Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 146: Leveling up, secret conversations among followers

Chapter 146: Leveling up, secret conversations among followers

Although it is because of her command and support, Asuna's own gaming talent is also very high, and she has begun to get better, and her growth rate is very obvious.

As long as she is given a little more time, I am afraid she will be able to completely catch up with the skill gap between her and the old players.

Of course, Asuna still has a long way to go in terms of understanding the game.

On the other hand, while taking care of Asuna, her personal monster spawning speed has not slowed down at all, and is even faster than Asuna.

If Kirito was still here, he would definitely be stunned when he saw the scene in front of him——

Her hit rate on the weak points in combat has far exceeded two-thirds, almost 100%.

And this is not a case of giving up ordinary attack opportunities in order to deliberately pursue weak points.

Her attack frequency is completely normal, but she can make every blow fall on the monster's weakness. This is achieved entirely by relying on her super high skills.

This is already amazing enough, plus she can be distracted to take care of Asuna. If other players see this scene, they may suspect that she is cheating, right?
That is to say, because Asuna is a truly new player, her evaluation is only at the level of 'very strong'.

However, for Fujimaru Ritsuka, the situation in front of her was even relatively easy. At least the dangers of these small man-eating plants were far less than the real monsters she had encountered.

In addition, thanks to the additional weakness damage bonus of [See Through], even if she is only level [-], she only needs three normal attacks to reduce the monster's health to only skin.

After reaching level two and allocating attribute points, three normal attacks can kill a monster.

Therefore, they spawned monsters very quickly, and by the time dusk was approaching, they had successfully upgraded both of them to level 4.


After once again clearing the area of ​​spawned monsters, looking at the sun gradually setting on the horizon, Fujimaru Ritsuka exhaled, smiled and said to Asuna beside him:

"It's already this time, let's call it a day, right?"

"I dropped a lot of materials from killing monsters. After selling them all, I should be able to have a nice dinner later!"

Asuna's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she was also looking forward to it.

However, when she thought about the information Kirito revealed to them before, she became a little worried and said:
"Kirito said that old players like them would practice leveling very late at night. Is it really okay for us to take a break so early?"

Now that she has decided to face the battle, her strong character makes her unwilling to fall behind others, so she is worried that they will not be able to keep up with the progress of the most advanced players.

"Don't worry, we are very efficient at killing monsters. As long as we can maintain this momentum, there will be no problem."

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and said:

"Except for a few people, everyone needs about the same amount of sleep. If they level up at night, they will wake up later during the day; if we go to bed early, we will wake up earlier the next day."

"This will just stagger the leveling time of other players, ensuring that more resources will be obtained."

"makes sense."

Asuna said suddenly.

Then, she stretched out her finger and emphasized seriously:
"Besides, whether you are studying, working, or fighting, a balance between work and rest is very important. If you blindly force yourself to work hard without taking a break, your efficiency will be reduced, right?"

Asuna nodded in agreement again, then seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but joke:
"After all, it's Ritsuka who wants to rest, right?"

She scratched her head and smiled:
"Well, you can say that, though."

So the two of them returned to Holenka Village talking and laughing, sold all the ordinary materials dropped from fighting monsters in their backpacks, and had a hot meal.

Although everything is a virtual electrical signal in the game, it is still so delicious that it makes people want to cry.

According to the information provided by Kirito, the hotels that usually display the [INN] sign are actually the lowest-end hotels in the game - the hotel they stayed in yesterday.

In addition, there are many rooms that can be rented even though they are not stated as hotels.

Although it is more expensive than a hotel, the conditions will be better.

And after Kirito's recommendation, they successfully rented a room with a bathroom in Holonka Village.

Don't ask why there is a bathroom in a European medieval room, ask it is Japanese fantasy.

"It's really a bathroom!" Looking at the long-lost bathroom in front of her, Asuna covered her mouth with her hands in disbelief, feeling extremely moved.

Game characters that are essentially just a bunch of data codes naturally have no concept of getting dirty, and there seems to be no such thing as setting a character's cleanliness value in SAO.

But even so, Asuna would always feel dirty and uncomfortable if she didn't take a shower for a day.

At this point, she couldn't wait to take a good bath!
But at this moment, she thought of something again, and smiled and invited Fujimaru Ritsuka:

"Ritsuka, do you want to wash together? If we wash together, we can also help each other rub each other's backs."

Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't think much, smiled and nodded:


In the bathroom, Fujimaru Ritsuka's faint voice came out.

"Well, what happened?"

"Didn't you say back rub? Why did you put your hand on my stomach?"

"Hehe, I just want to touch it."

It's obviously just a virtual game character, but it feels surprisingly real!
Asuna discovered a new point of knowledge.
In a blue data space that looks like the depths of the ocean floor, a studio that is incompatible with the surrounding environment stands abruptly.

In the studio, a little black-haired girl in a maid outfit put two drinks on the table and smiled at BB sitting on the sofa:

"Master BB, the milk tea and coffee you requested are here!"

"I know, go and play by yourself."


After receiving BB's order, the little girl smiled happily and disappeared in an instant.

"I didn't expect that real AI would be born here. Although it is still very immature, it is really surprising."

BB sighed with a mocking tone:

"Should we say that we are worthy of being human? We always like to repeat the same mistakes and work tirelessly to find ways to bring about destruction for ourselves."

Then, she looked at the dark green man sitting opposite, raised her eyebrows and said:
"So, you, a loyal dog man, don't honestly stay by Senior's side to protect her, so why are you here here?"

"I don't remember the friendship between us, so I can allow you to be my guest."

"Careful if I decompose you as garbage data?"

The dark green man, the Cave King, ignored BB's threatening words and asked:
"Are you sure it's okay to deal with 'garbage' like this?"

"Hmph, put away your silly suspicions before I treat you like trash too!"

BB glared at him fiercely and snorted coldly.

But soon, she smiled playfully again and said confidently:

"Of course there will be no problem. This is my home court. And when it comes to garbage disposal, BB, I can be considered a professional!"

"Anyway, it's rare that I didn't do anything bad this time, but I sincerely helped my seniors solve their problems, right?"

"Oh, I really wonder if senior will burst into tears of gratitude when he learns all this, and then volunteer to become a toy for me to play with, senior?"

BB held his chin in his hands, fantasizing with expectation:
"It will definitely happen, right? It will happen, right? It should happen, right?"


The Cave King stopped talking. He knew that the other party was indeed capable in this area, so he allowed the other party to do this.

After all, no matter what, Fujimaru Ritsuka's safety is the absolute prerequisite.

Besides, it would be best not to let her know about it.

(End of this chapter)
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