchange sin gold coins for points, and redeem them immediately."

A mechanical voice sounded.

On the Killing Fields standings, the number one player who had occupied the top spot for more than an hour changed hands at this moment!

First place, Bob, points: 320 million points!

Second place, Frog, points: 6.07 million points!

Third place, Korean War, points: 6480 points...

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

After this update to the Killing Fields standings,

The numbers on the entire standings seemed to flash suddenly.

If Killing Fields could curse, it would be cursing by now.

Is it easy to create a scoreboard? Um?

Is it easy to select a few unscrupulous people to enter the killing battlefield, test and compete?

What's coming in this time?

After entering the killing battlefield, he will recognize his mother directly on the spot, turn his back on the guest, and just lie down and gnaw on his old age.

One that can be copied infinitely, create independent life forms, and directly confuse the standings system.

There is another one that is even more outrageous. Whether he is lying down and eating his old age or printing money, at least it makes some sense. He just hacked into the bank and took a few steps, and all the sinful gold coins were transferred to his account? !

Can it still get better?


Destroy it.

(End of this chapter)

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