Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 193 Fujimaru Ritsuka’s fighting style, Spirit Base Shadow, Summon!

Chapter 193 Fujimaru Ritsuka’s fighting style, Spirit Base Shadow, Summon!
  Is this the power of the top account?
  Kirito actually didn't like the feeling of directly reaching the highest point through cheating, especially under the conditions of complete virtual stealth. It was really awkward to feel that Sora had a powerful power but was completely unable to exert it himself.

But under the current situation, he wished that BB could double his attributes several times, and it would even be great if there was another instant kill function.

Without him, because the enemy they are facing now is too powerful.

"Damn it, it's useless!"

Yui stopped in mid-air holding the entity eliminator, looking angrily at the huge dark existence in front of her.

Strictly speaking, it cannot be said that it is useless at all, because every attack she makes solidly causes damage to the opponent.

But the opponent always recovers, which is frustrating as it seems completely ineffective.

It would be nice if there was a health bar.

Sensing the remnants of the Demon God Pillar's eyes flashing again, Kirito immediately shouted:
  "Be careful, it's coming again!"


After narrowly escaping the opponent's attack again, and quickly confirming the positions of Yui and Asuna, he breathed a sigh of relief and continued running on the field without stopping.

Among the three people fighting, Yui's performance is already the best, because she can at least attack the enemy and cause substantial damage to the enemy.

Asuna and him, on the other hand, just acted as human targets, responsible for sharing and attracting the enemy's firepower.

There is no health bar, no freeze after releasing skills, no fixed attack mode, and no hatred attraction system.
  This is not a program set in the game, but a living, real monster!

And according to what BB called it, the remains of the Demonic Pillar. Just the remnants are already so terrifying, so how desperate will the complete Demonic Pillar be?
  Is this monster from another world like them? Who are Ritsuka and BB? What do they usually face?
  It was hard for Kirito to imagine what that scene would be like, but now, they could only place their hope on the two of them.

What on earth are BB and Ritsuka doing? Isn't it better yet?
  The eyes of the remnant of the Demon God Pillar flickered again, and Kirito once again focused his attention. But at this moment, a pink-white dazzling light pillar suddenly shot out from behind them, directly bombarding the body of the remnant of the Demon God Pillar. A terrifying hole appeared in his forehead, almost cutting off the opponent!
  “Ji ah ah ah ah @#¥%…!”

The attack he was about to launch was interrupted by heavy damage, and the remains of the Demonic Pillar let out a shrill wail. The originally amazing recovery ability was extremely slow due to the horrific wound caused by this blow.

"I have to say, I did pretty well. Everyone, you can rest now."

"Then it's the real end!"

At the same time, BB's brisk words came from behind.

The three of them looked back and saw BB and Fujimaru Ritsuka walking side by side. At the same time, they immediately noticed the changes in Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The gaming equipment she originally wore disappeared and was replaced by a white shirt and boots, paired with a black skirt and pantyhose. It looked like the uniform of some kind of research institution.

In addition to the change in clothing, Asuna also noticed a blood-red mysterious shield-like mark on the back of Fujimaru Ritsuka's right hand.

But apart from these, no special differences were found.

Is that all it takes?

Fujimaru Ritsuka continued to step forward, while BB stayed where she was, leaving the next battlefield to her master.

"Asuna, Kirito, Yui, thank you for your hard work."

Seeing Fujimaru Ritsuka walking over like this, Asuna came to her side and asked worriedly:

"Ritsuka, is there any problem next?"

Hearing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka showed a reassuring smile and said:
  "Well, leave it to me."

After saying that, she turned to look at the blackened remains of the Demonic Pillar in front of her, and fell into thinking for a while, wondering how to deal with it.

It’s not that I can’t find a way to deal with it, it’s that there are too many ways and I don’t know how to choose. ".So be it."

Seeing that the huge wound caused by the BB started to slowly recover again, she finally made a decision.

The shadow of the spirit base, summon!
  So she stretched out her right hand, and while the command spell on her arm flashed red, a dark figure wrapped in black mist appeared in front of her. It looked somewhat similar to the enemy's state.

The three people except BB curiously looked at the figure summoned by Fujimaru Ritsuka. The figure could not see the face clearly like the remaining demon pillar. They could only recognize the figure as a woman through the outline. She seemed to be wearing long furisode on her arms. , four katana swords of different lengths hung on his waist.

Although they couldn't see their faces clearly, they could still feel the amazing aura in each other.

This time she summoned Miyamoto Musashi's Spiritual Shadow.

The magic power in her body began to flow to Miyamoto Musashi. She stared at the enemy in front of her and ordered loudly:
  "Expand the Noble Phantasm——"

"[Six Paths and Five Wheels·Kurigara Celestial Phenomenon]!"

The moment the words fell, the magic power in Miyamoto Musashi's body exploded instantly, and a huge statue of Nioh holding four long swords slowly appeared.

[Six Paths, Five Wheels, Kurigara Celestial Phenomenon], Miyamoto Musashi maintains the posture of the two-sword style calmly, and releases the concept of [empty] from the pressure of Niou's sword of earth, water, fire, and wind behind him, [ The ultimate slash launched by the Zero] Sword.

It is said to be a Noble Phantasm for dealing with people, but its essence is actually a Noble Phantasm for dealing with cause and effect.

The Buddha's sword can even cut off all bad karma, past karma, curses, and misfortune in one go.

So in the shocked eyes of everyone, the Nioh statue moved. He swung the earth sword in his hand and slashed at the remains of the Demon God Pillar. It was like a hot knife cutting through butter, smoothly cutting through the opponent's body and cutting it in half.

The upper body of the remaining Demonic Pillar lost its support and began to tilt and fall uncontrollably, but it was not over yet. It was followed by water swords, fire swords, and wind swords!
  After the four swords were slashed out, the remaining body of the Demon God Pillar was almost broken into pieces, but such a violent attack was just the prelude.


Miyamoto Musashi slashed with his sword, and in an instant, the whole world seemed to lose its color and fell into darkness.

Immediately afterwards, a bright light appeared in the darkness, and then instantly evolved into a light that tore the darkness apart. It was a slash that cut off the darkness and even the entire world.

This is the ultimate sword that can cut even [ ]!

After the attack, everyone's vision gradually recovered.

The remnants of the Demon God Pillar in front of him completely collapsed under this sword, and he didn't even have time to cry out. The whole body gradually dispersed like smoke, and finally disappeared into nothingness.


"It's done."

Seeing that the remnants of the Demon God Pillar were completely eliminated, Fujimaru Ritsuka breathed a long sigh of relief and lifted the shadow of Miyamoto Musashi's spiritual base.

She turned around with a smile, only to see Asuna, Kirito and Yui looking at her in disbelief.

The movement caused by Fujimaru Ritsuka just now was obviously completely beyond their scope of cognition.

"what happened?"

What did you say?
  Seeing Fujimaru Ritsuka's puzzled expression, Asuna and Kirito were unable to complain for a while, but they were able to relax a little.

Asuna took a deep breath, slowly calmed down the turbulent emotions in her heart, and asked Fujimaru Ritsuka seriously:
  "Now that the enemy has been dealt with, you should explain it to us carefully, right?"

 As the temperature drops today, it’s really hard to get up!
  (End of this chapter)

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