Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 140 The first battle, an unexpected situation

Chapter 140 The first battle, an unexpected situation

"It seems that it's not as difficult as imagined?"

After successfully defeating several initial monsters - wild boars according to the battle method carried out yesterday, Asuna looked at her hands and murmured in surprise.

Today's SAO has become a real death game, and she may really die during the battle with monsters, so she is actually very nervous when facing monsters again.

However, after she carefully dealt with the first wild boar and then went on to kill two more wild boars, her fear of battle and death gradually diminished.

Because she discovered that even a real battle seemed not as dangerous as she imagined.

If this continues, maybe it will work!
This is probably what Ritsuka was talking about, the change in mentality.

Of course, even so, one cannot be careless.

It's okay to face a single monster, but if you are accidentally surrounded by multiple monsters, the situation will be very dangerous.

However, the initial monster boar they are currently targeting is a yellow-named monster, which is a neutral monster.

Although they gather in groups in the area, as long as they don't take the initiative to attack each other, the other party will not take the initiative to attack.

In other words, as long as they attack one by one, there will generally be no surprises.

This is what Fujimaru Ritsuka warned her, and she followed the instructions to only fight a single monster.

However, on the other side——


Fujimaru Ritsuka took the lead and rushed into the wild boars, using one of the basic skills of the spear [Sweep].

There are four basic skills of the spear, namely [Thrust], [Sweep], [Down Slash], and [Upward Pick].

Among them, [Sweep] has the widest strike range. Coupled with the long attack distance of the spear itself, it hit three wild boars at the same time in an instant.

The attacked wild boars roared angrily, and the marks on their heads changed from yellow to red, and they rushed towards her.

Immediately afterwards, Fujimaru Ritsuka did not continue to use [Gun Skill], but simply stabbed, teased, and hit, and used three normal attacks to easily take down the wild boar with remaining health.

Yes, easy and simple.

From Asuna's perspective, Fujimaru Ritsuka's posture in battle is relaxed and freehand, and his movements are as smooth and natural as flowing water. Every move looks very pleasing to the eye.

She even dared to say that in many of the so-called wonderful fight scenes she had seen in movies, the movements of those people were far less natural than those of Fujimaru Ritsuka.

It was obviously a very dangerous battle, but the opponent looked like he was dancing, beautiful and powerful.


Asuna stared at the other person's figure in a daze, and couldn't help but let out a heartfelt sigh.

Although in the initial town, the other party denied the title of martial artist, but now it seems that he is completely being modest, right?

This was the first time she had seen such a powerful person since she was a child.

But speaking of it, she seemed to have only met one martial artist, Fujimaru Ritsuka.

She even couldn't help but start to wonder whether Fujimaru Ritsuka was a professional sent by the country to rescue trapped players like them?

Otherwise, how could it be so powerful?
But no matter what, the skills displayed by Fujimaru Ritsuka made her feel at ease, and she was unconsciously full of confidence in her future clearance journey.

On the other side, after cleaning up several batches of wild boars, Fujimaru Ritsuka finally adapted to the combat feel of the spear in the game.

Although it is a virtual game that claims to be comparable to reality, it is not the same as reality after all.

In addition, although BB said yesterday that she has improved the AI ​​performance of the monsters in the game, except for the wild boars' performance being more agile, the feeling in battle does not seem to be very obvious.

But she quickly realized that this was just the initial wild monster area after all, and even if it was improved, it wouldn't be improved to much.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult for novice players.

Thinking of this, she turned her head and asked Asuna who was not far away:

"Asuna, how are you feeling? Can you get used to it?"

Hearing the other party's call, Asuna immediately came to her senses, nodded and said:
"Well, no problem!" After hearing this, she smiled and said:

"In that case, let's move on and head towards the next town."


The area they are currently in is the leveling area outside the initial town.

Although it is a leveling area, the wild monsters here are at the lowest level, and the experience and materials obtained are very few. It is more like a training area for new players than a leveling area.

The main reason why they stayed here was that she wanted to get familiar with the feel of the spear and help Asuna adapt to fighting.

Now that these two goals were accomplished, they were off to the next town.

That's where the real battle begins.

The entire Aincrad - that is, the floating city - has a structure that is wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, so the first floor at the bottom is of course the widest.

The almost perfectly circular first layer has a diameter of ten kilometers and a total area of ​​about eighty square kilometers.

Kawagoe City in Saitama Prefecture, where more than 30 people live, covers an area of ​​approximately 110 square kilometers, which shows how vast it is on the first floor.

Due to its vast territory, many different terrains can be seen on the first level.

The [Initial Town] where they are located is at the southernmost end of the first level. It is a semicircular city with a diameter of one kilometer surrounded by city walls. The surrounding area is mainly grassland.

Continue walking along the main road, and after crossing the grassland, you will find a lush forest. If you continue to the northeast, you will enter the lake and swamp area.

In addition, there are mountains, canyons, ruins, and groups of monsters that inhabit these terrains waiting for players along the way.

At the far northern end of the floor, stands a thick tower with a diameter of 300 meters and a height of 100 meters - which is the maze area on the first floor. The BOSS on the first floor is located in the maze area.

In other words, their journey has just begun.

Ignoring other neutral monsters in the initial area, the two of them moved forward on the main road.

After a while, they saw that the originally vast grassland was blocked by a dense forest area, which also blocked their view.

The second area has arrived.

Next comes the real battle
Thinking of Fujimaru Ritsuka's words, Asuna swallowed nervously, tensed up and continued forward, following Fujimaru Ritsuka into the forest.


But not long after entering the forest, an unusual noise suddenly came from the forest beside them.

"There's something there!"

Asuna was suddenly startled. She drew out the rapier from her waist and pointed it at the direction of the sound. Fujimaru Ritsuka also held the spear.

".It seems like there are players fighting."

But after listening carefully for a while, they discovered that the noisy sound seemed to be the sound of people fighting monsters.

"Is it another player?"

Thinking like this, she and Asuna looked at each other and finally decided to explore the direction of the source of the sound.

So the two of them moved forward cautiously.

After a while, a rather dangerous scene appeared in front of them:

A lone male player was surrounded by monsters in the forest and fell into a situation with nowhere to escape.

And the blood volume on his head has entered the yellow area. If it continues like this, I'm afraid——

"I'm going to help, Asuna, support me from behind!"

"Well, I see!"

(End of this chapter)

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