Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 13 Information exchange between the two sides

Chapter 13 Information exchange between the two sides

[Real name]: Joan of Arc·Alter
[Class]: Avenger
[Gender]: Female

[Attribute]: Chaos·Evil

[Strength]: A
[Durability]: C
[Agility]: A
[Magic]: A+
[Noble Phantasm]: A+——
"What's the situation now?"

Fushiguro Megumi asked Gojo Satoru in a low voice.

Fujimaru Ritsuka and the servant named Jeanne Alter she summoned were hanging far behind the team, whispering and discussing something in a low voice. He and Kugisaki originally wanted to eavesdrop, but they were stopped by Gojo Satoru. to the front.

"I'm not very sure either."

Gojo Satoru replied with a smile, and then sighed with some regret:

"But I thought what was summoned would be two rituals. It's a pity."

He has been thinking about the existence that can break his spell and hurt his body, thinking that if Fujimaru Ritsuka summons the opponent this time, he must have a serious discussion with her.

As for the other followers, he was not very interested.

As far as he is concerned, as long as it can't hurt him, it's no different than anyone else.

"Who are the two rituals?"

"Don't you know this very well?!"

Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Wild Rose looked at each other, and immediately held his arms from left to right, trying to force him to reveal the secret they were hiding.

From the moment Fujimaru Ritsuka summoned the servant named Jeanne d'Arc Alter, they realized that something was wrong.

Because Fujimaru Ritsuka is actually very familiar with the other party, and as of now, the relationship between the two is very close!
Such behavior is obviously unusual.

In addition, both of them were keenly aware that during the entire process of Fujimaru Ritsuka's summoning ceremony, not even a trace of magic power flowed out!

There are two possibilities here:
First, Fujimaru Ritsuka is a celestial being with no magic power. The reason why she cannot detect her magic power is because she has no magic power at all.

This is obviously impossible. How can someone without magic power perform a spell?

Second, Fujimaru Ritsuka has an abnormal level of magic control ability, which allows her to accurately control the output of magic power during the process of casting spells without wasting any magic power, so there is no overflow of magic power.

This is not impossible, because there is a living example standing beside them, that is Gojo Satoru.

The special trait [Six Eyes] inherited by the Gojo family, one of the three royal families in the magic world, can give the holder a 360-degree, super-long-distance, and unobstructed vision.

In addition, the holder of [Six Eyes] can also perform super-fine mantra manipulation, minimizing the consumption of mantra during the process of performing spells. In conjunction with the natural recovery of his own mantra, he can achieve nearly unlimited mantra power. Effect.

However, can anyone really achieve such a level of operational accuracy on their own?

Megumi Fushiguro couldn't be sure, but he couldn't deny it either.

In addition to the above two possibilities, there is actually a third possibility:
That is, what Fujimaru Ritsuka uses is not magic power, but some unknown other power.

It's just that this speculation is so outrageous that they have never thought about it in this direction. Even if they had a moment's speculation, they quickly rejected it.

In short, no matter what, as far as the performances of Fujimaru Ritsuka and Gojo Satoru are concerned, there are obviously some tacit secrets between the two of them, which also aroused the strong curiosity of Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Wild Rose.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, let me go. Listen to me first."

Although the methods of Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Wild Rose would not have any impact on him, Gojo Satoru still raised his hands in cooperation and made a gesture of begging for mercy.

The two let go of him, but their eyes were still locked on him. Gojo Satoru motioned for them to come closer. He lowered his voice and said to them:
"Because you are my lovely students, I am telling you this."

"There are indeed some secrets between Ritsuka and me, but——"

Gojo Satoru paused for a moment, seeing that their curiosity was successfully aroused by him, so he smiled wickedly:
"Unfortunately, I can't tell you the details at the moment."



Rose Kugizaki was about to have an attack, but Gojo Satoru suddenly choked her words with a 'but', which made her feel very uncomfortable.Gojo Satoru raised a finger and smiled:
"Although I won't say anything, I allow you to investigate. Of course, the premise is that it must be done quietly and cannot be known by others."

"Also, I would like to remind you that no matter what secrets Ritsuka has, she is indeed your companion."

"So, get along well~"

"I thought I was going to say something, isn't that of course?!"

Kugizaki Wild Rose responded with a decisive nod, earning another thumbs up from Gojo Satoru.

"That's it, the response is good! And Hui, don't you say something?"

"Yes, yes, I know."

Fushiguro Megumi nodded perfunctorily, looking thoughtful, as if he was considering something.

He always felt that what Gojo Satoru just said to them not only had a superficial meaning, but also seemed to have some metaphor.

what is it then?

On the other side, after a quick private exchange, Fujimaru Ritsuka explained the current situation clearly to Jeanne Alter and asked her to pay attention to her words and deeds in future actions to avoid exposing their details.

"I see."

Joan of Arc Alter suddenly said:
"I just said that I can't find Keke anywhere during this period. Why don't I seem to have met you? It turns out that something like this happened."

"But how should I put it? Because it happened to you, it feels like 'surprised but not surprising'?"

"Hey, why do you make it sound like I have accidents all the time?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka muttered unwillingly, Jeanne Alter just glanced at her sideways and said:

"Isn't it? It's about time you became a little self-conscious, right?"


Fujimaru Ritsuka was immediately speechless and was brutally killed!

Forget it, it's time for her to accept her fate.

"Anyway, as long as you don't mention our affairs here, I can just be the same as usual at other times, right?"

"That's it."

Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded and said with a smile:
"I can only ask of you for the rest of this time, dear Jeanne Alter."

"'You can only ask me'?"

Joan of Arc Alter couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, raised her head and said with a proud face:

"Humph, who wants to accept your request! Just stay by my side. If you are accidentally implicated and burned up together with yourself, it is none of my business."

Hearing this familiar tsundere quote again after a long absence, Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but sigh:

"It's indeed Jeanne d'Arc Alter's kiss!"

"Well, what do you mean? Is there a subtle emotion in that sentence just now? Be careful, I will burn you!"


With Jeanne Alter by her side, even though she is still in a different place, Fujimaru Ritsuka still feels a sense of security that she has not seen in a long time.

Sure enough, as a Master, she is complete only when her servants are by her side!
After the greetings with Jeanne Alter were over, Fujimaru Ritsuka brought her to Gojo Satoru and others, and proudly introduced her to them:

"This is the Servant I just summoned, Jeanne d'Arc Alter!"

(End of this chapter)

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