Chapter 296 Frog’s Diary

As time goes by.

More and more fragments of pages are being found.

These tiny fragments, slowly put together by the Korean War, gradually returned to their original appearance.

It was pages of yellowed paper. Judging from the material and the handwriting written on it, Han Zhan could be 100% sure that this and Bing Lao's prescription were definitely written by the same person!

This made Han Zhan feel even more excited.

He suppressed his emotions and concentrated on reading.

This turned out to be a diary:

[100th year of natural disaster, July 7st. 】

[The Human Alliance discovered a new unexplored area, and they invited me to go. 】

[As the chief scientist of Changsheng Company, I must participate in this operation. 】

[Every trip to a mysterious unknown place is a journey with no future visible. As survivors after natural disasters, human beings can only move forward on this journey. 】

"100 years of natural disaster?" Han Zhan was stunned for a moment when he saw the time recorded in the diary.

He can also be regarded as someone who has made up for the Blue Star's history for a period of time.

In his memory, the 100 Years of Natural Disasters should be the "chronic year of natural disasters" recorded in history, and also the beginning of the struggle for survival for human survivors after the doomsday disaster.

At that time, there were no five major forces, only the Human Alliance.

In the Human Alliance, powerful geniuses from all sides gather here to jointly resist various disasters.

"The owner of this diary is actually the chief scientist of Changsheng Company?"

"Aren't they the first batch of geniuses? Yes, how can those who can participate in the exploration of mysterious areas not be the best in a certain direction?"

There was not much information recorded on this page of the diary, so Han Zhan opened another page and continued reading.


[111th year of natural disaster, July 1st. 】

[This is my 11th year entering this mysterious place. I still haven't fully explored its secrets, and I still can't find my way home. I have begun to forget the memory of the place where I once lived. 】

[The only thing that can make me forget time is to continue my unfinished research. 】

[I have a hunch that it will definitely succeed! 】

[111th year of natural disaster, July 5st. 】

[There is still no new progress in the research, but it has produced unexpected side effects. I named the two newly developed plants respectively Borefly Flower and Soul-forgetting Grass. 】

[The planting site is in the valley where I live. The Borefly flower likes shade and the Soul-forgetting Grass likes sunshine. They complement each other and the layout is perfect! 】

[There may be more research directions for these two plants, but the main research direction has entered a critical node. It will take some time. 】

The two diaries are recorded on the same page.

It can be seen that the chief scientist of Changsheng Company who keeps the diary is very busy and has no particular habit of writing diaries.

The diaries he wrote often recorded some key and important contents.

This is very friendly to a latecomer to the Korean War.

"What research is he doing?" Han Zhan read the diary and seemed to see a dull and rigid young man sitting in front of him. He was wearing deep black-rimmed glasses and was writing this with a pen.

When looking at the second half of the diary.

Han Zhan finally understood where Borefly Flower and Soul-forgetting Grass, which were not recorded even in the Blue Star Herbal Encyclopedia of Shennong Ding and second senior brother Lin Jingxuan, came from. It turns out that they were researched by people!

But, "What kind of research content would lead to the development of two plants, the Borefly Flower and the Soul-forgetting Grass?"

The Bollwing Flower is the passage to the sea of ​​consciousness, and the Soul-forgetting Grass is related to the spirit and soul.

By extrapolating forward through side branches, could it be said that the research conducted by the chief scientist of Changsheng Company is related to spiritual consciousness?

Han Zhan's speed of flipping through the diary unconsciously accelerated a lot.


[122th year of natural disaster, July 10st. 】

[The research was successful! 】

[I created the No. 001 potion that the company dreams of. But now, I face a new problem, that is, no one can test the effect of this potion for me. 】

[Most of those guys who came in the same batch as me have become fertilizers for the medicinal materials in the medicine valley. There are also some cunning and wretched guys hiding. 】

[Why do they say I'm crazy? 】

【am I crazy? Looking at myself in the mirror, I am certain and sure that I don’t. 】

"A lunatic will never admit that he is a lunatic. Just like a drunk person, he will always shout loudly that I am not drunk, continue to drink, and continue to play music and dance."

When seeing this, Han Zhan had already begun to feel that the chief scientist's mental state might have begun to change.

It’s normal to think about it.

If a person lives alone in one place for more than twenty years, he spends all his time alone.

How terrifying would that be?

"He said his research was successful and he developed Potion No. 001."

When he saw the words No. 001, Han Zhan's eyelids jumped suddenly.

He is no longer an ignorant novice who knows nothing. He is very clear about the meaning behind this number.

No. 001 is the first one among the serial numbers of Changsheng Company’s distortion walkers!

Being at the front means that he has the strongest ability, strength, and talent!

Only such aberration walkers can be called No. 001.

There is much more recorded on this page than before.

However, a lot of the parts at the back were painted black, making it impossible to see the text inside.

Han Zhan could only vaguely tell that it should be something similar to an information file.

[Experimenter’s name: Frog]

[Type of drug injected by the experimenter: Distortion Drug No. 001]

[Injection dosage and method: 100cc, intramuscular injection, three injections]

[Test record: After the first injection, the fusion was perfect. During the second injection, the body had a rejection reaction, and a large amount of blood gushed out from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose. After taking the coagulant and life potion prepared in advance, the third time After injection, secondary rejection occurs again, and part of the body is deconstructed and alienated. 】

[The experiment was successful. Although the fusion process was painful, I did gain powerful abilities after the fusion (large smeared later). I can be sure that those hiding rats will never be able to escape my pursuit! 】

[However, there are also hidden dangers in this fusion (large smeared out later). Physical rejection and alienation make me more and more different from "human beings". 】

[Should I continue to explore forward and continue to pursue the end of my own journey? 】

[Even if it may completely deviate from human beings and go to an unknown but absolutely opposite extreme? 】

(End of this chapter)

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