Chapter 258 core meeting
  Anti-Xia Alliance, alliance leader's meeting hall.

Gong Yangjin, who was well fed and drunk, and Han Zhan, who was even more depressed, appeared in front of the meeting hall together.

At this time, four people were already seated in the alliance leader's conference hall, and they all looked towards the door in unison.

Gong Yangjin walked in with a frosty face, and the temperature of the entire environment suddenly dropped several degrees.

Judging from the reactions of others, they all seemed to be used to Gong Yangjin's appearance, and their attention was focused on Han Zhan, who entered the door at the same time as Gong Yangjin.

They were sizing up the Korean War, and the Korean War was sizing them up.

Among the four people present, two are acquaintances.

They are the drinker Sun Yun and the eater Fan Zhaohui. Their corresponding tokens are [Xinjiu] and [Dingshi], which Gong Yangjin has already informed himself.

The other two people, one old and one young.

The old man among them looked white-haired and very old. He was much older than the [-]-year-old woman Han Zhan saw yesterday who was responsible for guarding the fourth pass.

He was wearing simple linen clothes, his face was calm, he said nothing, and he had a calm temperament, like an Eastern ascetic monk.

The other person is very young, which is in sharp contrast. His eyebrows are long and narrow, and he has an evil spirit. Although he looks good, he has a smile on his face, like a beautiful fox.

When Han Zhan looked at him, his eyes were firmly fixed on Han Zhan.

Being stared at by this person, Han Zhan felt an obvious hostility.

"Sister." He suddenly stood up and approached Gong Yangjin in a friendly manner.

Gong Yangjin seemed to have expected it. She calmly used Han Zhan as a "shield" to bypass the opponent and sit in her own seat.

"Did you come here together?" Shen Tao still kept a smile on his face. He looked at Han Zhan, but he asked Gong Yangjin.

Gongyang Jin ignored him.

Han Zhan didn't speak and sat down quietly.

The whole atmosphere suddenly became audible.

"Ha, Shen Tao, please sit down first. This is a core meeting." Communication expert Sun Yun smoothed things over and said, "Han Zhan is a core member who just joined yesterday. As the leader of the alliance, Mr. Gong Yangjin naturally Going to invite him to the first caucus meeting."

"This is the practice of the Anti-Xia Alliance."

When Sun Yun said this, he paused.

In fact, there was one last sentence he didn't say, which was, "Shen Tao, can you, the sister-in-law, take it easy?"
  The reasons Sun Yun didn't say were that, firstly, he couldn't beat Shen Tao, and secondly, it would be very troublesome if Shen Tao went crazy.

Someone stood up to smooth things over, and it stands to reason that a normal person would just sit down and follow the advice.

But obviously, Shen Tao is not a normal person.

The smile on his face grew stronger, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his smiling look was indeed somewhat similar to that of a white fox.

"Who said he must be a core member?"

Shen Tao said and looked at Han Zhan.

"According to the rules of knocking off, only those who have passed five levels in a row can become a core member of the Anti-Xia Alliance. Am I remembering this correctly?"

"Although he passed four levels in a row yesterday, he really couldn't pass the fifth level."

"So, since he didn't succeed, he shouldn't become the sixth core member of the Anti-Xia League. I object!"

Shen Tao's words were obviously prepared.

If we strictly follow the judgment of victory in knocking off, the Korean War did not manage to pass five levels in a row yesterday. At the last level, it was a "tie" with Gong Yangjin.

"You object?" Gong Yangjin's cold and distant voice sounded, and she finally spoke. "If the reason for your objection is just a repetition of the rules, then you can sit down and shut up now."

Gong Yangjin showed no mercy to Shen Tao, and she was the only one who could talk to Shen Tao in this tone.

Shen Tao was scolded by Gong Yang Jin, but he was not annoyed. Instead, he simply sat there and asked, "Did I say something wrong?"

"You're right."

"Not only are you right, you are also right. The Korean War did not succeed in passing five levels in a row."

"But." Gong Yangjin glanced at everyone indifferently, "Rules are dead, but people are alive."

"The ancestors of the Anti-Xia Alliance set up this rule. Firstly, it was to deter other forces who dared to come to the Anti-Xia Alliance to cause trouble. Secondly, it was also to select real geniuses and recruit them."

"Now that the killing battlefield is about to begin, another knocker appears who can pass four levels in a row, but you tell me that he is not qualified to become a core member."

"Then those who are defeated by him can become core members?"

As soon as Gong Yangjin said this, the drunkard Sun Yun and the eater Fan Zhaohui who were accidentally injured next to them touched their noses in unison, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I agree with the leader."

At this time, the old man who had been silent until now slowly opened his mouth.

"From the very beginning of the establishment of the Anti-Xia League, this rule was set up to screen talents and recruit talents."

"If we stick to the rules, at this juncture, we will inevitably stop eating due to choking."

Only then did Han Zhan notice that the token of the old man who spoke was hanging on his waist, with the word "老" hanging on it.

"My opinion is the same as Mr. Bing's." Fan Zhaohui put his hands in his sleeves and expressed his opinion lightly.

Drunkard Sun Yun laughed and did not immediately comment.

The current vote ratio has reached three to one. Whether Sun Yun votes for or against has no impact on the final result, he is happy to continue to be an amicable peacemaker without offending both parties.

Seeing that three people agreed, Shen Tao shrugged helplessly and sat down.

It seemed that the vote for new core members just initiated by him was just an insignificant matter.

"Very good. In this way, the fact that Han Zhan became a core member of the Anti-Xia Alliance is a fact, and there can no longer be any objection. Either openly or secretly, it is not allowed."

"If I find out that someone has attacked a core member, you will know the consequences."

Everyone nodded at Gong Yangjin's words, even Shen Tao.

"The next thing is the second thing. Regarding job arrangements."

"Han Zhan, as the sixth core member, is not from the anti-Xia alliance and is not familiar with the overall anti-Xia alliance."

"Do you have any good suggestions or job recommendations?"

The Anti-Xia League does not support idlers, no matter who it is, even if it is a core member.

Gong Yangjin's move was fair and impartial, without any favoritism.

The other people listened and nodded thoughtfully.

"Indeed, each of our core members has their own area of ​​responsibility. Yi Jin is responsible for dealing with foreign races, Bing Lao is responsible for the order within the entire Anti-Xia Alliance, Ding Shi is responsible for dealing with the Mechanicus, and I am responsible for dealing with the Knights of the Sun Never Sets. Confrontation over there, Jia Lu has an overview of the overall situation."

"Gengjiu, what position should be given to him?"

(End of this chapter)

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