Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 129 The Adventer Bo Dao!information exchange

Chapter 129 The Adventer Bo Dao!information exchange
Real name: Yanqie Bodao

Occupation: Foreigner
Gender: other

Height: 115cm
Weight: XNUM X kg
Attribute: Chaos Neutral
[Basic value]

Muscle strength: D
Durability: C
Agility: C
Magic: E
lucky: E
Noble Phantasm: C
【Job Skills】

Life outside the realm: EX
Unknown lives traveling through various dimensions.

Divinity: B
Once enshrined by the island residents as Hiroko-no-Mikoto, Izanagi-Mikoto and Izanami-Mikoto united on Yuneng Gero Island and gave birth to their first child.

But its essence is not a god, but another completely different existence.

【Inherent skills】

Information Prey: EX
Unknown beings that feed on information can devour and manipulate information, and can also convert matter and energy into pure information.

Print and copy: C
It can copy and store the information of things in the body and print it out at any time.

Reproduction: B
It can reproduce individuals named [Shadows] without limit, but it must copy and kill identical beings in order to survive. It cannot reproduce normally and is a defective life.

Dimension shuttle: EX
Freely travel between the past and the future, across parallel worlds, and even to completely different universes.

What you see is what you see: EX
Overlooking the flow of time and parallel worlds from a high-dimensional perspective, and being able to transform what you see into reality.

【Holding a Noble Phantasm】

eternal tranquil night

Class: C
Type: Anti-human Noble Phantasm

The hometown of Bo Dao and the alien space that was born together with it.

All things are stagnant, time stops, and the eternal night remains unchanged.

In [Eternal Night], Bo Dao can project the information he holds, transform it into reality, and manipulate it.
It can be seen from the panel that Bo Da's ability itself does not belong to the combat type.

However, just the two EX-level inherent skills named [Dimension Travel] and [What You See Is Real] are enough for her to enter the ranks of top servants.

In addition, the inherent skill [Information Predation] was also listed as EX level, which surprised her.

"Sister Ritsuka, I seem to have become more powerful!"

On the other side, feeling the physical changes, Bo Dao said with a look of surprise.

Although her ability is very strong, her physical power is limited by the power of the life she changes, and she can only reach the limit of the human body at best.

After being turned into a follower through the Heroic Spirit Summoning mechanism, because her body was too weak, the suppression gave her extra strength, which made her stronger after becoming a follower.

"That's great."

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and rubbed her little head and said:
"And in this way, the contract between us will officially take effect."


Hearing what she said, Bo Dao realized that the weak connection they had established through the temporary contract had now become very clear.

She was a little surprised and said:

"So this is a formal contract?"

"All right."

At this time, Goldruff said:

"Now that the summons and contract have been completed, please leave the rest for later. It's time to talk about business."


Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded, then suddenly remembered something and confirmed to Goldruff:
"New director, it's up to me to report my experience next, right?"

"of course."

Goldruff affirmed:

"Although you came back successfully in terms of results, the process and experience before that are also very important information."

"And it's not just a verbal report. After that, a paper report must be submitted as a record and backup."

When she heard the other party mention the report, she suddenly slumped, showing a deflated look full of resistance.

Writing reports and stuff is the most annoying thing!
"I'm sorry, Master, I can only side with the fat director when it comes to writing the report."

The adult Leonardo da Vinci laughed and joked, then returned to the topic:
"Because Joan of Arc Alter and Miss Two Ceremonies successfully returned and brought back corresponding information, we already know about the problems you face and your experience in the world named [Spell]." "Therefore, You can optionally skip this part.”

"Of course, if you have anything special to add, please don't hold it back."

"As for the reporting issue, I now have a better way to report to everyone."

Hearing this, she temporarily broke away from her resistance and smiled at Bo Dao beside her:

"Can I trouble you?"

Bo Dao immediately guessed her plan and immediately agreed:
"of course!"

So Fujimaru Ritsuka stretched out his right hand and said to everyone in a slightly mysterious manner:

"Then, please put your hands together."


Although they were a little confused, everyone did not reject her proposal. They came up to form a circle and put their hands together.

Then, Hatae reached out and held the corner of Fujimaru Ritsuka's clothes. The next moment, a large number of memories from Fujimaru Ritsuka emerged in everyone's minds.

He was suddenly transferred to the world of Conan, picked up a little girl, was suddenly transferred to the world of magic, had a series of battles, and met Hatae on Rito Island after returning.
In addition, they already know how to implement memory transfer.

Memory is also a kind of information, and it is naturally within Bo Dao's control.

After digesting the memories in his mind, Mashu sighed:

"I didn't expect so many things to happen. Thank you so much, senior."

And Holmes is obviously very interested in the world of Conan.

"There is such a world for detectives and criminals. No wonder it was James and I who had the strongest response to the call."

"Suddenly I regret letting him go."

But when it came to this matter, he warned Fujimaru Ritsuka:

"Don't take it lightly, Ritsuka."

"Although he behaved very calmly during this period, for the spider, apart from hunting, the rest of the time is just weaving a bigger web."

She nodded and said:
"Well, I see."

On the other side, Goldruff said with some worry:
"Memory and the brain that stores memories are very important places. Is it really okay to mess around with it like this?"

"Hey, do you think I will hurt Ritsuka-san?"

When Bo Dao heard this, he looked at him with some displeasure. His face turned pale with fright, and he quickly explained:
"No, no, no, I'm just worried about Ritsuka's safety."

"Also, it's really convenient to completely expose your memories to everyone like this, but it's actually not very good, right?"

"In terms of the psychological burden."

"OK OK."

She put her hand on top of Bo Dao's head to comfort her, and replied with a smile:
"I believe in Bo Dao and I believe in everyone, so there is no problem."

She believed in Bo Dao, so she was willing to let him control her memory;
I believe in everyone, so I am willing to show my memories without reservation.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's answer made everyone stunned. Then, U-Olga Marie sighed helplessly:
"That's why I said, Ritsuka is such an idiot. Everyone has long been used to her doing such stupid things, right?"

"Hey, I can't pretend like I haven't heard anything like this!"

"Where am I stupid?!"

When U-Olga Marie said this, she immediately protested with reason.

Ignoring Fujimaru Ritsuka's protest, everyone laughed in relief.

"makes sense."

But it’s precisely because Fujimaru Ritsuka is such a person that Chaldea exists today, right?
 Suddenly, I discovered that the picture of Gudazi’s event dress that I posted earlier had been swallowed.


  Try posting again at the end of the chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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