Chapter 128 Reunion and Summoning
In the control room, everyone is already here.

Former director, current director, adult Leonardo da Vinci, young da Vinci, Sherlock Holmes, Xion, Captain Nemo, and——

"Senior, welcome back!"

Mashu, wearing a Chaldean uniform, trotted all the way, making rapid tapping sounds on the deck.

Matthew came to her quickly, grabbed her hand tightly with some excitement, and said with concern:

"The journey must have gone smoothly, without any danger, right?!"


At the same time, Fufu, who was lying on Mashu's shoulder, also rushed over, running around on her body, as if checking whether she was injured anywhere.

"Hahaha, okay Fufu, stop running around, it's very itchy."

She grabbed Fufu and held her in her arms, and Fufu became quiet.

Then, she looked at the all-too-familiar face of Matthew, and smiled knowingly:

"Of course, thank you for your concern, Matthew!"


After hearing what she said and confirming with his own eyes that there was nothing unusual about her, Mashu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled reassuringly.

Only then did she notice that she had grabbed Fujimaru Ritsuka's hand at some point, and she immediately let go with some embarrassment.

Then she quickly shifted her attention, looked at Hatae next to Fujimaru Ritsuka, and asked curiously:

"Senior, who is this kid?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and introduced Inamichi to everyone:
"Her name is Bo Dao. I met her in another world."


Bo Dao suddenly interrupted and emphasized:

"Sister Ritsuka is my family, we are the same clan!"

"Well, that's it."

Seeing the doubtful and inquiring looks from everyone, she could only shrug it off with a dry smile, and then continued:

"All in all, the reason why I was able to come back this time was all thanks to Bo Dao's help."

As she said this, she introduced everyone about Bo Dao's identity and abilities, which immediately aroused everyone's eyebrows.

Manipulate time?Interfering with parallel worlds?Traveling around the world? !
In this way, they understood why the other party said that they were Fujimaru Ritsuka's family, and besides——

"Hey, Ritsuka, come here."

At this time, the current director Goldruff waved to her with a strange expression.


When she approached with some confusion, he leaned close to her and whispered angrily:
"I'm not talking about you, why do you always like to bring back some troublesome guys, and this time it's a particularly troublesome one!"

"Do you know that every time I write a report, just thinking about how to make fun of the current situation makes me anxious and start to gain weight!"

"Ah haha, thank you for your hard work, Director Fatty."

Faced with Goldruff's accusation, she was speechless and could only scratch her head and laugh.

Seeing this, Holmes on the side chuckled and suggested:
"As for the problem of obesity, I think if you can put two less high-calorie cakes on hand next time you write a report, the situation may be greatly alleviated."

Little Da Vinci even said bluntly:
"It's just that, new director, you ate too much!"


Lies don't hurt, truth is the knife.

The seriously injured Goldruff froze in place and defended weakly:

"I think Baking Nemo should be somewhat responsible, if it weren't for the fact that the cakes he made were so delicious."

"But you want something to eat yourself, right?"

Captain Nemo ruthlessly exposed his excuse.

".!" Goldruff, completely sunk!

Xiong on the side looked at Bo Dao with twinkling eyes, full of curiosity and inquiry, and exclaimed:
"It sounds somewhat similar to the second method. Although it is inferior in some aspects, it has even surpassed the second method in some aspects."

There are five major magics in their world, which are the means to get to the source and the ultimate goal that countless magicians pursue throughout their lives.

The second method refers to the magic that can observe countless parallel worlds and travel between the worlds at will.

Not only that, the second method can also extract the magic power of other parallel worlds, thereby making one's own magic power inexhaustible.

From this point of view, although Bo Dao cannot draw power from the parallel world, in terms of the breadth of his abilities, it can be said to have completely surpassed the second method!
I really want to study it!

Of course, this matter needs to be settled slowly, and at least the other party's consent must be obtained first.

On the other side, U-Olga Marie raised her eyebrows slightly and said with some dissatisfaction:

"Why are they aliens again? Really, there are more and more elements that overlap with me!"

Isn't your attention strip too weird?As expected of the former director!
The other members in the control room complained silently.

Mashu, who was in front of Hatae, after listening to Fujimaru Ritsuka's words, sincerely thanked her:
"Miss Bo Dao, thank you for bringing senior back."

"And welcome to Chaldea!"

"It doesn't matter, I'm just willing to do this because I'm Ritsuka-san."

Bo Dao replied nonchalantly, and then asked expectantly:
"So, I should be able to get the Advent job now, right?"

She has been looking forward to this handsome-sounding job offer from Adventer for a long time. It can be said that getting a job offer is what she looks forward to most after coming to Chaldea.

"This word."

Because this was not part of their original plan, when faced with the problem, Matthew could only turn to Leonardo da Vinci and others and ask for their opinions.

Seeing Matthew's gaze, the adult Leonardo did not answer, but looked at Goldruff aside and said with a smile:

"On this issue, of course it will be decided by our new director."

"Eh, me?"

Goldruff, who had just recovered from the cruel truth, was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"Ahem, okay. Let me think about it."

But he reacted quickly, coughed twice deliberately, looked at Hatae next to Fujimaru Ritsuka, and said in deep thought:
"Fujimaru Ritsuka has returned safely, and the current situation is not critical. The exchange of information can be carried out slowly."

"If this is the case, then give priority to giving this little girl a job and hold a summoning ceremony."


Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu smiled and accepted the order, and Hatae also said happily:
"Finally got a job placement? Great!"

Then, she tilted her head slightly and said doubtfully:
"However, how?"

"Don't worry, it's very simple. You just need to..."

Fujimaru Ritsuka explained to her the precautions, and the others made way for an open space, allowing Mashu to lay the summoned round table shield flat on the ground.

Matthew's Round Table Shield has the concept of "gathering of heroes" and is the best summoning array.

"Senior, I'm ready!"


She took a hair from Bo Dao and placed it on the shield as a holy relic, then stretched out her right hand and chanted:


The lines on the shield gradually glowed with blue light, and magic power began to gather in the summoning array. At the same time, Bo Dao on the side seemed to sense something, and his whole body began to glow with light.

".Appear, Guardian of the Scales!"

The moment the words fell, Bo Dao, who was originally beside them, appeared in front of them in a daze, as if he hadn't realized what happened.


At the same time, a brand new Servant panel appeared in front of her—

(End of this chapter)

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