Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 184 Level 2 BOSS Strategy Meeting

Chapter 184 The second floor BOSS strategy meeting
  After solving the fraud incident of the [Legendary Hero] and coming back to have a discussion with Kirito and the others, it was already late at night.

Therefore, they woke up a little later than planned the next day, but they still successfully pushed to the twentieth level that day and discovered the BOSS's room on the second floor.

So on the third day, that is, the morning of the sixth day after arriving on the second floor, Fujimaru Ritsuka once again summoned frontline players to hold a BOSS strategy meeting in the central square of [Talan Village].

The number of people attending the strategy meeting this time was more than the last time, reaching nearly seventy players, which was a dozen more than on the first level.

If this continues, I am afraid that a second joint team will be assembled soon, and then the fault tolerance rate of the strategy will be further improved.

But now, we can still only select the [-] strongest players to participate in the strategy.

Kirito left the team early and quietly hid in the corner of the square pretending to be an ordinary solo player while observing the situation in the square.

Speaking of which, during the first-level meetings, Argo would hide on the edge of the square and observe, but he didn't see her today.

still sleeping?
  "Long time no see, Miss Ritsuka, Miss Asuna."

Before the meeting started, Diabel, whom they had not seen since arriving on the second floor, came to them and greeted them with a smile.

"Long time no see, Mr. Diabell."

After the greetings, Diabel sighed with a smile:
  "Your attack speed is still as fast as ever. My team is already trying their best to catch up, but they still can't catch up with you."

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and said:

"You're talking about chasing after me all the time. You've obviously been busy with guild affairs during this time, right?"

After confirming that she would not establish a guild for the time being, she sent a message to Diabel to tell him, and then immediately received his invitation to join the guild.

Although she declined, the other party still started a guild called [Holy Knights] in full swing.

Nowadays, many players present have become members of [Paladin]. Their most obvious symbol is the blue shirt they wear under their equipment, which is exactly the same color as Diabell’s hair. There are about twenty people, probably The strongest guild in SAO currently.

But now, in addition to Diabel's blue army, there is also a corresponding group of players based on green shirts. Although the number is small, only twelve or three people, it is currently the second largest group in the square. Powerful.

That was the guild [Aincrad Liberation Force] established by Kibaou. Because its full name was too long, it was abbreviated to ALF.

Since Diabell did not sacrifice during the first-level strategy, even though Kirito revealed his identity as a closed beta player, he still helped the strategy. In the end, he did not self-destruct and was accused of being a "Breaker". Therefore, ordinary players and closed beta players The gap between players is not that deep, and it can even be said to have eased.

Therefore, after coming down, Diabell also invited Kibaou to join his guild, but it seemed that the agreement could not be reached due to conceptual reasons. Then Kibaou established his own guild and promoted many seemingly grand plans.

For example, we will set up a guild station on the first floor, recruit ordinary players to join the guild, provide them with weapons and equipment, and conduct group combat training to train them into a force that can participate in BOSS strategies, etc.
  The reason why she knew so clearly was because they, as the commander and captain of the first-level strategy, had added friends to each other, and then some time ago, the other party suddenly sent her a bunch of messages, which were basically his thoughts about the guild. , which contains what she said.

But the strange thing is that although it records a lot of his vision for the guild, there is no such thing as saying that he wants to invite her to join his guild.

Therefore, she didn't understand what the other party wanted to explain, so she could only reply, 'It looks good, come on! ’ After the official speech, the other party said, ‘I will work hard! ’ as the end of the entire conversation.

All in all, it's a bit confusing.

Back to the topic.

"After all, although formal guild missions won't appear until the third level, it would be too hasty to start recruiting people for the guild at that time. It's better to decide in advance."

Diabell smiled heartily, and then said:
  "But speaking of it, you guys, too, not only advanced at such a fast speed, but also uncovered a fraud incident."    "Eh?"

The two girls were surprised when they heard this and asked quickly:
  "How did you know?"

They did not publicize the fraudulent deeds of the [Legendary Hero]. Logically speaking, there should not be many people who knew about it. How come even Diabel, who was not involved, knew about it?

Diabell smiled and explained:
  "Because some of the people who were defrauded were members of my guild. When the other party came to apologize, I had a little understanding of the whole story."

After listening to Diabel's explanation, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna suddenly felt that it was both unexpected and reasonable.

The fraud targets that Nezha targets are rare weapons with high enhancement levels, and those who can own these weapons are often frontline players, so it is not surprising that such a situation occurs.

"So, you really don't want to consider my guild?"

After chatting for a while, Diabell was about to turn around and leave, but before leaving, he once again invited Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna to join the guild.

"Sorry, we don't have this plan yet."

"Okay, but you two are always welcome to join the [Paladin Order]."

Diabell was not angry. He just said this with a smile and turned back to his companions. At this time, his companions made a burst of laughter for some reason, and Diabell also laughed. stand up.

In any case, Diabel does seem to be a pretty good guild leader.

At this time, as if seizing this opportunity, after Diabell left, Kibaou walked over closely behind him and greeted Fujimaru Ritsuka seriously:

"Miss Ritsuka, please give me some advice this time."

"The same goes for Mr. Kibaou, please give me some advice."

The two parties didn't have much interaction or common topics. After a brief greeting, the other party turned around and returned to his seat.

Diabell and Kibaou came up to say hello one after another, as if they were giving some kind of information to others. Then the captains of the first-level raiding team came up to say hello one after another, but most of them were simple like Kibaou. They exchanged pleasantries.

Among them, only Agil came forward, smiled at each other, gave a thumbs up and said:
  "As expected of the strongest sisters in SAO, I told you the situation on the first day, and actually figured it out the next day."

"You wouldn't be detectives in the real world, would you?"

Agil and his strong teammates have also received invitations from the two major guilds, but like them, they are still considering it and have not joined either party yet.

"How could it be? It's just thanks to everyone's help, otherwise we wouldn't have solved it so quickly."

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled.

As the player who first discovered the anomaly of the [Legendary Brave] and told them their problems, Agil naturally had the right to know the entire situation of the [Legendary Brave] and his group. The day after the incident, they Send the specific cause and effect to the other party.

After spending a while like this, the agreed meeting time arrived, and the second-level BOSS strategy meeting officially began.

 Sorry sorry, it's late!
  (End of this chapter)

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