Chapter 259 Kindergarten principal?
  "I do have a recommendation."

This time, it was Old Bing who was still the first to speak.

It can be seen that in the entire core meeting, Jia Lu (Gong Yang Jin) is the one who controls the rhythm of the meeting, Yi Jin (Shen Tao) is a madman who goes his own way, Bing Lao is the oldest and most qualified, and Ding Shi (Fan Zhaohui) is a stereotypical middle-aged uncle, and Xin Jiu (Sun Yun) is an old man who likes to make friends.

"Mr. Bing, tell me."

"Fulong City's Shang Academy currently lacks a person in charge. Everyone here should know the importance of Shang Academy, and there is no need to elaborate."

"Furthermore, if you want to integrate into the Anti-Xia Alliance as soon as possible and increase interpersonal contacts, Shang Academy is also an excellent choice."

Shangxue? What is that place?
  When he first heard this name, Han Zhan was stunned for a moment.

He couldn't tell anything from the face of Gong Yang Jin, who always maintained a cold and distant look in front of outsiders, but Shen Tao, when he heard the three words "Shang Xuexue", he laughed to himself.

The task of explaining to Han Zhan what Shang Academy is still falls on the conciliatory Sun Yun.

He coughed lightly and said, "Shang Academy is the school attended by all the children of high-ranking officials in the Anti-Xia League."

Han Zhan: "?"

I passed five levels in a row, you want me to be the kindergarten principal?
  If Mr. Bing hadn't spoken to him before, Han Zhan would have thought that his proposal was aimed at him.

"The future generations are the future of the Anti-Xia Alliance. This is a very important position. We need a dean who has enough authority and can control the situation."

Mr. Bing added another sentence.

"I agree with Mr. Bing's proposal." Fan Zhaohui was the first to express his stance.

"I agree." For the first time, Shen Tao did not sing the opposite. Instead, he looked at the others with a playful expression.

Sun Yun coughed lightly but did not express his position.

After Gong Yangjin pondered for a while, he nodded and agreed to the proposal.

"Dean of Shang Academy, the reason why this position has not been established is because there is a lack of someone who can control it."

"Originally, Mr. Bing was the best candidate for this position, but since he recommended you, what do you think?"

Xiaojin is reminding me that the identity of the dean of Shang Academy is not so easy to control?
  Han Zhan quickly understood the meaning of Gong Yangjin's words.

Mr. Bing is the oldest core member of the Anti-Xia Alliance. He is the dean of Shang Academy. He is worthy of being highly respected, so no one will criticize him.

But if a young boy who has just joined the anti-Xia League becomes the dean of the business school, can he really be suppressed?
  But with the current vote type, there are already three votes in favor, plus Sun Yun and Xini's abstentions, so even if Xiaojin votes against it, it means little.

Not only that, if Xiaojin really votes against, her behavior of favoring and caring for herself will be too obvious. The people in these core meetings are all good people, and they will definitely re-examine their relationship.

This is why Xiaojin also nodded in agreement with this proposal.

For a time, Han Zhan thought a lot in his mind. He raised his head and looked at everyone, with an indifferent smile on his face.

"I am willing to accept this new position."

When Han Zhan himself agreed, the matter was confirmed.

"The dean of Shang Academy is mainly responsible for teaching and guiding students who enter Shang Academy correctly, and at the same time identifying students with potential."

Gong Yangjin briefly introduced the work responsibilities of the dean of Shang Academy in a cold tone.

"The place where Shang Academy was founded is right next to Lingyan Pavilion. You can go and get familiar with it in advance. You will officially take office tomorrow."

Gong Yangjin raised his hand casually and pointed outside the door.

Is this "expelling" yourself?
  Gong Yangjin's actions made the smile on Shen Tao's face spread even more. As for the other core members, they also kept silent.

In each core meeting, each core member will give a report on the current situation of the forces they are responsible for, and then discuss it together. Although Han Zhan has become a core member, he has only just joined, and it is not enough to continue to understand the core secrets related to the anti-Xia alliance.

Gong Yangjin's move was not only to distance himself from the Korean War, but also to show other core members that there were gaps between them.

Seeing this, Han Zhan stood up very simply, bowed to Gong Yangjin, nodded with several others, and turned to leave.

After Han Zhan left for a while, Mr. Bing spoke again.

"The leader of the alliance is still as ruthless as usual."

Sun Yunze sighed worriedly, not sure if it was a real sigh or a fake sigh, "After all, Gengjiu is not a member of my anti-Xia alliance. I shouldn't feel resentful towards him in this way, right?"

Judging from his tone, it looked like he was worried, but in fact it was a bit like being angry.

Tea language tea language.

Gongyang Jin snorted in her heart. Of course she was not afraid of Han Zhan's rebellion. How could he rebel? Turned his wife against him?
  But she still looked indifferent and said: "It doesn't matter."

"I am against the Xia Alliance. Although there is an urgent need for talents, if it is a talent that cannot be used, then it is better not to use it."

"The position of dean of Shang Academy is a test. If he can pass the test, he will be qualified to stay here and join our core meeting."

Everyone present was very satisfied with Gong Yangjin's words.

Including Shen Tao and Fan Zhaohui.

Shen Tao originally had a natural hostility towards Han Zhan because Gong Yangjin was optimistic about Han Zhan. After Gong Yangjin's several operations, the hostility also subsided a lot.

Because I am still here to continue the next round of core meetings, while some people have already left here early because they are not trusted.

Fan Zhaohui had just lost to Han Zhan, and he was a little bit shocked and his confidence was frustrated. However, Gong Yangjin's "differential treatment" made him feel the difference in status among the core members of the Anti-Xia Alliance, and he regained some confidence.

Of course the same is true for Sun Yun.

Mr. Bing shook his head and did not continue to speak.

As someone who knows Gong Yangjin's character, he knows that it is useless to talk more at this time.

"Let's talk about business."

Gong Yangjin had a clear view of everyone's expressions. As the leader of an alliance, he still had this ability.

She then spoke and changed the topic.

"Take advantage of the opportunity of this core meeting to describe the current situation of the major forces."

"The refresh time of the Killing Fields is not completely fixed, but based on past experience, we don't have much time left, so it is necessary to prepare for a rainy day."

the other side.

After leaving the alliance leader's meeting hall, Han Zhan walked directly in the direction of Lingyan Pavilion.

The dissatisfaction and anger originally shown on his face disappeared, and the smile rising at the corners of his mouth became more obvious.

As a tacit understanding between an old husband and wife, Han Zhan has already heard the deeper meaning of Gong Yangjin's words just now:

Lingyan Pavilion is right next to Shang Academy. If you want to know anything, you can go and read it. I'll leave them here to continue the meeting, and no one will stop you.

"Xiaojin still understands me. She is truly worthy of being my wife."

(End of this chapter)

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