Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 147 2 weeks, meeting, changes

Chapter 147 Two weeks, meeting, changes
It was already two weeks later that they met Kirito again.

At this time, they had arrived at [Torbana], which is the closest to the maze area and the largest town on the first level besides the initial town, located in the valley.

There is almost no leveling area here, and further ahead is the [maze area] on the first floor.

Looking at the empty scene in front of her, Asuna couldn't help but question:

"Isn't Kirito here yet?"

"Should be coming soon, right?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked through the chat records and said:
"Ten minutes ago, he said he had entered the valley. He should be there soon, right?"

At this time, Asuna suddenly whispered:
"Ah, here we come!"

While they were talking, a handsome black-haired male player carrying a one-handed straight sword gradually appeared in their field of vision——

It was the lone player they were waiting for, Kirito.

At this time, Kirito also saw the two of them, and the pace on his feet suddenly became faster. He trotted in front of them, put his right hand on the back of his head, and said with some embarrassment:

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

"It doesn't matter, we didn't wait too long. We only left the accommodation room after you sent the message."

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and waved her hands.

When he heard that the other party didn't mean to blame him, and his attitude towards him was no different from before, Kirito breathed a sigh of relief and then smiled:

"long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see!"

The two sides exchanged greetings, and then looked at each other and smiled again, feeling an inexplicable happy emotion in their hearts.

Even if Kirito actively chooses to be a solo player, it doesn't mean that he doesn't need friends.

After the simple greetings, he asked the two of them curiously:

"Do you know how many players there are in [Tolbana] now?"


Asuna pondered for a while and replied with some uncertainty:

"We don't know much about this, but we just set off from the accommodation here and saw no trace of other players along the way."

"If nothing else, Kirito-san is probably the No. 3 player who came to town."

As for the No.1 and No.2 players, they are naturally her and Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Fortunately, I was not left behind.

Asuna's reply made him thankfully relieved again, but at the same time he couldn't help but be a little surprised and emotional.

After he separated from the two girls, they would occasionally use the friend system to contact each other, exchange information, or simply chat.

Thanks to this, he is a solo player most of the time and rarely experiences the essence of MMO, which is the fun of social interaction.

Especially in today's SAO, even having a partner with whom you can occasionally exchange a few words can give you great spiritual comfort.

What's more, his friends are two super beautiful girl gamers. This is simply a dream plot that only exists in galgames.

But what made him even more emotional was that two weeks ago, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna were just SAO newcomers who needed detailed information and advice from him;

But in the next two weeks, the two of them came from behind, not only quickly surpassing his leveling progress, but also becoming the first top players to reach [Tolbana].

The most terrifying part is that he, who has the information from the closed beta period and believes that he is among the fastest in leveling up, has just arrived at [Torbana].

After all, in today's SAO, it is impossible to immerse yourself in progress like ordinary games. Every step needs to be cautious. This level is already his limit.

But as far as he knew, Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others had arrived here yesterday.This is what they messaged him.

When he heard the news, he was in disbelief and couldn't figure out how they did it.

Could it be that they are the legendary gaming geniuses?Just when his mind was filled with complicated thoughts, suddenly, a sharp voice with a unique nasal sound at the end of the words came from the side, interrupting his thinking——

"To be precise, Tongzai should be the No. 4 player!"

Everyone followed the voice and looked, and what appeared in front of them was a tiny female player who was more than a head shorter than Kirito, who could not be called tall.

On both sides of the woman's smiling face, three lines similar to animal whiskers were drawn. Coupled with her short golden brown curly hair, people would always unconsciously think of some kind of rodent.

The opponent's armor was all made of cloth and leather, and the weapons were a small hook on the left waist and a flying needle on the right waist. They didn't look like equipment that could be used on the front line.

But Kirito knew that the opponent had another, more powerful weapon——

Aincrad's first intelligence dealer, commonly known as [Argo the Mouse], was a closed beta player with him, and was somewhat famous among the closed beta players.

If you chat with [Mouse] for 5 minutes, hundreds of kels of information will be taken away before you know it, so be careful.

Someone once gave him such advice.

Due to some chance encounters, he and Agor were barely acquaintances in the game, and he often traded information with each other.

For example, in order to make up for the somewhat fuzzy memory of the closed beta period, he would spend [-] Cole each time to buy the latest issue of the [Floor Guide Manual] from the other party.

The manual contains the detailed terrain currently discovered on the first level, the monsters that appear, the props that can be obtained, and mission explanations.

On the lower part of the cover of the manual, the slogan "With the Argonauts Guide, you don't have to worry" is written in huge fonts. Well, it's not an exaggeration at all.

There is no denying that Argo is indeed a very good intelligence businessman.

However, looking at Argo who suddenly appeared in front of him openly, Kirito couldn't help but feel a little confused.

You know, he is not the only one here, there are two new players beside him.

But just when he was still confused, two surprise calls came from beside him——

"Ritsuka, Asuna!"

Looking at the three girls happily hugging each other in front of him, he suddenly asked in surprise:
"Do you know each other?!"

"Yes, we met Argo by chance during leveling, and she helped us a lot."

She smiled and answered Kirito's doubts.

Hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka's answer, Argo sighed helplessly, as if she had lost a lot of money by telling him this information.

Seeing Argo's appearance, Kirito felt a little relieved but also had some doubts about Fujimaru Ritsuka's words.

Got a lot of help from Argo?I'm afraid there is a fee for all of them, right?

Would it be more accurate to call it trading?
On the other side, Argo's expression quickly recovered, he looked at Kirito and smiled evilly:

"But I didn't expect that a nobody like you, Tongzai, would actually know Ritsuka and Asuna, and even ask them to wait for you."

"This is quite precious information. In this way, the loss just now is nothing."

Hearing what the other party said, Kirito suddenly felt something bad.

On the other side, Fujimaru Ritsuka always felt that something was wrong with Argo's statement, but Asuna still smiled without realizing it:

"We are no different from Kirito, no one, we are just ordinary players, right?"


Argo raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then said with a smile:

"It seems that you two haven't figured out the situation yet. Since we are good sisters, I can tell you the current situation for only five hundred koels."

current condition?
Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna looked at each other, somewhat confused.

But at this moment, Kirito on the side directly broke Argo's deal and said:

"The situation Argo is talking about is probably because you two, Ritsuka and Asuna, are quite popular among the current frontline player group."

(End of this chapter)
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