Chapter 141 Kirito
The monster surrounding the male players is a unique monster in this area, named [Small Man-Eating Plant].

Although it is small, it is a self-propelled predatory plant with a height of 1.5 meters, not much shorter than them.

The monster's body resembles that of a pitcher plant, with its lower body made of countless tree roots used for movement, curly vines with sharp leaves growing on its left and right sides, and its head like a piranha-like mouth that is constantly dripping mucus.

Perhaps it was the male players who attracted all the hatred of the piranhas, but even when Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna approached, the monsters did not react immediately.

So Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was rushing at the front, made a prompt decision and instantly put the spear horizontally and pulled it back, making a charging movement. At this time, the entire gun body began to be surrounded by a light blue special effect light——

The tip of the spear, enhanced by the special effects of the skill, accurately struck the shaking head of each piranha at just the right time.

Although she didn't know what the weakness of the monster in front of her was, generally speaking, the head was a common weak point for most creatures.

Due to the attraction of male players, the monsters stood relatively densely. The spear with the power of the skill instantly hit four man-eating plants, and the special effect of weak point attack appeared.

At the same time, the blood volume on the monster's head dropped by half in an instant, and two even dropped by two-thirds due to critical hits being triggered.

The attacked Piranha finally turned around and prepared to attack her, but at this time, she fell into a brief freeze after releasing the skill.




On the way to action, the two of them had already formulated a plan.

It was the first time she encountered this kind of thing. Asuna's expression was tense and she seemed a little nervous, but she still came to the agreed location according to the plan. The novice rapier in her hand also emitted a light blue light——

Basic rapier sword skills, [Linear Attack]!
The sword skill was activated, Asuna stabbed from the side like a meteor, and the rapier attack once again passed through the five man-eaters hit by Fujimaru Ritsuka.

It's just that Asuna's attacks are not as accurate as Fujimaru Ritsuka. It is already very difficult to successfully hit all four man-eating plants, and it is impossible to attack the weaknesses of each monster.

Therefore, only the two Piranha that received a critical hit turned into shining fragments on the spot, while the remaining two still had their last bit of health left.

However, at this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka had recovered from her stupor. She once again used a normal horizontal swing attack to easily harvest the two man-eating plants with remaining health.

The elimination of the four man-eating plants instantly created an obvious gap in the monsters' encirclement.

But when they saw the gap, the surrounded male players did not run towards this side, but continued to resist on the spot, seemingly unappreciative.

But their attacks are effective after all.

After losing four man-eating plants, the pressure on the opponent suddenly eased a lot. Although the blood volume continued to decrease due to injuries, it was not as dangerous as before.

At the same time, Fujimaru Ritsuka instantly understood the other party’s true intention and said to Asuna:
"Let's continue like we did!"

Asuna was stunned for a moment, then nodded decisively.

"I see!"

Therefore, the male player attracted the attention of the cannibals. Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna cooperated with each other to quickly harvest, and the number of cannibals surrounding each other was reduced extremely quickly.

In the end, the male players finally switched from passive defense to active offense, and cooperated with them to completely clean up the man-eating grass.

In the end, the male player's blood volume was fixed in the yellow area and did not turn into the most dangerous red.

After the battle, the male player quickly passed by them while using healing medicine to replenish blood, and said anxiously:
"Thank you. Monsters may appear here at any time. Follow me first."

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna looked at each other and chose to follow.
There are trees and grass everywhere around, and it looks no different from where it was just now.

There is no safe zone in the strict sense in the wild areas outside the maze, but after spawning monsters in this area for so long, he can be sure that there will be no monsters spawned here.

At this point, his high-hanging heart finally fell back to the ground. He breathed a long sigh of relief, but at the same time, he felt an inexplicable feeling of powerlessness in his body.

He subconsciously leaned down and held his knees, hoping to regain his strength.survived
He let out a deep sigh in his heart, and even had the urge to cry.

At that moment, he really thought that was the end of it.

But fate is sometimes so strange, and he never expected that after being framed by a fellow player and falling into a desperate situation, he would be rescued by other players.

By the way, thank you just now was too hasty, I have to formally say thank you again.

Thinking like this, he raised his head and looked at the two people who helped him, ready to say thanks.


But the moment he saw their faces clearly, he froze in place as if a machine had malfunctioned.

The situation just now was very critical. He didn't have the energy to pay attention to their appearance. He only knew by their voices and figures that they were female players who were very cherished in the game, but——

Are they both super cute girls? !

You know, what they use now are real faces from the real world, not fake images of faces!
In SAO and most games, the number of female players is relatively rare, and there are even fewer beautiful female players.

Like this, super beautiful girl players who can be regarded as beautiful girls among beautiful girls actually appeared in front of him, and there were two of them! !
In a daze, he even thought he saw an angel.

However, after realizing that this was the reality, as a super social and anxious otaku who had difficulty communicating with his younger sister at home, the current situation became very fatal for him.

Looking at the two super beautiful girls in front of him who had saved his life, he used all his strength to speak out a complete sentence:

".Thank you for saving my life. I really appreciate it!"

After saying that, he bowed deeply while trying to adjust his mentality.

Calm down, calm down. Don't look too useless in front of your savior!

"It doesn't matter, you can't just ignore it if you encounter this kind of situation, right?"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and replied.

It would be great if everyone could think this way.
Hearing the other party's answer and recalling how he was framed, he thought like this.

At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled again:

"Speaking of which, it seems like I haven't introduced myself yet."

"My name is Ritsuka, and the one next to me is Asuna. Please give me your advice."

"Please advise."

Asuna stood beside Fujimaru Ritsuka and nodded slightly in agreement.

Ritsuka, Asuna seems to have never heard of the closed beta players with these two names.
But maybe they didn't use the name of the closed beta, but maybe changed their name.

Of course, it is also possible that the name is a pseudonym. After all, players cannot see the names of other players before forming a team or adding them as friends.

For some reasons, he actually wanted to give a false name.

However, he really doesn't know how to name characters. In all the online games he has played so far, he has always used the same name modified from his real name.

So, he could only speak with some hesitation:

"My name is Kirito, please give me your advice."

 Grandpa Tong is here!

(End of this chapter)

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