Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 191 Rescue and Failure, Mutation

Chapter 191 Rescue and Failure, Mutation
  In an unknown white laboratory located somewhere, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Kayaba Akihiko sat opposite each other, while Yui sat close to Fujimaru Ritsuka.

There should have been a tense atmosphere, but at this time the atmosphere in the institute was very peaceful. Both Yui and Kayaba Akihiko looked breathless, listening intently to the story told by Fujimaru Ritsuka.

To be precise, it was what she told about the floating castle.

Why does the situation become like this? Time needs to be pushed forward a little.

Although he failed to extract Fujimaru Ritsuka's memory, Kayaba Akihiko did not become angry or take other extreme actions. Instead, he tried to solve the problems in her very calmly, and the atmosphere gradually became quiet.

"That, Mr. Kayaba"

Under such circumstances, Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly thought of something and tried to negotiate with the other party. Unexpectedly, it went smoothly beyond expectations.

Of course, it is definitely impossible to let the other party let her go.

She just expressed the hope that the other party would allow her to resume her activities and bring Yui back to her senses. In exchange, she would take the initiative to reveal some information that Kayaba Akihiko was interested in.

All of Fujimaru Ritsuka's abilities were locked, and all of Yui's administrator rights were stripped away by him. Both of them were no different from ordinary girls at this time, so this condition was no problem for him at all.

On the other hand, although he can obtain all the information as long as he extracts the other party's memory, being able to understand some things in advance is still somewhat attractive to him.

So after thinking for a while, Kayaba Akihiko decisively agreed to her proposal, and then the picture became what it looks like now.

While listening to the other party's story, Kayaba Akihiko stared intently at the projection in front of Fujimaru Ritsuka. It was part of the administrator authority he gave the other party, and its function was to project the images imagined in his mind.

What was projected on the screen at this time was a magnificent city that was breathtakingly beautiful to him——

An extremely huge floating city.

Although during the confrontation, she casually replied to Kayaba Akihiko that floating steel castles did not exist in their world.

But she soon realized that she had indeed seen a floating city that perfectly met Kayaba Akihiko's requirements and impressed her deeply——

"The interstellar city mountain Olympus, a huge city built by the Greek gods"

The Lostbelt of Ancient Greece, everything that happened there is still fresh in her memory.

".The bottom layer is the living area belonging to the people, above it is the domain belonging to the gods, and above that is the crystal mountain range formed by the materialized magic power."

She did not tell the story of what happened in this magical and magnificent city, but simply explained its origin and background, and gave a general display and introduction to some of the buildings, streets, and scenery. But even so, it was still Yui next to her was stunned with surprise.

"Does it actually exist? Olympus is so amazing. More beautiful than Aincrad..."

Regarding Yui's disparaging words about Aincrad, Kayaba Akihiko, the creator of Aincrad, not only did not get angry, but nodded in agreement and sighed:
  "Yes, the Greek gods, Olympus. Such an incredible city really exists."

To be precise, it once existed.

Hearing the sighs of Kayaba Akihiko and Yui, Fujimaru Ritsuka said silently in his heart.

While introducing the interstellar urban mountains, she also gave the other party some knowledge about the mysterious power system in their world.

"Magic is naturally the basis of everything, and in our world, magic is divided into the large source (Mana) that exists in nature and the small source (Od) that is transformed through life force in our body."

".Things that can be achieved through magic, but can also achieve the same effect through human, physical, and technological means are called magic; and miracles that can only be achieved through magic are called magic."

But in such a harmonious atmosphere, suddenly, a dark circular passage appeared out of thin air in the research room, and the figures of BB, Asuna and Kirito walked out of the passage.

"Master BB!?"

"BB Asuna, Kirito?" The moment she saw BB, Yui immediately let out a cry of surprise, while Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at Asuna and Kirito next to BB in surprise, not knowing that they Why are you here with BB?


Seeing that Fujimaru Ritsuka was safe and sound, Asuna immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but after seeing the situation clearly, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"You are...?"

At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Kayaba Akihiko were sitting opposite each other. There were desserts and tea on the coffee table in the middle. They didn't look like they were kidnapped, but more like two good friends chatting happily. , which made her a little confused.

"Really, don't make the scene so harmonious every time, senior."

BB sighed helplessly when she saw this, took out her pointer and waved it gently, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Yui teleported to her side.

At the same time, Kayaba Akihiko's administrator rights were stripped away again, and his whole person floated out of thin air, being hung in the air and unable to move.

"Okay, what should I do with you next? I really need to teach you a lesson, right?"

"Like cutting it into pieces?"

Although BB's tone was as brisk as ever, the look he looked at Kayaba Akihiko became extremely cold.

"It seems it failed."

The current situation was not good for him, but Kayaba Akihiko's tone remained calm. He looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka, showed an imperceptible smile and said:
  "Although I failed, I finally learned about the real different world and the floating castle that exists in it. I have no regrets."

"Thank you, Lixiang."

"Mr. Kayaba."

To this sudden thank you, Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't know how to react, while BB on the side raised his eyebrows and said:

"What's the matter with this speech that seems to be your last words? Don't you think you can die so easily because you have offended me?"

"Okay BB"

"I really didn't know that AI can also be vindictive. But that's not what I meant."

Kayaba Akihiko's expression became calmer and calmer, as if the human emotions were drained from him. At this time, BB finally noticed something was wrong.


"I mean, now that my plan has failed, I can no longer suppress them."

Before he finished speaking, a disgusting black substance suddenly erupted from Kayaba Akihiko's body, completely covering his entire body in the blink of an eye.

In the shocked eyes of Kirito and Asuna, the pitch-black material continued to twist, and finally completely lost its human shape, turning into some kind of indescribable pitch-black monster, dancing its tentacles ferociously and making inexplicable sounds. roar——

"Ji ah ah ah @#¥%...!"

Kirito looked at the monster in front of him in disbelief, feeling indescribable nausea and fear in his heart.

This is not at all like the feeling that a monster in a game can give him, but more like a living monster that exists in the real world.
  ".what is that?"

(End of this chapter)

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