Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 135 The death game begins, and the devil descends!

Chapter 135 The death game begins, and the devil descends!

"My name is Kayaba Akihiko, and I am the only human being who can control this world right now."

Kayaba Akihiko said to himself:

"Every player must have noticed that the escape key cannot be found in the main menu."

"However, this is not a problem with the game. I repeat, this is not a problem, but with the original gameplay of Sword Art Online."

"How to play?"

Regarding Kayaba Akihiko's words, many players cannot understand. What is the gameplay of being unable to exit the game?
Soon, Kayaba Akihiko announced the answer——

"You cannot log out voluntarily, and outsiders cannot stop or cancel NERvGear. If you try, the high-power microwaves emitted by NERvGear's signal unit will destroy your brain and stop life activities."

NERvGear is the full stealth gaming helmet they use to log into the game.

"Unfortunately, so far, there are many cases of players' relatives and friends ignoring warnings and trying to forcibly remove NERvGear. As a result, 213 players have permanently withdrawn from Aincrad and the real world."

As he spoke, a large number of windows popped up around him, showing real-life media vying to report news related to SAO.

【Cannot exit! SAO has become a death game! 】

[Hundreds of players have died so far! 】

[The worst gaming incident in history, madman Kayaba Akihiko.! 】

"As you can see, this situation, including the large number of deaths, is being repeatedly reported by the media."

"So it can be said that the risk of NERvGear being forcibly released has been reduced. I hope you can play the game with peace of mind."

As soon as these words came out, along with the reports from major media, no one could stay calm at this moment.

"Hey, are you really kidding?"

"How is this possible!"

"Damn bastard, let us go quickly!!"

"Woo, I want to go home!"

Ignoring the chattering players in the square,

"Hey, how come...?"

Asuna looked at the report screen in the window in disbelief, her body trembling unconsciously, which was due to instinctive fear.

What should we do if we can't leave the game?

Ignoring the noise of the players, Kayaba Akihiko continued:

"However, I hope everyone will be aware that in the future, the resurrection methods in the game will be invalid. The moment HP returns to zero, all characters will disappear forever."

"At the same time, your brains will be destroyed by NERvGear."

"There is only one condition for you to be liberated, and that is to clear this game."

"Finally, there are gifts from me in your backpacks, please confirm."


Although their minds were in chaos at this time, after hearing what Kayaba Akihiko said, the players couldn't help but click on their backpacks to check.

Then, a palm-sized mirror appeared in everyone's hands.

The next moment, all the players in the field were covered by light. When the light dissipated, almost everyone's appearance changed.

"You are actually a man?!"

"Didn't you say you were 17?"

"Who is this!?"

Such exclamations resounded one after another among the players. Seeing this, Asuna was frightened and hurriedly looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka aside.


"Well, I'm here."

Fujimaru Ritsuka responded softly and gave her a reassuring smile.

After discovering that the other party was still the same as before, Asuna was inexplicably relieved.

The other party is her only acquaintance in this game, and she is also a female player like her.

Although the two of them have known each other for a short time, they can be regarded as beings who can be relied on at this critical moment.If she were alone, facing this situation, she might have the same emotional breakdown as the other players present.

However, when she thought of the current situation, she suddenly panicked and asked Fujimaru Ritsuka:

"What should we do now? Do you think what he said is true?"

She very much hoped that all this was just Kayaba Akihiko's words at the moment, and that as long as they waited patiently for rescue in the real world, they could be rescued.

Instead of risking your life to fight those monsters and complete some game!
However, Fujimaru Ritsuka did not give her the response she wanted——

"I'm afraid it's true."

She said this reply while lowering her head slightly and thinking about the solution to the current problem.

I wonder if she can still summon servants in her current body. If not,
On the other side, after adjusting the appearances of all players to their real-life counterparts, Kayaba Akihiko finally announced:

"So far, my goal has been achieved."

"I just created this world and watched it, and then created Sword Art Online, and now, everything is completed."

"Then, let's end the official operation tutorial of Sword Art Online."

"Dear players, I wish you all the best! @#¥%...&*()——)"

Just then, a mutation arose.

Kayaba Akihiko's last sentence was not spoken, but suddenly turned into a mess of noise, like a broken machine.

Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly raised his head.

Under the bewildered eyes of all the players, Kayaba Akihiko's projected body gradually collapsed and turned into a twisted mosaic. The bloody red curtain covering the square also began to collapse, revealing the pitch-black unknown space underneath.

"How is this going?!"

"The other party's body seems to be broken!"

"Is it a hacker attack?"

“Did the country come to save us?!”

All the players, including Asuna, had a glimmer of hope in the situation before them, but Fujimaru Ritsuka suddenly had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the next moment, a lilting demonic voice that was so familiar to her sounded in the square.

"Moxi Moxi, test test, players, can you hear me?"

"OK, let's begin!"

"Mr. Developer's long and boring speech has finally come to an end. Congratulations! Congratulations!"

"Then, let us send each other off respectfully, and then start the official (nightmare) part of the game. Please prepare a little, 3, 2,...!"


As the words fell, the sky above the square turned into a mosaic loading interface with the words "now hacking" in the center, and gradually became clearer.

After a flashy opening animation, heart-wrenching music played, the screen turned into a pink studio, and a cute purple-haired girl appeared in the center of the screen.

"What's the situation now?"

"Wow, it's a beautiful girl!"

"Why is the music suddenly playing?"

"Are they the government personnel who came to rescue us?"

"It seems a little strange."

The players were talking a lot, and on the side, Fujimaru Ritsuka's expression gradually became weird.

This feeling is not good.

On the big screen, the cute purple-haired girl looked happily at the players in the square and said cheerfully:
"The humans here are also as stupid as ever. This stupid look like low-level animals is really pitiful."

"Of course, it's the pitiful feeling of being embarrassed~!"

"However, the despicable method of repeating the opening remarks is not the style of the demon descendants, so I will omit the rest of the speech!"

Speaking of this, she immediately announced happily:

"Anyway, the ruler of the moon, that is, me, the illegal superior AI BB, will introduce the game update to everyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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