Chapter 297 Distortion Walker No. 001

"The chief scientist of Changsheng Company named Frog still chose to inject himself with the distortion agent."

"Are you saying you're not crazy?"

According to the currently known information, Changsheng Company’s aberration drugs are not injected randomly. A series of studies such as genetic matching, fitness testing, organ rejection and blood fusion must be carried out in advance.

Only after confirmation can the injection test be carried out.

Even so, the mortality rate in the injection trial was at a very high level.

Someone like Frog, without any preparation, simply takes the distortion potion and injects it directly. What is he other than a lunatic?

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that during the Era of Natural Disasters, Changsheng Company’s research on distortion potions was not so complete and thorough.

But it has to be said that Frog survived in the end, which is almost half a miracle.

Precisely because he survived, the diary in Han Zhan's hands continues.

[125th year of natural disaster, July 2st. 】

[I have researched a new plant, and I named it Magic Grass. It can make objects zoom in and out. This ability seems to affect talent, which is a good research discovery. 】

[I suddenly discovered that I am a little obsessed with the form of dust. That just opened a new door for me. 】

[I have decided that I will plant magic grass on a large scale. 】

[125th year of natural disaster, July 12st. 】

[I can’t count the number of times my body has rejected it. I feel that my “human” organs are rapidly failing, but my vitality and mental strength are becoming stronger. I don’t know whether this is good news or not. bad news. 】

[The people of the Human Alliance finally couldn't bear it anymore, and they sent in a second batch of exploration personnel. 】

[I met the explorer from Changsheng Company, who is one of my students. He was shocked when he saw me. No, to be precise, I could read the fear and fear in his eyes. He was afraid of me. 】

[I asked him about some situations within Changsheng Company, and asked him why the company had not sent anyone in for twenty-five years. He was surprised to tell me that only two and a half years had passed. 】

[The flow rate of time here is different from that outside, with a tenfold difference. 】

[When I heard the news, my first reaction was not anxiety or surprise, but overjoyed. 】

[Who can understand a scientific research madman who devotes everything to scientific research, including his own life? 】

【I am very happy! 】

"Does he really claim to be a scientific research madman? But this title is indeed very appropriate for him."

Why Frog was overjoyed to learn about the time dilation in the City of Evil? The words "scientific madman" answer everything.

In a long period of time, he will have ten times more time than the outside world to conduct any research he wants to conduct.

You don’t have to worry about it taking too long, and you don’t have to worry about the research time span being too long.

Is there anything that makes a scientific geek happier than this?

"But, from the diary, it seems that he was getting worse."

"The distortion potion has not been completely integrated, and the body is still rejecting it. This process is very painful just thinking about it."

Han Zhan glanced at the few thin pages of paper left in his hand and felt that he had foreseen Frog's ending in advance.


[135th year of natural disaster, July 5st. 】

[Have you not written a diary for ten years? Time flies so fast. 】

[Now when I look back at those diaries, I always feel that things are right and people are different. 】

[My student died last winter. Because I happened to transform into a beast that day, his luck was not very good, or maybe, this was his predetermined fate. 】

【What is my ending? 】 【I have no idea. 】

[Forget it, it’s rare to write a diary without writing these boring things. Let’s write something else: Over the past ten years, my rejection times have become less and less, not because I have completely recovered, but because I have completely transformed into an inhuman “distorted form”. 】

[A guess: The distortion will continue to transform me, and it will not stop until I become completely non-human and a true distortion monster. 】

[Will humans become monsters? 】

[This will be an interesting experiment! 】

[Natural Disaster Year 145, March 3th]

[Continued from the previous entry in the diary, the sequelae of the distortion potion are, (large-scale smearing)]

[Now I can finally come to the conclusion that as Distortion Walker No. 001, I will continue to live! 】

Looking at the contents recorded on these two diaries, it can be seen that the time span of Frog's diary has become longer and longer, and Frog has gradually transformed from a chief scientist who cared about mankind's dreams to a Science geek, even Frankenstein.

In the end, he may no longer be a human being.

"What are the side effects of the distortion potion?"

"Frog should have guessed it, but he erased these contents because he didn't want anyone to see it later?"

"Is Frog still alive?"

Han Zhan looked at the last diary page left in his hand.

Frog's diary is finally coming to an end.

Turning over the last page, the handwriting on the diary page was completely different from the previous handwriting.

The handwriting on it is more scrawled and more colorful. It seems that the person who recorded the diary has completely forgotten how to hold a pen and how to write, and this function has completely degraded.

[150th year of natural disaster, July 6st. 】

[The diary has no meaning in continuing to record it. 】

[I will tear them into pieces. They are originally the size of dust particles. Even if they are scattered in the dust soil, no one will be able to discover these secrets. 】

[A month ago, I found a way to leave here and successfully entered the battlefield. 】

[But I didn't get its approval. When the exit passage appeared in front of me, I hesitated. 】

[Perhaps, now is not the time for me to leave. 】

[I killed all the humans on the battlefield, because when they saw me, they attacked crazily and roared at me. I heard them call me, "Alien". 】

[So this is the end of Changsheng Company’s research journey? 】

[I should pass this information back to more humans and more survivors, telling them to be careful about the Immortality Company and the distortion potion. 】

[But why should I do this? Now that I am no longer human, why should I continue to do these ridiculous and ridiculous things. 】

[I used to be such a weak and insignificant creature. I finally got rid of the shackles of genes and completed my evolution. 】

[The future belongs to me. 】

[When the time comes, I will eventually leave here and return to the world I once had. 】

【wait for me! 】

[——Recorder: Frog (crossed out), Distortion Walker No. 001, Dream Demon! 】

(End of this chapter)

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