Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 183 The fraud incident comes to an end, the man in the black raincoat?

Chapter 183 The fraud incident comes to an end, the man in the black raincoat?

"The man in the black raincoat? Who is that?"

"Sorry, we don't know who that guy was. We never saw him again after that meeting."

Orlando shook his head, and then continued the topic:

"At that time, Niezai proposed that he wanted to give up his [Flying Sword] skill and become a production player. Everyone was really emotional, so the atmosphere was very heavy."

"That's when the guy who'd been in the corner came over and said, 'If this guy could become a blacksmith with combat skills, there'd be a cool way to make money.'"

"The method that guy mentioned is the method we use to enhance fraud."

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna couldn't help but look at each other when they heard this. They didn't expect that this matter would suddenly turn around.

Having said this, Orlando showed a bitter smile on his face and said:

"Although it sounds like he is defending us, the other person is indeed a very strange guy, especially the way he talks."

"Because it was fraud after all, we were actually opposed to the plan the first time we heard about it, but at this time, the guy suddenly laughed heartily."

"I don't know if it was a deliberately fake or practiced laughter, but that kind of laughter is indeed very strange. It sounds like it makes people feel that the matter is not that serious. Unknowingly, We laughed along with him.”

Looking back now, the situation at that time was indeed very strange, and Orlando's face gradually darkened.

"It was under such circumstances that he said, 'This is in the game, right? The system has already restricted all the things that cannot be done. In other words, as long as it can be done, it is allowed to be done. .Don’t you think so?.’”

"This is sheer sophistry!"

Asuna immediately scolded:

"If you put it this way, crime prevention instructions will not be triggered in wild areas, which means that players can even kill other players if they want!"

She stopped abruptly when she spoke, and her face turned a little pale, as if she was afraid that if she continued speaking, her words would become facts.

However, the players present have actually completed the content of this paragraph in their minds, and they also feel a little shuddering in their hearts.

This means that players can even kill other players if they wish.

Sensing Asuna's abnormality, Fujimaru Ritsuka gently touched her with his arm, making her stiff body relax again.

Then she asked Orlando:

"Since it was the other party's idea, how are you going to give him the other party's share of the benefits obtained through enhanced fraud?"

If possible, she hoped to find some clues about the other party through sharing dividends between the two parties. However, Orlando shook his head again and said:
  "The other party never mentioned the distribution of benefits."

"After he said those words, he just left and we never saw him again."

"But, if he is not pursuing profit, why on earth would he do this?"

Orlando's words made Asuna confused, and she even couldn't help but wonder if the man in the black raincoat was a lie made up by the other party.

But making up such outrageous lies will not help the current situation, and may instead cause counter-effects.

On the other side, Fujimaru Ritsuka was lost in thought.

They do not pursue their own interests, but simply create crimes and spread chaos and evil. In other words, crime itself is the pursuit of the other party.

She has seen many such guys, and there are even such servants in Chaldea. For example, Moriarty, who was left behind by her in the world of Conan, was of this type before.

Of course, the current professor has been reduced to a comic villain.

Therefore, she was not particularly surprised by the existence of such people.

She was just wondering whether the man in the black raincoat might be a member or even one of the founders of the future murder guild, Smiling Coffin. What’s more, maybe the Smiling Coffin has already been erected at this time.

"Anyway, the atmosphere changed after that, and we started to think excitedly, 'Maybe it can really work,' and then we asked Niezai to give it a try."

Orlando smiled bitterly:

"When he successfully came back with weapons for the first time, we were quite happy, as if he was possessed. Even if you hadn't come to the door and Nezha was like that, I'm afraid we would still be immersed in that atmosphere. Hit it."

After reviewing their entire behavior from an overlooking perspective, he couldn't help but feel lingering fear in his heart. Not only did he not resent Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna for finding them like this, but he actually felt a little grateful.

Because the other party could have chosen to announce their fraudulent behavior in front of all players and completely ruin their reputation, but they did not do this. Instead, they came to them first and gave them a buffer.

But why didn’t the other party do that?

Faced with Orlando’s question, Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and said:
  "Because of the heroes in your game's name, I'm very familiar with them, and that's why I noticed you."

"I'm just curious as to why you, who claim to be heroes, would choose to commit fraud."


When Orlando and others heard this, they once again showed extremely ashamed expressions.

The reason why they named them after these heroes is naturally because they think these heroes are very powerful and want to be like them, rather than trying to deceive them from the beginning.

At this point, the enhanced fraud incident led by the [Legendary Brave] group has come to an end.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's demands on them were not excessive. He only asked them to apologize and compensate the victims of fraud. As for how the victims would treat them after knowing about it, it was the price they themselves had to bear.

Although she did not request this, Orlando added her as a friend and promised to report the progress of apology and compensation to her one by one.

So the two girls said goodbye to the [Legendary Heroes] group and left with new questions.

Back at the B&B where they stayed, Kirito and Argo were still waiting for them.

Seeing them coming back, Kirito immediately asked:
  "How is it, has the matter been resolved?"

"Well, it is."

Fujimaru Ritsuka carefully narrated what captain Orlando said, focusing on the man in the black raincoat mentioned by the other party.

"The man in the black raincoat?"

Kirito frowned deeply, the other party's behavior made people shudder for some reason.

At the same time, he quickly recalled the information from the closed beta period, trying to see if any of the players during the closed beta period could behave in a similar way, but in the end he gained nothing.

Then, Fujimaru Ritsuka said to Argo:

"Anyway, thanks to the information you obtained this time, let's settle the balance first."

"Also, although I don't have any clues about the man in the black raincoat, can you please pay attention?"

"Thank you for your patronage!"

After receiving the final payment, Argo immediately beamed with joy, and after hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka's next sentence, she immediately nodded and said:
  "No problem, I'll try to keep an eye on it."

No matter how you look at it, the unknown man in the black raincoat is a very dangerous guy. Even if Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't say anything, she would conduct a private investigation.

The man in the black raincoat
  It seems like it's starting to get troublesome.

 Fortunately, it was just a minor cold this time and it's OK now.

  (End of this chapter)

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