Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 107 Looks like a BOSS, but actually he is

Chapter 107 Looks like a BOSS, but actually he is
"So you are also a shadow-like being?"

Seeing Moriarty suddenly appear in front of him, Yanqi Masato was a little surprised.

"Similar? What kind of similarity are you talking about? Is the scope too broad?"

"It's so nerve-wracking."

Moriarty held the [Magic Bullet] at his waist and said with a smile:

"I don't really like guys who talk in a slurred way. They remind me of some nasty detective."

"So, please go to hell."

As the words fell, the shape of the [Magic Bullet] changed, revealing the murderous muzzle in the middle.

Moriarty himself is a fusion servant who absorbed the ability of the phantom [Magic Bullet], and the weapon [Magic Bullet] he uses now is the power of [Magic Bullet].

"Thug chug...!"

The [Magic Bullet] fire was at full blast, and the barrage like a violent storm swept towards Yankiri Masato.

Sensing the threat, Yankiri Masato did not resist the bullets as before, but quickly avoided the incoming barrage, and circled around the edge of the Hiroko Cave at an extremely fast speed, approaching Moriarty.

Since a gun is used, and the weapon itself is so large and bulky, all it takes is to get close.

The Zizi Cave itself is not big, and the distance between the two of them is not too far.

In just a few seconds, Yankiri Masato had already approached Moriarty. The spear in his hand shone with a soul-stirring chill in the firelight, and then he aimed it at Moriarty and thrust it out with all his strength.


The [Magic Bullet] was quickly adjusted in Moriarty's hands, showing incredible flexibility and blocking Yankiri Masato's attack. There were fierce sparks between the two.


Yankiri Masato's pupils shrank when he saw this, and he didn't understand why the opponent was holding such a heavy weapon, but could still make such flexible movements?
Of course he wouldn't know that although the weapon Moriarty was holding looked bulky, it actually had an agility value of A.

In addition, reality did not give him much time to think.

The weapons of the two people were in front of them. The next moment, Moriarty showed an intriguing smile, and the sides of the [Magic Bullet] suddenly unfolded, revealing rows of muzzles.

To be precise, it's not a gun, it's a missile.

Seeing Yankiri Masato's expression change, Moriarty smiled wickedly and said:


"Boom boom boom boom.!"

There was no time to defend against such a close attack. Rows of missiles instantly exploded in front of Yankiri Masato, and the dazzling blazing fire completely engulfed him!

Violent and continuous explosions echoed in the Hiroko Cave, and Fujimaru Ritsuka had to cover his ears tightly to avoid being damaged by the strong sound waves.

Hatae shrank behind Fujimaru Ritsuka in fear. She had been seriously injured by a bomb, and now the sound of explosions had become a shadow in her heart.

After a while, the explosion ended and the smoke slowly dispersed.

Moriarty appeared in their sight intact, and across from him, the black mud armor of Yankiri Masato was blown to pieces, revealing the bloody and broken limbs underneath.

Yankiri Masato lay unconscious on the ground. Although he was not dead on the spot, he was already breathing more and less.

The explosion itself is relatively restrained by the shadow, and Moriarty's missile is essentially a [magic bullet], which is more powerful than ordinary missiles. Taking such an attack close to the face and not dying on the spot already shows that the opponent is very deadly. Hard.

"Is this the end? I always feel like there are still some unfinished things to say."

Moriarty rubbed his chin and said regretfully:

"I originally thought there would be a shocking battle that would allow me to perform well in front of the Master and strive to surpass the hateful Sherlock in my inner ranking."

"It's a shame."

Hearing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and praised him:
"Based on this performance alone, the professor's ranking in my heart has completely surpassed that of Sherlock Holmes."

"Haha, that's quite a cunning statement."

Moriarty smiled helplessly and comforted himself: "I'll just treat the first half of the sentence as if it didn't exist. In other words, I defeated Sherlock again!"


Seeing Moriarty laughing for his own enjoyment, she also smiled silently. Although the professor was sometimes bad, at least his optimism was worth learning.

On the other side, after seeing the tragic situation of Yankiri Masato, Hatae walked out from behind Fujimaru Ritsuka and walked towards him.


She called out to the other party with some worry, but Hatada seemed not to hear him and walked straight to the dying Yankiri Masato.


As if feeling the presence of Hatae, Yankiri Masato reluctantly opened his eyes, looked at her, and suddenly begged:

"I'm sorry, Bo Dao, I was wrong."

Fujimaru Ritsuka's power far exceeded his expectations, but he was not willing to perish. As long as he could win over Hatae again, he would still have a chance.

After all, that was Bo Dao who loved him deeply. As long as he begged for mercy, he would definitely...!

After hearing Yanqi Masato's words, Hatao knelt down, as if he really planned to forgive him.

A look of joy and luck suddenly appeared on his face, and he knew that Bo Dao's reliance on him for so many years would never disappear so easily!


Plain words came from Hatae's mouth. She raised her head slightly, and Yankiri Masato finally saw the expression on her face clearly.

It wasn't love, it wasn't sadness, it was a cold indifference he had never seen before.

Boda stretched out her hand and touched the black mud on Yanqi Zhensha's body. For some reasons, she was indeed unable to control these substances, but it did not mean that she could not destroy them.

So in Yankiri Masato's desperate eyes, her right hand glowed slightly, and the black mud was gradually penetrated, dissolved, and dissipated in the light.

She coldly pronounced her verdict to Yankiri Masato:
"Go to hell, traitor."

Without the support of the black mud armor, Yanqi Zhensao's originally dilapidated vitality quickly passed away. Before death, he suddenly thought -

Yes, the other party is not Bo Dao, but Leech Zi.


Seeing the other person's life coming to an end, Fujimaru Ritsuka sighed after a moment of silence:

"Is this the end?"

At this time, Bo Dao shook his head and said:

"No, it's not over yet."

"Four Hands has other bodies, and they must be eliminated before we can truly kill him."

"But it doesn't matter anymore."

All of Yankiri Masato's power is based on his black mud armor, and now that she has destroyed the black mud armor, even if Yankiri Masato has other bodies, he is just an ordinary person. If he wants to completely Killing him is easy.

More importantly, after clearly realizing the betrayal of the other party, she suddenly felt a loss of interest, and it all seemed to have no meaning.

Now, even if she can return to her hometown, what's the use?
She had nothing left again.

Seeing that Hatae's expression was a little abnormal at this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka asked with concern:
"Bo Dao, are you okay?"


Hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka's voice, Hatada suddenly remembered that she didn't really have nothing now.

She also has a kin, and Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Looking at Fujimaru Ritsuka's concerned eyes, Hatae smiled, nodded vigorously and said:

(End of this chapter)

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