Chapter 225: Fallen Knight, News about Gong Yangjin

It was dark again.

The quantum missiles that were about to be detonated have turned into a ball of white light and are about to annihilate the entire Nightingale Hotel.

But the next second, it seemed to be strangled out by life.


Seeing this scene, Sun Yun and others suddenly changed their expressions, while Zhan Ning lay down on the ground, completely relieved.

"Finally saved." Zhan Ning still had at least a dozen chopsticks stuck in his body. The severe pain in his body did not affect the smile on his face at all.

"Who took action?" Han Zhan calmly adjusted his breathing and asked casually.

He did not lower his guard like Zhanning, because this is the Knights on which the Sun Never Sets, not a safe place.

He must stay in good condition and be prepared to fight for his life at any time.

"The leader of the Knights of the Sun Never Sets is also my boss. As the first knight to be exiled to the City of Evil, no one knows his true name."

"Isn't he also exiled here because of women?" Han Zhan asked subconsciously.

Zhan Ning's mouth twitched. "no."

"He was banished because he betrayed the knight's faith."

"Throughout the entire history of the empire, he is the only one who betrayed the faith of knights and betrayed the [Knight Code]."

"He is the ancestor of Louis XVII and is related by blood. In the recorded history of the empire, his name has also been erased by the family."

"We usually call him, Fallen Knight!"

With Zhan Ning's introduction, the huge black hand in the sky disappeared, and the ultimate white light also disappeared.

In the dark night sky, the bright moon appeared again.

A tall knight wearing pitch black armor and riding a horse with burning black flames appeared at the end of the road.

The war horse steps on the narrow stone road, and wherever it passes, a faint black flame will burn, lighting up the entire road.

The pitch black armor was enveloped in black flames, and a deep voice sounded: "Get out of here."

Drunkard Sun Yun and other members of the Anti-Xia Alliance heard this and jumped directly into the nearby river, using the waterway connected to the river to escape far away.

This was a planned escape route.

After the fallen knight drove away the invading enemies, he turned to the Nightingale Inn.

Even if you can't see the eyes in the armor, you can still feel the other person's gaze on you.

Zhan Ning, who was next to Han Zhan, knelt down on one knee very simply, put his right hand on his shoulder, and made an imperial knight salute to show respect.

"Sir, why did you let them leave like this? They almost destroyed the entire Nightingale Hotel and this street." Zhan Ning lowered his head and asked in confusion.

"It was you who provoked them first, and then they wanted to retaliate. This is a cycle of cause and effect."

Although the Fallen Knight has the name of Fallen, from his words, there is no hint of any corruption in the form of wanton and indiscriminate killing.

He is calm and objective, and even has some... integrity?
When this idea flashed through Han Zhan's mind, he was shocked.

He actually thinks that the fallen knight who was exiled by the empire and betrayed the knight code is upright?
Han Zhan shook his head to get rid of this idea.

"The Anti-Xia League has become active in the past month. According to my analysis, they should be planning for the killing battlefield in the near future."

"I suspect that tonight is part of their plan." Zhan Ning said firmly.

"That woman is back." The fallen knight gently pressed the hilt of the sword tied to the saddle.

Hearing his words, the war horse burning with black flames snorted, as if he was allergic to the woman in his mouth. "Yes, she is back, but after her return this time, her strength has dropped significantly. She is no longer the powerful evil woman she was five years ago."

"Still can't take it lightly."


Listening to the conversation between the two, Han Zhan felt ripples in his heart.

He is now certain that the "evil woman" in Zhan Ning's words must be Gong Yangjin who left without saying goodbye. She is indeed someone who is against the Xia Alliance!
Judging from their tone, does Gong Yangjin have a high position in the anti-Xia alliance?Did she come back this time to plan the so-called killing battlefield?
I have to think of a way to meet her.

Han Zhan was thinking about it when he suddenly felt a chill covering his whole body.

When he raised his head, he realized that at some point, the leader of the Knights of the Sun Never Sets, the Fallen Knight, had set his eyes on him again.

"You are not a knight." He made his judgment straightforwardly.

"Yeah, I'm not."

"How did you get here? The sun never sets on the harbor."

"Can I say that the ferry that picked us up was sent to the wrong port?"

When Han Zhan said this, he didn't believe it himself. Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the fallen knight just nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

He believed it, he actually believed it?
The black flame warhorse changed direction and followed the way it came, carrying the fallen knight back the same way.

The series of black flames on the ground were all extinguished after they returned.

The Fallen Knight reintegrated into the darkness as if he had never been there.

Zhan Ning stood up from the ground, walked over and patted Han Zhan on the shoulder. "Don't look, he's gone."

"So, this is the end?"


"As the leader of the Knights on which the Sun Never Sets, doesn't he rule out dissidents taking action against me?"

Zhan Ning gave Han Zhan a strange look. "Why take action?"

"Killing you won't change anything. To him, your existence is insignificant." Zhan Ning explained, "The same reason why he let those in the Anti-Xia Alliance go."

"Depravity is not simply bloodlust, but the use of unscrupulous means to achieve one's goals, contrary to one's beliefs."

"If he finds out that you will become a stumbling block in his path of depravity, even if you are just an inconspicuous little ant on the roadside, he will spare no effort to kill you."

Zhan Ning's explanation gave Han Zhan a deeper understanding of "degeneration".

He nodded and said no more.

"Let's go back to Nightingale Hotel and have a good night's rest. You helped me today. I'll cover all your expenses at Nightingale Hotel."

Facing Zhan Ning's generosity, Han Zhan shook his head and refused.

The news about Gong Yangjin was right in front of him, but he couldn't reveal his relationship with Gong Yangjin for the time being.

How can he get in touch with Gong Yangjin, and he still needs to sort through the information he currently knows in his mind. Han Zhan can't think of any other ideas at all.

Zhan Ning shrugged helplessly.

"I'll ask the landlady for two new rooms. You can have a good night's rest."

"No need." Han Zhan walked towards Room 603 step by step. As his figure entered the room, the balcony and windows that had been blown out by the Mechanicus returned to their original state at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Zhan Ning clicked his tongue.

(End of this chapter)
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