Chapter 224 The anger of the losers
Before today, Han Zhan never thought that chopsticks had any lethality.

Until today, he was almost stabbed into a hedgehog by the shadow of chopsticks in the sky.

The Heavenly Origin of Nuwa Stone cannot decompose a huge amount of things, which takes time.

Han Zhan took a step back and quickly saw the big bed in the hotel room. Without saying a word, he grabbed the big bed board and held it in front of him.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!
The chopsticks stabbed the bed board one after another. Under the strong inertia, the heads of the chopsticks directly penetrated the bed board.

Fortunately, the beds at Nightingale Inn were of good quality and the bed boards were thick enough to block the first wave of attacks.

"Go and beat him. Why are you always staring at me?" Han Zhan couldn't help shouting.

The person using the F-level spirit chopsticks was a young man who looked about 25 years old. He was the victim of his sister being deceived. When he heard Han Zhan’s voice, he couldn’t help but reply: “Do you think I don’t want to? "

"It's the chopsticks that don't obey my orders at all!"

Only then did Han Zhan notice that at Zhan Ning's feet, a pale pink halo was emitting light.

"Charm, luck, visual distortion."

Zhan Ning also wanted to stabilize his halo. After feeling Han Zhan's gaze, he smiled politely but awkwardly.

This old six.Han Zhan cursed in his heart, he made a decisive decision, did not retreat but advanced, and rushed towards the Anti-Xia Alliance.

In this way, although Han Zhan had to face three enemies at the same time, he was able to distance himself from Zhan Ning.

He doesn't want to be a free shield for others.

Seeing Han Zhan's actions, the anti-Xia alliance people also reacted, and the chopstick shadows all over the sky continued to attack with saturation, blocking Zhan Ning's way.

Another seventh-level spirit contract master made a move with both hands, and his F-level contract spirit appeared above his head.

That turned out to be - a white plastic bag!

But it was such an ordinary white plastic bag. It suddenly opened wide and sucked towards Han Zhan with strong suction.

The ground soaked in wine was extremely slippery. Han Zhan lowered his body to resist the suction, but was still involuntarily sucked off the ground.

The shadow of the white plastic bag magnified infinitely above the head, like a gluttonous mouth that blocked the sky and was about to swallow Han Zhan and the sucked drinks into the bag.

At this time, three fireballs fell from the sky.

The Korean War's hidden tactics broke out, and the hot flames instantly burned through the white plastic bag, which immediately weakened like a deflated ball.

In a moment, a figure carried the wind and penetrated the darkness, and a right fist full of power hit the seventh-level spiritual contract master hard.

Han Zhan exerted force with his feet, pushed hard, and then followed up with a punch without mercy.

His eyes suddenly blurred, and he stumbled.

wrong.Han Zhan immediately stopped his strength and held his head with one hand. In his sight, the figures of the three anti-Xia alliance suddenly doubled again and turned into six ghosts.

A kind of drunkenness came over me.

Han Zhan felt himself starting to feel dizzy.

Not just Han Zhan, but also Zhan Ning.

With the blessing of various haloes, the knights who were good at defense should have been able to last longer under the shadow of the chopsticks in the sky, but no one expected that something would go wrong in the link of connecting the haloes.

Zhan Ning seemed to be drunk and became tongue-tied.

The halo's name, which should have been pronounced clearly, turned into an indistinct, tongue-tied sound.

This is the method of drunkard Sun Yun.

As early as the beginning of the battle, the alcohol smell that permeated the entire room entered Han Zhan and Zhan Ning's bodies through breathing, moistening, etc.Just waiting for the most critical moment of the battle to affect the outcome.

Zhan Ning's tongue was too big to read out the corresponding halos in the Knight's Code, and the halos under his feet also dimmed one after another, and finally shattered.

The knight whose halo is broken is like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out, and can no longer be majestic.

The next round of chopstick shadows fell across the sky, hitting Zhan Ning, and soon pierced into his flesh. Zhan Ning could only endure the pain and rolled on the spot, hiding behind the bed board again.

The reaction on the Korean War side was much faster.

After discovering that he had inhaled an excessive amount of alcohol for the first time, Han Zhan immediately unleashed the Origin of Heaven on himself, using the Nuwa Stone's ability to deconstruct and reorganize to dissociate the alcohol from his body.

People also wake up instantly.

Seeing that Zhan Ning was in trouble, he decisively gave up the idea of ​​continuing the pursuit, retreated, and repeated his old tricks to separate the alcohol in Zhan Ning's body.

The source of nothingness in the body is sealed and cannot be used indiscriminately. Even in the state where Fu Xiqin, Long Xiangcao and Siji are released, Han Zhan's strength is at most the seventh level peak.

Although Zhan Ning had tricked him, without the combat power of a seventh-level disciplinary knight like him, it would still be too difficult to fight one against three on his own.

Zhan Ning regained consciousness and nodded to Han Zhan. "Courage, fearlessness, luck, tenacity!"

As Zhan Ning's voice sounded, the halo under his feet appeared again. Seeing this scene, the two people breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

It was so thrilling, I almost had a G.

Chopsticks, white plastic bags, wine gourds.

When could these F-level bonded spirits and talents, which are usually looked down upon at all, be able to force the geniuses of the two factions into this situation?
Only then did Han Zhan completely believe what the ship boss said before.

In the extremely evil city, the strongest force is undoubtedly the Anti-Xia Alliance.

Two figures fell on the left and right of Sun Yun. The series of airtight attacks just now also consumed a lot of their spiritual energy, and they were adjusting their breath.

Just when they thought they would have to wait at least a while before the second round of attacks in Korea.

I saw Sun Yun suddenly picking up the shoulders of the other two people and flying them backwards towards the big hole behind them.

At the same time, Sun Yun's face showed an extremely happy smile.

"Feel the anger coming from the losers."

As Sun Yun's voice sounded, the three figures of the Anti-Xia Alliance completely disappeared from the window, but the smell of alcohol in the whole room became stronger.

When the alcohol concentration reached a certain level, a precisely guided quantum energy missile lit up the sky like a daylight in the dark night.

"Those lunatics from the Mechanicus." Sun Yun and the two of them had already evacuated a hundred meters away. When they saw the missile falling in the sky, their expressions suddenly changed.

The figure that had stopped suddenly rushed out further away.

One of the Mechanicum's quantum energy missiles is equivalent to a full blow from an eighth-level powerful person.

Once it detonates from above, at least with the Nightingale Hotel as the center point, everything within a 2000-meter range of radiation will be annihilated into ruins.

At this time, the quantum energy missile has fallen.

Han Zhan and Zhan Ning raised their heads at the same time.

Zhan Ning's white underpants were making a rapid positioning guidance sound of "di-di-di-di", reminding everyone that the target was correct and was about to be hit.

The explosion light of the quantum energy missile turned into an extremely white light spot.

Just when the light spot was about to explode, a pure black palm grasped it.

(End of this chapter)
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