Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 136 BB’s updated rules, what to do next?

Chapter 136 BB’s updated rules, what to do next?

Ruler of the Moon?Superior illegal AI?

What is that?

Aren't they the ones who rescued us? !

He actually said that he was an AI. In other words, was it just a program?

Was it Kayaba Akihiko's fault?
What about game updates?

The situation in front of them, especially the unusual exit method of Kayaba Akihiko just now, made everyone feel a little uneasy, and they could only wait quietly for the other party's next speech.

Seeing this, BB showed a satisfied smile, and then announced energetically:
"First of all, the first update, the optimization of monsters!"

"In order to increase the authenticity and immersion of the game, I greatly improved the AI ​​performance of the monsters so that their behavior patterns are no different from real creatures."

"Sure enough, the most important thing when playing a game is immersion, right? Players don't need to shed tears of gratitude, this is what BB should do!"

"A friendly reminder, if you still fight through the backboard like before, you will die miserably, right?"

Just the first bomb made many players' hearts sink.

Backboarding refers to a behavior in which players memorize the enemy's skills, timing and response methods through a lot of trial and error, thereby increasing the pass rate. It is a very common game method.

If the intelligence of the monsters really increases to the point where they cannot back up the monsters, then the difficulty of defeating them will undoubtedly rise sharply.

What's more, now, they only have one life, and the error tolerance rate is really too low.

"Then the second update is the punishment mechanism for staying in the safe zone!"

Speaking of this, BB showed a wicked smile and said:

"This is also to allow all players to participate in the game."

"If the player passively stays in the safe zone for more than seven days, the player's blood will be forcibly deducted until the player engages in game behavior or until all blood is lost."

"Of course, this rule does not apply to children and elderly players. After all, as an AI, I still know how to respect the elderly and love the young!"

This rule instantly broke the plan of countless players to passively wait for rescue, and many players even collapsed on the spot.

In the eyes of many less skilled players, this rule is no different than forcing them to die.

"Finally, the third update!"

Hearing this sentence, many people's hearts trembled. The first two updates were so deadly. It's hard to imagine how terrifying the third one would be.

At this time, BB winked playfully and said with a smile:

"It seems that everyone has been scared to shit, but don't worry, the third version is just some scattered small updates, and there are even benefits for everyone in it."

“However, I won’t explain the content of this update one by one. Please feel it in the game for yourself!”

Although it was said that there was welfare content, the way she avoided talking about it made everyone even more uneasy.

Compared to the so-called benefits, what they want to know more is how many landmines the other party has planted in the third update.

"at last--"

Saying this, BB on the screen snapped his fingers, and the players in the square lit up with white light again, as if they had just returned to their real appearance.

"What was that just now?"

"Nothing seems to have changed."

"Wait, where's my weapon!"

"My equipment is gone too!"

"Damn it, I just revealed the equipment!"

"what happened?!"

"Not only the equipment, but also the level and experience have been initialized!"

After the white light passed, the players were shocked to find that all the equipment on their bodies disappeared, and all returned to their initial levels, basically returning to their newborn state.

BB smiled wickedly:

"In order to allow everyone to better experience the changes in the current game, I have thoughtfully initialized all your accounts."

"Oh, BB is so considerate!"

"Well, that's the end of BB's update report radio program. I wish everyone a happy game!"

As the words fell, the overhead projection instantly turned off, revealing the beautiful night sky approaching night.

But at this time, no one in the square was enjoying the beautiful scenery. After a moment of silence as if they were gathering strength, a huge noise suddenly broke out——

"What a joke!"

"Let us go quickly!"

"I don't want to play this crappy game!"

"The equipment I just made!!!" Asuna was also a little desperate at this time.

Her original idea was to stay quietly in the Starting Town until rescue from the outside arrived.

But now, BB's updated rules have dealt her a heavy blow, forcing her and other players like her to fight.

What's more, according to the other party, what they need to face next are monsters with more difficult levels.

How can I do.?



At this moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka's call came, and she immediately felt like grabbing a life-saving straw, and asked nervously:
"Ritsuka, what should we do next? Do we really want to fight monsters?"

"Now it seems that this is the only way to go."

She nodded helplessly.

But then, she showed an embarrassed smile and said:
"But next, how about we go have a meal first?"

"To be honest, I'm a little hungry."


Asuna was stunned, wondering if there was something wrong with her ears.

In this case, why don't you go eat first?

Although players will not really starve to death even if they don’t eat, SAO, as a completely virtual game, even simulates the feeling of hunger.

For a normal person, this feeling of hunger is quite uncomfortable.


Taking a bite of the hot white bread, a hint of sweetness gradually spreads in your mouth as you chew.

After swallowing it, the hunger gradually disappeared.

Even though she knew that all this was just false data, Asuna couldn't help but half-squinted her eyes with a happy expression.

The only portable food option in the prop shop is brown bread, but hot food like this is available in the hotel.

It's just that the food in the store is extremely expensive. With the Cole (money in the game) they currently have, they can only eat some white bread and hot water.

'Why is a game so realistic? '

'In this situation, is it really okay to spend money so lavishly? '

'Also, is it really okay to eat leisurely like now? '

Although she still had doubts and anxieties in her heart, it was undeniable that after finishing the hot meal, she finally calmed down and could think rationally.

You must clear customs before you can leave.
There is only one life.
And the girl who calls herself AI comes from nowhere.
No matter how you look at it, the current situation is not optimistic, but as Ritsuka said, we can only move forward now, right?

"It's a pity that there is only white bread. It would be nice to have barbecue and vegetable soup."

At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was sitting opposite her, sighed, interrupting her thinking.


When she heard what the other party complained about, she couldn't laugh or cry for a moment and didn't know what expression to make.

In such a critical moment, the first thing the other party chooses to do is to eat. I really don’t know whether to praise the other party for her optimism and big heart, or whether to call her crazy.

But thanks to the other person's presence, she was able to calm down so quickly.

Otherwise, she would probably have a mental breakdown like the other players still in the square and be unable to accept reality, right?

"Ritsuka, what should we do next? Are we going to fight monsters and level up?"

she asked Fujimaru Ritsuka.


Fujimaru Ritsuka turned to look at the sky outside the window.

At this time, the sky in Aincrad had completely darkened, and warm lights lit up the clean streets, reflecting the fantasy-style buildings on both sides like a dream, which was particularly beautiful.

After pondering for a while, she smiled and suggested:
"I think we should find a hotel first and rest for today, right?"


It seems that there are more nerve-wracking parts.

Asuna judged in her heart.

 Please collect it, please give me monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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