Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 167 The first thing to do after arriving at the second floor

Chapter 167 The first thing to do after arriving on the second floor
After defeating the BOSS and reaching the main city area on the second level, the time has come to [-]:[-].

Under normal circumstances, after finally successfully conquering the first level BOSS, you should naturally relax and celebrate, such as having a dinner or something.

But the actual situation is that after briefly accepting the applause and praise from ordinary players, the strategy team quickly disbanded, and most of the members immediately went their separate ways and continued leveling without stopping.

At this stage, there are still only a few players like Fujimaru Ritsuka and others who are willing to stop and enjoy in-game life.

However, before the players in the strategy team were completely dispersed, Fujimaru Ritsuka and several other team captains added each other as friends to facilitate contact during the next strategy game.

Just after adding friends, Diabel suddenly smiled at her and asked:

"Miss Ritsuka, I would like to ask, do you have any plans to form a guild?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes immediately turned towards him.

Considering Fujimaru Ritsuka's current reputation, as long as she announces its establishment with a slight nod, I'm afraid most of the players present will join in enthusiastically, and then establish the strongest guild in SAO in one fell swoop, right?

But faced with this problem, Fujimaru Ritsuka pondered for a while, then smiled sheepishly:

"Sorry, I haven't thought about this question before, so I can't answer it yet."

"Is that so."

Diabel nodded lightly and smiled:
"It doesn't matter. This is indeed a question worthy of careful consideration. I will wait patiently for your answer."

After saying this, the other party turned around and left with his team members. Seeing this, the other players also dispersed while saying goodbye, leaving only Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna staying in place.

And Kirito disappeared without knowing when.

At the same time, more and more players gathered through the portal, and the two girls also chose to leave the area first.

After turning into a remote and quiet street, Asuna curiously asked Fujimaru Ritsuka:
"Tell me, why did Diabel ask you about forming a guild?"


"Perhaps it's because the other party wants to join Fujimaru Ritsuka's guild, or else he plans to establish his own guild."

Kirito, who suddenly disappeared and then appeared again, jumped from the roof above, landed not far in front of the two of them, and said:

"After all, with Ritsuka's current influence among SAO and strategy group players, whether or not they choose to form a guild will have a decisive impact on the player base, right?"

"Even if Ritsuka doesn't establish his own guild, he will definitely become the target of competition among the major guilds."

After hearing Kirito's explanation and analysis, the two women nodded thoughtfully.

Then, looking at Kirito's sudden appearance, Asuna raised her eyebrows slightly and said:

"By the way, didn't you decide to resume your identity as a solo player? Why did you come here again?"

"Uh, this."

Kirito, who originally thought he had made a pretty handsome appearance, suddenly scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said with a smile:
"I was just thinking that there should be a celebration after the BOSS victory, right? So."

He was indeed planning to continue his activities on the second level as a solo player.

But maybe it was because he had formed a habit during this period. It was still a good time for leveling, but now he thought that he should take a rest and find a restaurant to treat himself.

But at this time, seeing the figures of Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna, he followed them by mistake.

In all the MMO games he has played, he has played as a solo player, but occasionally he needs to form a team.

But I have to say that during the team operation with Asuna and Fujimaru Ritsuka, he experienced the fun of team games for the first time.

More importantly, even in terms of improved strength, the efficiency of the three of them in clearing monsters was no lower than that of him alone, and sometimes even higher.

This is of course thanks to the excellent skills of the two and the excellent command of Fujimaru Ritsuka.

In addition, the relaxed and comfortable atmosphere in the team is also a bit addictive.If it's the two of them, it seems pretty good to continue forming a team.

Kirito thought this unconsciously.

Of course, except for the fact that if exposed, it may be life-threatening.

Hearing his lame statement, Asuna and Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at each other and chuckled a few times in unison, making Kirito blush a little.

But soon the two of them regained their expressions, and then Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and said:
"That's what Kirito-kun said. Everyone has worked hard today. As expected, we should celebrate properly at this time."


As if they had guessed what Fujimaru Ritsuka was going to say next, Asuna and Kirito laughed at the same time:
"Let's eat first!"×n
Although we say we need to eat first, before that, we still need to settle the accommodation issue.

Fortunately, Kirito, a closed beta player, provided information, and the three of them rented two B&Bs with excellent conditions, and then arrived at a remote hotel recommended by Kirito.

After ordering a bunch of sumptuous dishes without any scruples, while waiting for the food, Kirito and Asuna couldn't help but start discussing how to defeat the BOSS.

"That mechanism appears again, and it's still on the BOSS."

Kirito couldn't help but frown. Although he thought this was just a game mechanism, it did seem a bit strange that it happened to Fujimaru Ritsuka twice in a row.

Why was it that in two extremely rare situations, the target was Fujimaru Ritsuka each time?
After Asuna pondered for a while, she speculated:
"Based on the current conditions, we can only think that after the mechanism appears, the monsters will target the player leader, right?"

The first time he appeared, Fujimaru Ritsuka was the captain of their three-person team, and the second time he was the captain of the combined force. This was the only similarity she could think of.

"Ritsuka, what do you think?"

"Well, uh, what?"

Asuna handed the question to Fujimaru Ritsuka, but found that the other party looked up with a blank expression, as if he didn't care at all about the crisis that happened to him.

Seeing Asuna raising her eyebrows in anger, as if she was planning to lecture her, she quickly changed the subject:
"Actually, I'm still thinking about the issue of guilds. Kirito-kun, do guilds in SAO have any role?"

When it comes to the biggest role of guilds, of course it is to unite players, enhance their sense of belonging and cohesion, and help guild members help each other, etc.

Players in the same guild tend to have stronger coordination and scheduling abilities, which is of course helpful for the strategy game.

At the same time, guild managers are naturally responsible for guild members. Establishing rules and regulations, distributing guild benefits, allocating resources, etc. require a considerable amount of energy.

To be honest, she wasn't good at it and wasn't sure it was worth doing.

After hearing her question, Kirito pondered for a moment and then gave an answer that was similar to what she knew.

At the end, he suddenly remembered something and added:
"According to the information I know during the closed beta period, a rare item called [Guild Flag] will be dropped from the fifth floor BOSS."

"When the flag is planted on the ground, all guild members within the range of the flag will receive a certain degree of all-attribute bonuses. This should be the greatest benefit that guild members can obtain in battle known so far."

"Full attribute bonus?!"

Asuna couldn't help but exclaim.As she gradually sheds her identity as a novice, she naturally understands how powerful this effect is.

"That's it"

After hearing all this, Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded and finally decided to give up forming a guild.

For her, establishing a guild is not worth the gain, even if the guild members can enjoy the bonus of [Guild Flag].

But in fact, for her and the entire game, the fifth level is the end.

At this time, Asuna was a little curious and said:

"Speaking of which, I don't know which player actually got the treasure dropped by the first-level BOSS?"

(End of this chapter)
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