Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 14 Fujimaru Ritsuka’s first sparring match

Chapter 14 Fujimaru Ritsuka’s first sparring match

"Joan of Arc Alter?"

On the playground, all the first and second graders of the high school who were going to participate in the exchange meeting were gathered, but this time besides Fujimaru Ritsuka, who had just joined the class, there was another newcomer.

The second-year Zenin Maki and the other three looked at the newcomer.

Her long, waterfall-like pale hair flows down to her calves, and her skin is equally pale. With the cold expression on her charming face, she looks like a cold-blooded person standing on a high mountain. beauty.

She wore a black steel forehead protector on her head and black armor all over her body, which gave her a sense of chill. She looked like a general who had traveled from ancient times to modern times.

The cold light of the three-meter-long iron flag gun in his hand made people secretly stunned, wondering how much terrifying power was hidden under that petite body.

However, now that she has restrained her murderous aura and is staying quietly beside Fujimaru Ritsuka, she looks more like a girl who is cosplaying.

From the perspective of a spell caster, their first impression of Jeanne d'Arc Alter is more of a spell spirit, but it feels specious and confusing.

However, is it possible to summon a self-aware shikigami?

They had a new understanding of Fujimaru Ritsuka's technique.

Let’s get back to the topic, speaking of Joan of Arc. Could it be the French Saint Joan of Arc?

Combined with the effects of Fujimaru Ritsuka's technique and the girl's clothes in front of them, people immediately made such speculations.

But before they could express their suspicions, Fujimaru Ritsuka quickly started educating them about the matter.

"It's not Jeanne herself, but another aspect of her existence? It's made up of anger, hatred, and obsession, and it really looks like a curse. That's why it's called Alter?"

Those who knew something about the Hundred Years War between England and France and the life of Joan of Arc nodded thoughtfully, while the rest were still a little confused.

But that's not the point today.

"Since Mr. Gojo said that you will also participate in the next exchange meeting, let's get to know each other's strengths first."

Zenin Maki smiled at Fujimaru Ritsuka and said:
"So, let's compete. It's better to experience the strength firsthand."

"Honestly, I'm also curious about how powerful your technique is, so let me verify it."

"Hey, it's Maki difficulty right from the start?!"

The panda was shocked when he heard this, and the dog Juanji also said worriedly:

Zen Yuan Maki said unhappily:
"Hey, what is Maki difficulty?! And this is just a normal sparring session, what's there to worry about?"

"But you hit really hard, it hurts so much!"

As soon as Panda said this, everyone present except Fujimaru Ritsuka and Jeanne Alter nodded in unison, which made her veins bulge.

On the other side, Fujimaru Ritsuka is very familiar with this set of procedures, because the servants in Chaldea also like to play this set of procedures.

So she stood up and said with a confident smile:
"It doesn't matter, it's just a competition. Besides, my servant is very strong. Anyone who underestimates her will be in great trouble."

Maki heard this and grinned:

"That's right."

Everyone made room for Fujimaru Ritsuka and Zenin Maki. Jeanne Alter protected Fujimaru Ritsuka behind her, facing Zenin Maki.

Before the battle, Zenyuan Maki took out a C-level magic tool spear and said:

"Let me explain in advance that I am bound by the sky and the curse. I have no curse power in my body and cannot use spells. But in exchange, my physical ability is pretty good."

The bonds of heaven and curse, that is, the bonds that are forcibly given at birth, are replaced by a certain powerful force at the expense of certain innate conditions.

"I'm not saying this to pity me, but I want to say that although it's a discussion, I won't hold back. I hope you will do the same."

"I understand."

Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded in agreement.Panda announced the countdown to the competition:
"Three, two, one start!"

At the command, Zenyuan Maki and Jeanne Alter started almost at the same time and rushed towards each other.

So fast!

Seeing Jeanne Alter's speed, Zenyuan Maki's pupils narrowed.

He was obviously wearing heavy armor, and the weight of the flag gun in his hand was probably unusual. She originally thought that the opponent was probably a powerful person, but she didn't expect that the speed displayed was almost the same as hers, or even slightly faster than hers. Faster!

The best way to fight the Summoner is to attack the Spellcaster himself, but the opponent should also understand this. Coupled with the speed shown by Jeanne Alter, it would probably be too difficult to get past her and attack Fujimaru Ritsuka directly. It’s impossible.

Therefore, we have to deal with her first!
Thinking rapidly in his mind, while Zenyuan Maki made up his mind, the two sides quickly approached and entered the contact range.

Facing the attacking Jeanne d'Arc Alter, Chanyuan Maki did not dodge, raised the spear in her hand and went straight towards him, preparing to give the opponent a blow first.

In terms of strength alone, I’m not afraid——




The moment their weapons came into contact, Zenyuan Maki opened her eyes in disbelief when she felt the unparalleled strange power coming from her hands.

In her shocked eyes, the flag gun in Jeanne d'Arc Alter's hand smashed the C-class spell tool in her hand as easily as if it had broken plastic foam, and then fell firmly on her body without any loss of force!
Zenyuan Maki's body was nearly folded in half by the violent force, and then flew upside down with a 'bang'. After landing on the ground, she rolled twice and stopped at the position where she originally stood.

"What a powerful force!"

She covered her abdomen with her left hand, half-knelt on the ground, and slowly got up with difficulty.

Although she stood up, the pain caused by the blow to her abdomen could not be relieved, silently reprimanding her for her strategic mistake.

That is to say, she can still stand up in front of her as a sky and curse. If it were Fushiguro Megumi and others, they would have been sent directly to the infirmary after receiving this blow.

She really didn't expect that not only the speed, but also the strength of the opponent was far superior to her.

If it were a normal battle, it would have been over the moment she made the decision to confront the opponent head-on.

On the other side, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugizaki Wild Rose, who were watching the battle, as well as the panda and Inugaki Tsutomu who spent time with Zenin Maki, were also stunned by the scene in front of them.

"Maki (senpai), she was knocked down by the opponent in a head-on confrontation."

They knew very well about Zenyuan Maki's physical abilities. However, Maki like this was knocked backwards by a direct blow. So, how terrifying is Jeanne Alter's physical fitness! ?

Thinking of this, the eyes of everyone looking at Fujimaru Ritsuka and Jeanne Alter changed again.

However, Fujimaru Ritsuka was not surprised at all by this result.

Although Jeanne d'Arc Alter looks petite, she is actually a powerful and powerful woman with A-level strength and A-level agility in the true sense of the word.

Chanyuan Maki actually wanted to confront Jeanne d'Arc Alter, which was really a bit naive.

"Hey, let me tell you, that's not all you can do, right?"

Jeanne Alter did not continue the attack, but stood there and mocked Zenyuan Maki with some contempt.

Hearing this, although the pain dissipated, Zenyuan Maki once again took a stance, using the broken long spear in his hand as two short spears. His face was full of fighting spirit, and he grinned:

"Then it really begins!"

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(End of this chapter)

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