Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 190 Rescue, everyone gathers

Chapter 190 Rescue, everyone gathers

Kirito and Asuna immediately searched the dark elf camp and the surrounding mission areas. They sent several messages to Fujimaru Ritsuka but received no response. Combined with the dreams they had with the same content, they finally had no choice but to Understand the current situation of Fujimaru Ritsuka's disappearance.

"But why? Are those scenes in the dream real?"

Asuna walked back and forth anxiously. The scene in her dream revealed a lot of shocking information to them, but it also brought them a lot of unsolved doubts.

Are Fujimaru Ritsuka and BB both from another world? Are they in the same group?

How did Kayaba Akihiko know this news?
  What's going on with his abnormal behavior?

Who is that little girl named Yui? Why did Ritsuka Fujimaru know her?

Who is the man talking in the dream?

Kirito sat cross-legged on the ground, frowning in deep thought, but was completely unable to think of any useful information. He could only smile bitterly:
  "The information in the dream is so amazing, but we know so little now that we can't get any useful information at all."

Asking players for real-life information in the game is taboo in itself. Not only Fujimaru Ritsuka, but each of them has never revealed the real-life situation to each other.

But no one expected that the origin of Fujimaru Ritsuka would be so incredible.

No, this is completely a light novel level super development, right?

Hearing Kirito say this, Asuna calmed down a little, because as the other party said, thinking like this is really useless.

"Indeed, no matter what, the top priority right now should be to rescue Li Xiang first, and other issues will come later."

Kirito said hesitantly:
  "But do you really want to do it? Let's not say that she is from another world. Just judging from the fact that she and BB are in the same group, I think..."

"so what?"

Asuna interrupted Kirito unceremoniously and said decisively:
  "Even though Ritsuka has hidden a lot of things from us, the experiences and interactions during this period are real. At least until we figure out the truth of everything, she is my most important companion."

From the first day of the open beta of the game, she has been staying with Fujimaru Ritsuka, helping each other, no, more accurately, under each other's care to get here.

Among all the players in SAO today, no one understands each other better than them.

Strong, stable and calm, he likes food and enjoys life. He likes to sleep in occasionally. He also has his own little thoughts. When he is caught making a mistake, he will act coquettishly to get through.
  The Fujimaru Ritsuka in her memory was an extremely vivid image that could not be defeated by just a dream.

".makes sense."

Asuna's firm attitude stunned Kirito for a moment, and he made a decision in his mind as he recalled every detail of the three of them getting along.

He stood up from the ground and smiled:
  "No matter what, I have to go find her and ask her clearly."

So the two reached an agreement.

According to the mysterious man in the dream, if you want to save Fujimaru Ritsuka, you must ask BB for help.

But how do you break the news to that guy?

Just as they were about to discuss this issue, a familiar yet unfamiliar girl's voice suddenly came from behind them -

"It seems that we have finally reached an agreement. If we continue to delay, I am planning to take coercive measures."

The two men suddenly turned back and looked warily in the direction of the sound, but they suddenly froze after seeing the appearance of the person clearly.

The owner of the words was a cute purple-haired girl. Although they had only met once, they would never forget her face——

She is the target they need to find, the superior illegal AI——BB.

"Why are you here? When did you come here?"

"What do you think I am? How can I not notice that such a big man is missing?"

BB appeared a little impatient and his tone was a little harsh.

In fact, she was quite impatient, and there was no reason to explain—

Because Fujimaru Ritsuka is missing! ! !

He just didn't pay attention to Fujimaru Ritsuka. After he reacted, he suddenly disappeared, and he didn't know where he was abducted.

After discovering that Fujimaru Ritsuka was missing, she immediately searched the entire back of SAO, but still could not find him, which made her very irritable.

The only discovery was that she knew that Kayaba Akihiko and Yui disappeared together with Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Kayaba Akihiko!

She gritted her teeth and murmured the name in her heart. Although there was no evidence, she was sure that the disappearance of Fujimaru Ritsuka and Yui had nothing to do with each other.

She knew that Fujimaru Ritsuka still had the Cave King guy with her. Although some accidents happened, there was absolutely no danger.

However, the fact that the other party abducted Fujimaru Ritsuka under her nose made her feel quite embarrassed. If I had known earlier, I should have destroyed him physically and reduced him to ashes! ! !
  But now it's useless to say anything.

Since she didn't know what method Kayaba Akihiko used to prevent her from finding their hiding place, BB began to consider whether to reshape the entire game, and simply kill Fujimaru Ritsuka together and then resurrect her.

But at this moment, she suddenly discovered that Fujimaru Ritsuka's teammates, Kirito and Asuna, seemed to have some unusual reactions, so she hurried over and found an unexpected gain.

If nothing else, it was probably the Cave King who conveyed the message to her through these two little guys.

On the other side, Kirito and Asuna were a little surprised by BB's sudden appearance, but they also knew that now was not the time to dwell on other issues, so Asuna immediately asked:
  "Now that you are here, what should we do next? Is there anything we can do to help?"

"Of course, this matter is really up to you."

BB said helplessly.

Since the Cave King did not find her directly, but chose to pass the news indirectly through the two people in front of him, he naturally had his reasons.

"Are you ready to start?"

Although he said this, BB didn't care whether the two of them were really ready. After raising their hands and snapping their fingers, Kirito and Asuna suddenly felt an overwhelming and strong sense of exhaustion rushing into their hearts, and they couldn't control it. He fell to the ground and fell asleep.


I don't know how long they slept. When the two woke up again, the scenery in front of them was no longer the dark elf camp and the surrounding dense forests, but prison-like stone houses and iron fences.

In the house, besides the two of them, there was BB and a strange man dressed in dark green.

"are you awake?"

Kirito and Asuna, the Cave King spoke calmly.

"It's you!"

The moment they heard each other's voice, they knew that the other person was the person who asked them to deliver the message to BB in their dream.

After looking around the surrounding environment, Kirito couldn't help but ask:

"Where are we now? Are we still in SAO?"

The cave king replied calmly:
  "You should understand this place as a dream, just like the scene you were in before in your sleep."

  Are they in a dream?

Asuna quickly asked:
  "What about Ritsuka? Where is she now?"

"It's at the bottom of SAO, we're about to go there. Just stay here for now."

"No, I want to go too!"

Asuna's tone and attitude were extremely firm. The Cave King glanced at her again, but said nothing. He simply nodded and said:
  "Okay, let's go together then."

Asuna didn't expect that the other party would agree to her proposal so easily. She couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then thanked her somewhat stiffly:

"Uh, thank you."

BB stood aside with his arms folded, not caring at all about the conversation between Asuna and the Cave King, and just asked a little irritably:
  "I said Loyal Dog Man, haven't you arrived yet?"

Loyal dog man?
  This title immediately made Asuna and Kirito look at each other. The Cave King glanced at BB without any trace, and lightly reminded:

"Don't forget, it was your fault this time."


BB's cheeks flattened and his expression became even worse, but he had no way to retort, so he could only turn his head to the side and stop talking.

Asuna and Kirito were curious about the relationship between them, but now was obviously not the time to ask such questions, so they could only stand quietly and wait.

Not long after, the Cave King suddenly said calmly:

While they were talking, a dark circular passage appeared in front of them.

The moment the passage appeared, BB rushed in immediately.

The Cave King didn't care about BB's situation. He stood in front of the passage and turned back to Asuna and Kirito:

"If you want to come together, just follow me."

The two looked at each other and followed them firmly.

 I'm late, sorry.

  (End of this chapter)

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