Chapter 168 LA Reward
Since the rule that "the props dropped by the BOSS belong to the recipient" was formulated before the guide, after the BOSS died, the players also tacitly agreed not to ask about the dropped treasures.

"But it does make people a little curious as to which lucky player got the dropped treasure."

Kirito agreed with a smile.

He didn't get LA.

The situation at that time was too urgent and chaotic. Dozens of players were launching attacks all the time, and they had no time to care about the BOSS's remaining health.

In that case, even if you deliberately want to use the strongest attack in the last blow to snatch LA, you can't do it, right?
That is, as he said, it depends entirely on luck.

But at this moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka's expression became a little strange. She raised her hand weakly and said:

"That one seems to be here with me."

"Huh?" ×2
Asuna and Kirito uttered a single syllable in confusion, then widened their eyes and said:
"Are you saying that you got LA?!"

"But how?"

It’s not surprising that the two of them reacted like this, because even she herself felt very confused. Logically speaking, it was absolutely impossible for her to get the LA reward from the BOSS.

Because in the final stage of siege on the BOSS, in order to prevent another accident, she had been observing the situation behind everyone and did not attack at all!

But the fact is that the rare treasure as a reward from LA did appear in her backpack.

After a brief moment of surprise, Kirito immediately thought of a possibility.

"Did the BOSS drop mechanism change after the public beta? For example, it was changed to a contribution system or something like that?"

Although I don’t know how the points for the contribution system are calculated, if such a change is really made, then it will be possible for Fujimaru Ritsuka to obtain LA.

But in this case, it seems that it cannot be called LA.

Of course, this is the same as the new monster mechanism. It is impossible to accurately judge what the modified mechanism will look like just based on one situation. You must observe it several times.

"Well, that's it anyway."

Fujimaru Ritsuka scratched her head. On the other side, Asuna asked her curiously:

"So, what exactly are the LA rewards for the first level BOSS?"

"Well, right now."

Hearing this, she tapped a few times on her window interface and took out the rare armor called [Midnight Coat] lying quietly in her backpack.

In preparation, it was a windbreaker that was all black. Except for a layer of leather sewn on the shoulders as a protective decoration, there was no bright spot in the rest of it.

If it weren't for the word [rare] clearly written on the system panel, I'm afraid no one would believe that it is a rare piece of armor.

However, most of the low-level equipment is so simple, including the rare weapons in their hands, which are also mediocre in appearance.

"What a high attribute bonus!"

The moment he saw the attribute list of the equipment in front of him, Kirito's eyes immediately lit up.

It is indeed an equipment dropped by BOSS, and the attribute bonuses it provides are very luxurious. Judging from the data during the closed beta period, this equipment can at least allow him to use it until the fifth or sixth floor.

If it is strengthened properly, it may not be a problem to use it up to the seventh level!

More importantly, in addition to the high attribute bonus, it also comes with a proficiency increase in the [Shading] skill, which is a perfect match for him.

It's a pity that the owner of this equipment does not belong to him, so he can only be greedy.

After Asuna examined it for a while, she commented with some regret:

"It's just that the style is a bit ugly. It's all dark. It looks like the kind of clothes only Kirito would wear."

Ugly, dark, the kind of clothes only he would wear.
"Hey, let me tell you, isn't it bad to slander other people's clothes like this?"

Kirito looked hurt and spoke with a hurt expression.

"But the truth, right?" Pfft!
Kirito was hit by another arrow.

Because as Asuna said, he does like black, and he really thinks the outfit in front of him is quite handsome.

Of course, he also knew that his clothes were probably not that good, but it hurt his pride to have them pointed out so openly.

Fujimaru Ritsuka also felt that the design of this dress was indeed not very good, and she could not use the [Shading] proficiency bonus provided.

Speaking of which, it seems to be quite suitable for Kirito.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered something and suddenly had a good idea in her mind.

So, she smiled at Kirito:
"If you want this piece of equipment, Kirito-kun, I can sell it to you."

"Eh, really?!"

Kirito suddenly looked up at her, his eyes filled with incredible surprise.

He really likes this piece of equipment, whether it's appearance or attribute bonus, it suits him very well.

But after the pleasant surprise passed, he suddenly realized another serious problem——

He said hesitantly:

"But, I can't take out that many Coles at once."

As a rare armor dropped by the first level BOSS, the value of [Midnight Coat] is self-evident.

For example, he currently has a +6 [Sword of Tenacity], although it is a mission weapon that can be obtained by completing missions, and must be replaced when he reaches the third or fourth floor.

But if it were to be sold now, it would probably be sold for around [-] to [-] koels.

The price of the [Midnight Coat] in front of him is probably around [-] Coles, which is an astronomical figure that he cannot afford at the moment.

Fujimaru Ritsuka also understood this, so she smiled and said:
"You can pay some of Cole now, and the remaining part can be repaid in other ways, such as selling intelligence and physical strength, helping us with tasks, buying materials, etc."

The sales information is easy to understand, it refers to the information he has during the closed beta period.

Because he was a player who had reached the farthest eighth level during the closed beta period, there was some information that only he knew, and even the information merchant Argo had no way of knowing.

For example, Nodachi’s exclusive sword skill.

But in fact, if Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna want to know this information, he is very willing to provide it to them for free, without selling it at all.

As for the latter's so-called physical strength, helping with tasks and collecting materials, doesn't it sound similar to forming a team?

Thinking of this, he suddenly froze for a moment and looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka again. The other person was still looking at him with a smile, but the smile seemed to be revealed after seeing through his heart.

The reason why he chose to find them again after leaving just now was that he really wanted to continue to team up with them.

But because he had previously stated that he wanted to continue acting as a solo player, now that he has regretted it, he doesn't know how to speak.

However, Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed to be aware of his inner struggle, and took advantage of this incident to give him a step up, even at the cost of using a rare armor dropped by the BOSS.


Kirito pursed his lips, seeming to have made up his mind.

Since the other party is willing to do this for him, then now, he has no reason to refuse, right?
So he nodded solemnly and said formally:

"Then, please give me your advice next time, Ritsuka, Asuna."

"I will work hard to repay my debt!"

Hearing his serious but inexplicably hilarious words, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna couldn't help but smile at each other, and then responded in unison:

"Please give me some advice, Kirito-kun."

 Come on!
(End of this chapter)
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