Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 194 Confession, loss of control, ending

Chapter 194 Confession, loss of control, ending


After Fujimaru Ritsuka confessed his situation, Kirito and Asuna fell into silence. They were so shocked that they didn't know what to say for a while.

After all, no one would be able to quickly accept that the companions they spend their days with are actually from another world, right?

"It always feels like I'm in a dream."

Kirito smiled bitterly.

In addition, although Fujimaru Ritsuka did not reveal the details of the other world to them, judging from the situation just now, it was undoubtedly a dangerous and mysterious fantasy world.

However, the two did not struggle with this issue for too long, because in the final analysis, Fujimaru Ritsuka did not do any bad things except hiding his true identity, and actually helped them.

This is true even for BB, who looks like a bad guy from beginning to end. The players killed by monsters in SAO did not really die, which really gave them a complete surprise.

So soon, Asuna paid attention to another thing, and asked with some surprise and disbelief:

"In other words, we only need to conquer two more floors before we can be liberated from the game?!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka glanced at BB, nodded and smiled:

"According to the agreement between BB and I, it should be like this."

Asuna was in a daze after hearing this.

At first, she desperately wanted to leave the game, fearing that she would never be able to leave. Then she gradually recognized and accepted the reality, and now she is ready to be trapped in the game for a long time.

So when she suddenly heard this important information, she felt not only happy and excited, but also had some complex emotions that she couldn't explain clearly.

The day they were liberated from SAO was also the day Fujimaru Ritsuka left this world, right?

However, at this time BB suddenly interrupted, wagging his index finger and said:

"No, to be precise, you can withdraw from SAO now."

Kirito and Asuna's eyes widened immediately. They quickly opened the system window and pulled up to the settings interface where the exit key should have been. Sure enough, as the other party said, the exit key that had been deleted by Kayaba Akihiko appeared again. In the system menu!

Kirito tentatively tapped the exit button. However, what appeared was not a pop-up window [Are you sure you want to exit the game?], but a reminder box that said [Cannot exit temporarily].

Didn’t it say you can quit?

Seeing Kirito and Asuna casting puzzled glances at her again, BB helplessly spread her hands and said:

"I'm talking about normal circumstances, but unfortunately, we are in special circumstances now."

"Yui, call up the images of the wild and maze areas on each floor."


After receiving the order, Yui opened the administrator menu and quickly operated, and soon brought out dozens of projections spread out in mid-air, almost filling their field of vision.

A few people walked a little closer and observed carefully. Many areas in the projection screen were places they had visited before, so they were very familiar with them, and they quickly discovered the anomalies in them.

"This is.?!"

The appearance of the monsters in the picture was not much different from the past, but a thick black mist suddenly appeared on their bodies, wrapping them up, just like the remnants of the Demonic Pillar they had just faced.

Not only the appearance, the monsters have a trigger range and activity range, but at this time they completely broke the rules of the game and swarmed violently. The players were unable to handle this difficult situation at all, and in the end they could only be defeated by the monsters in despair. Swallowed, then shattered into pieces.

Even though they already knew that the player's death in SAO would not truly lead to death, the moment they saw the other party turn into pieces still made them shudder.

However, this is not over yet. After killing the players in the wild area, the monsters have not stopped yet, and continue to move outside regardless of the activity area specified by the system.

Seeing such a gruesome scene, Kirito and Asuna's eyes couldn't help but cast a shadow.

"Why is that?"

"Because it's out of control."

Speaking of this matter, BB changed from his previous brisk and strong tone, and pointed his finger guiltily:

"Haven't you seen it before? Just like what happened to Kayaba Akihiko just now, it exploded with a 'bang'." Originally in the first-level maze area, the adventurers Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others encountered Monsters with black aura are a manifestation of overflowing 'garbage'. After she discovered this situation and there were more and more of them, she started working overtime to deal with them.

Maybe the situation itself has deteriorated to the point where it can no longer be controlled, or maybe it's because Kayaba Akihiko's loss of control caused a chain reaction. In short, by now, her plan has completely gone wild.

"So, what exactly is that?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka's sharp eyes and questions came again. Fortunately, this time she had already thought of an excuse, and replied in a low voice with a dry smile:

"This, that, because I found that I still had some residual garbage from SE.RA.PH that I had not disposed of, so I stuffed it into the monster. I was going to increase the difficulty for the seniors and let the players in SAO help clean it up."

"But I didn't expect that a little accident happened, haha."

SE.RA.PH, or Serial Phantasm, is a fictional world of spiritual beings similar to SAO but larger in scale. It is also the place where BB was first born.

However, the SE.RA.PH stage that Fujimaru Ritsuka went to was not the same place where BB was born, but SE.RA.PH in Chaldea is also the current residence of BB.

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at BB quietly, which made him feel a little stressed. However, in the end, she sighed softly and chose to end the topic, and continued to ask:

"So, what's going on now?"

It's over!

Hearing this, BB immediately breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then immediately replied:

"If we leave it alone, these things will probably erode the entire game and then gradually spread along the Internet to the real world."

"If it's serious, it's not impossible that the entire earth will be destroyed."

"Destruction of the Earth?!"

Kirito and Asuna looked at each other in shock, unable to believe what they heard.

Didn't I just say that it was just a small accident? Why did it suddenly develop to the point of destroying the earth?

How is this a minor accident? !

A small accident that can destroy the earth?

Kirito and Asuna were a little surprised, wondering if BB was exaggerating.

But unfortunately, this is not scaremongering by BB.

She had taken a stroll around the real world network before, but did not find any powerful mysterious power in this world. In other words, people in this world had no means of resisting these things.

If it were in their world, these garbage would not cause the destruction of the world, but in this world it would not necessarily be the case.

Just like a common cold virus from modern times, it may also cause a super plague in ancient times.

"Why do you want to destroy the earth again?"

After listening to BB's speech, Fujimaru Ritsuka had a headache. After realizing that this crisis was caused by her servants, she sighed deeply. While admitting that she was unlucky, she continued to ask:

"So, what should we do now to solve the current problem?"

"It's easy to solve the problem."

BB hugged Fujimaru Ritsuka's arm flatteringly and said with a smile:

"Then I can only trouble senior to knock them all down!"

(End of this chapter)

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