Chapter 306 Murder Night


After returning to normal, Shen Zhongxia raised his hand, and the aura of an eighth-level peak swordsman burst out.

The straight and sharp sword energy struck the roof, almost instantly breaking a gap in the bricks and tiles on the roof.

The moonlight shines in through the broken gap.


"Is there no one? Is it my unstable state that interferes with my perception as a sword cultivator?"

Shen Zhongxia looked at the roof and murmured to himself.

On the other side, Han Zhan and Bing Lao, who had returned to the ground, were breathing heavily.

so close!

Almost discovered!

Once discovered, memory synchronization failure will definitely occur regardless of the outcome.

If the synchronization fails, they will not be able to uncover Bai Su's memory that was finally buried in the dust.

"How did you find out that he was going to attack us?" Mr. Bing looked at Han Zhan and asked in surprise.

"It's sword energy."

"I can feel the sudden surge of sword energy in his body."

The sword cultivator's perception is extremely sharp. Even with the protection of Bing Lao's commandments, it is still difficult for them to escape under the perception of an eighth-level peak sword cultivator.

"I didn't expect that Shen Zhongxia would turn into a monster because he swallowed the dream fruit. Mr. Bing, didn't you notice it before?"

"No." Old Bing shook his head.

"I have heard about the Dream Fruit. It is a rare treasure that grows in the territory of foreign races. It has the ability to make dreams come true, but I have never tasted the specific effects."

You can guess what the effect will be by looking at Shen Zhongxia's state.

The powerful material comes with huge side effects, turning Shen Zhongxia into a monster eroded by nightmares.

Rare treasures related to dream consciousness that grew up in alien lands?

When Han Zhan thought of this, he suddenly had some associations.

"Are we still going on?"

Bing Lao took over the question and Han Zhan shook his head.

"According to the rules of the conscious world, as long as we continue to complete memory synchronization tomorrow, we will be able to unlock the deep memories. There is no need to create any more complications."

After returning to their respective rooms, Han Zhan fell asleep.

Sleep until midnight.

A strange and strange feeling woke him from his sleep.

Suddenly he opened his eyes.

A man wearing a black hood whose identity was unclear was standing in front of him in shock.

He holds a dagger in his hand,

Stab yourself hard on your side lying on the bed!

Almost instinctively, Han Zhan kicked the assassin away from him.

I thought the crisis was resolved, but after Han Zhan kicked the opponent out, the memory world began to flicker crazily!

The assassin who was kicked out stood up, rubbed his chest, and picked up the dagger with some surprise.

Until then, Han Zhan suddenly reacted.

This is the assassin in Bai Su's memory!

In other words, if you don't let the assassin kill you, you will be expelled from this memory world because you cannot synchronize your memory.

And if you want to complete memory synchronization, you must let the assassin kill you!

The Korean War came to a dilemma.

The assassin in the memory world did not give Han Zhan any more time to hesitate.

He was originally acting according to the memory of this world. Han Zhan's sudden resistance made him stunned for a moment, but after a brief pause, the assassin started the second round of attack.

The strobes of the memory world are more intense and more frequent.

Even the picture in front of me began to appear confused and distorted.

The assassin's dagger pierced the air and was about to penetrate Han Zhan's heart.

The decision of life and death is at a critical moment!


A dull voice sounded.

The assassin's dagger successfully penetrated Han Zhan's heart, and blood dripped down the dagger.

The strobe of the memory world stopped. Han Zhan’s eyes widened and he fell down in disbelief.

After the assassin pulled out the dagger, he walked toward the door without looking back.

Another moment passed.

After confirming that the assassin was gone, Han Zhan, who was supposed to be dead, blinked and got up from the ground.

He successfully "deceived" the attacker.

The dagger did pierce the chest, but not completely.

Because after it penetrated, the tip of the knife was broken down into the tiniest particles by Han Zhan using the decomposition ability of Nuwa Stone, causing the illusion that he was "pierced through the heart."

Then when the attacker pulled out the dagger, he restored the dagger to its original appearance.

If the attacker was careful enough, he would have noticed that only the end of the dagger was stained with blood, but not the tip.

Obviously, the assassins in Bai Su's memory world were not so careful and did not waste too much time on the servants of the Shen family.

Han Zhan, who had escaped the disaster, immediately went to the next room to check on Mr. Bing's condition.

When he opened the door and walked in, Mr. Bing just looked up at the door.

After confirming that the person coming was Han Zhan, Mr. Bing was slightly startled and lowered his guard, "I originally thought you would be expelled from the memory world, but it seems you escaped."

"Mr. Bing, were you assassinated too?"

"Yes, the rules of the memory world are to kill. If you resist, you will be expelled from the memory world. If you don't resist, you will die completely in the memory world. Fortunately, I have a death substitute that blocked the knife for me."

Binglao said with lingering fear.

After seeing that Mr. Bing was safe and sound, Han Zhan felt relieved.

An even greater confusion flashed through his mind.

Who wants to kill these innocent servants of Shen Mansion?

"Let's wait until daybreak before going out. In order to ensure memory synchronization, we should try to reduce our movements as much as possible."

After Han Zhan finished speaking, he sat down cross-legged in Mr. Bing's room.

In order to ensure that he could deceive the assassin, Han Zhan took the initiative to pierce the dagger deeply into his chest just now.

Such a tightrope-like operation can only be said to be bold for a skilled person.

After taking off his shirt, the wound on his chest was slowly recovering.

The rest of the night was uneventful.


The next day, just after dawn, there was a knock on Mr. Bing's door.

Before the door opened, the steward whom I met yesterday opened the door and walked in.

When Han Zhan and the others saw that the person coming was the manager, they were stunned.

The steward was also stunned when he saw Han Zhan appearing in Mr. Bing's room without any clothes on.

"You..." The steward's eyes suddenly became meaningful.

"Hurry up and get dressed. I don't care what your private life is like. Today is the city lord's big day. Everyone must perform their duties and do their jobs well!"

The steward dropped these words, closed the door with a bang, and walked away quickly without looking back.

It seemed that staying here for a second longer would be disrespectful of his sexual orientation.

"Did he misunderstand something?"

"That's not the point. The point is, after last night's assassination, why didn't the steward die?"

With such confusion, they walked out of the room, and an even more unexpected scene happened.

Not only was the steward alive, but all the other servants of the Shen Mansion were also alive and well. They were talking and laughing and looking relaxed.

It was as if last night was just a nightmare experienced by Han Zhan and Bing Lao.

Both Han Zhan and Bing Lao saw shock and confusion in each other's eyes.

"Let's go, no matter what, as long as the memory synchronization is completed, we can see the truth today."

(End of this chapter)

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