Chapter 305 Shen Zhongxia

"The cesspool in Shen Mansion was blocked three times today."

"Don't you think this is strange?"

When Mr. Bing said this, his expression was very serious and he was not joking.

"Cleaning the cesspool once should last at least a month without causing it to become clogged three times a day."

"I went to learn about Shen's diet and their daily consumption of ingredients."

"I came to the conclusion that what they eat in a day is far less than what they poop in a day."

This is also a flavorful conclusion.

But it’s also telling.

After hearing Mr. Bing's summary, Han Zhan put away his other distracting thoughts and became serious.

"It's almost impossible to eat far less than you poop." Han Zhan frowned.

Everything should comply with the basic laws, such as conservation of energy and conservation of matter, even mysterious and mysterious virtual and real technologies are no exception.

If you consume so much food in a day, how is it possible to reverse the in and out?

And it seems that the people in the Shen Mansion have normal complexions and there is nothing wrong with them.

"It's night time now. As long as the memory synchronization is not affected, we can continue to dig deeper on this matter."

Han Zhan's proposal was approved by Bing Lao.

The two of them rested for a while, and when it got completely dark, they softly opened the door and went out.

When Han Zhan and Bing Lao planned to go to the area they cleaned during the day.

The road that was supposed to be a path within the courtyard has disappeared.

Instead, there was a wall of gray air.

"This is limited memory." Sensing Han Zhan's questioning gaze, Mr. Bing did not disappoint him and explained this phenomenon.

Limited memory is another situation in the memory world.

This situation often occurs when memory is synchronized and deep memory is gradually opened.

At this time, the memory world will present a special plot.

Except for the established special plot, other areas will become unexplorable and blocked by air walls.

"So what you're saying is that we're entering a special plot?"

"Yes, the surrounding area has been blocked by air walls, leaving us with the only road in front of us."

"If I guess correctly, this section of road should be the road Bai Su walked that night."

As soon as Mr. Bing finished speaking, a white figure appeared in the courtyard.

Han Zhan and Bing Lao quickly hid themselves and watched in secret.

Bai Su walked on the evening road of Shen Mansion, looking left and right from time to time.

Han Zhan and Bing Lao were far behind, following Bai Su.

The three of them arrived at the end of the trip in a strange way.

Shen Zhongxia's study.

"Shen Zhongxia is the leader of the Anti-Xia Alliance. He is also the city lord and general, and he wears many hats."

"His strength has also reached the peak level of the eighth level."

"Even though this is the world of memory, under the influence of the Spiritual Knowledge Pill, it will become extremely real. I believe you already understood it during the day."

The advantage of Lingshi Dan is that it can create a memory world that is closest to reality.

The disadvantage is that because the portrayal is too realistic, Shen Zhongxia, who is at the peak of the eighth level, is also perfectly reproduced by the Spiritual Knowledge Pill.

"If Shen Zhongxia discovers us, it will be equivalent to memory synchronization failure."

"We must be more cautious when facing special memory plots." Binglao said, pointing to his feet. "Commandment: The presence of the Night Walker is reduced."

As his commandments came out, a light gray fog of invisibility rose from Bing Lao's feet, and then slowly enveloped him and Han Zhan.

After doing this, they quietly climbed up to the roof and uncovered the tiles.

When the tiles were uncovered, the scene in the room stunned the two of them.

There are no scenes that are inappropriate for children.

It's just that the "Shen Zhongxia" in front of them is different from what they imagined.

Shen Zhongxia has always been a burly swordsman, and his upper body still maintains this image at this time.

But his lower body was no longer like human legs.

A mass of black and purple rotten flesh was piled under his body, surrounding his body, and was slowly squirming.

The expanded rotten flesh was almost as big as half a study room, filling the entire space.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Han Zhan was shocked.

Shen Zhongxia, is he a monster? !

Not only that, he was also opening his mouth wide, swallowing a lot of black matter that came from all directions.

I don’t know what these black substances are.

When Bai Su opened the door and walked in.

When she saw the scene in front of her, there was no panic on her face, as if she had foreseen it.

"In your current state, I'm afraid you won't be able to hold on until the killing battlefield opens."

"Devouring a large amount of dreams, the burden is aggravated, and the body is getting worse."

"Your excrement has clogged the entire Shen Mansion's cesspool three times."

"You don't need to tell me." As soon as Shen Zhongxia spoke, everyone's ears buzzed.

"It's you, an ordinary person who hasn't awakened yet. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Being able to communicate normally with Bai Su, it seems that Shen Zhongxia's condition is quite stable.

Bai Su did not evade under Shen Zhongxia's gaze.

"I am sure."

"You take Dream True Fruit, a special fruit that grows deep in the alien medicine valley, and want to use its ability to 'make dreams come true' to break through the shackles of the eighth level peak."

"But it also suffers from backlash, and is plagued by nightmares every day. It needs to consume a large number of ordinary people's dreams to alleviate this symptom."

"I promised you that I would help you completely solve this problem, release your shackles, and help you successfully break through to the ninth level."

Judging from Bai Su's tone, can she help Shen Zhongxia solve the problem of backlash and breakthrough to the ninth level?

Why should she?

Although Han Zhan and Bing Lao also wanted to know, they did not dare to show up to ask. They could only look at each other and then continue to hibernate in the dark.

"As long as tomorrow passes, everything will be settled."

"Yeah, as long as it's past tomorrow."

Bai Su repeated, and then she placed a liquid filled with dreamy colorful colors in front of Shen Zhongxia.

Shen Zhongxia said nothing.

He manipulated the rotten flesh under his body, stretched out a black tentacle filled with mucus, rolled the bottle of liquid into his hand, and swallowed it.

As the colorful liquid was swallowed, Shen Zhongxia's lower body began to slowly light up, and then gradually returned to its original appearance.

"Being an actor is such an enviable profession. If you hadn't helped me absorb the 'emotions' of these ordinary people, my nightmare backlash wouldn't have been so easy to recover from."

"Hopefully today is the last time."

Bai Su looked at the empty glass bottle that rolled down in front of him and said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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