Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 106 Why do some people always want to destroy the world?

Chapter 106 Why do some people always want to destroy the world?
【Akhilleus Kosmos (the small world surrounding the sky)】

Class: A+
Type: Enchantment Noble Phantasm

Valid range: 0
Maximum catch: 1 people

An armor-type barrier Noble Phantasm that rivals the [Seven Circles Covering the Blazing Sky].

The divinely crafted armor personally crafted by the forging god Hephaestus can almost completely block all attacks against people, opposing armies, and even anti-city and anti-country Noble Phantasms. However, due to its nature, it cannot be compared with the anti-world Noble Phantasm. The compatibility is extremely poor.

The world seen by Achilles can be projected into it, and the outer part is surrounded by Poseidon's currents.

Being an enemy of this shield means being an enemy of the world. Once activated, even the enemy city and the enemy's national treasure can be completely defended.

'Compared to me now, Master, you really need this shield more, right? '

'You're welcome, please take it and use it to your heart's content! '

'When I'm not around, let this shield protect you on my behalf.But please remember not to use it to defend against attacks from the opposite side. '

So saying, Achilles lent her his shield.
"Fujimaru Ritsuka, why...!"


The sound of Yankiri Masato's teeth gnashing with murderous intent could be heard.

Obviously he had seen the best time to take action and used all his strength. Why, why, why.
Why was the opponent able to block his attack! !

"'The most dangerous time is when you feel relaxed about victory or success.'"

"You are not the only one who knows this kind of thing."

Not paying attention to the bursts of murderous intent coming from the other party, Fujimaru Ritsuka held the [Small World Surrounding the Sky] and said with a smile.

She is no longer the rookie she was when she first entered Chaldea. After noticing the abnormality of the Yankiri Masato, she has always been wary of him.

If after experiencing and overcoming many trials, if she still makes such stupid mistakes now, she will probably be trained to death by a group of teachers in Chaldea, then be resurrected, and continue to be trained to death, right?

"Hey, four hands.?"

On the other side, Hatae, who was protected by Fujimaru Ritsuka, was looking blankly at Yankiri Masato, as if he still hadn't figured out what was going on.

In other words, he is still unwilling to face the current situation.


After a long silence, she asked him in disbelief:

"Just now, did you want to kill me?"

"How could that be? I just wanted to seriously hurt you again."

At this point, Yankiri Masato no longer hid, holding a spear, showing an unabashedly malicious smile, and said:

"If you die, my plan will not work."

".Your plan? What is that?"

Bo Dao asked him excitedly:
"Didn't we agree to return to our hometown together?! Why did you betray me?!"

"It was agreed? When was it agreed? Why didn't I know?"

Yankiri Masato sneered, looked at Hatada's unbelievable expression, and said disdainfully:
"I have never considered going to that eternal night, to live in that boring place. I would rather die."

"In other words, have you been lying to me this whole time?"

Bo Dao's expression was full of sadness, and the next moment, she shouted emotionally:
"Traitor! Liar!!"

On the other side, Fujimaru Ritsuka asked calmly:
"So, what is your purpose?"

"Good question."

He snapped his fingers and smiled:

"In the beginning, what I pursued was eternal life. I wanted to witness the changes in this world until the end."

"But since Bo Dao's body became weaker and weaker, finally one day, I suddenly realized that my dream was shattered."

"So I fell into despair."

"But luckily, in my despair, I found a new goal."

Having said this, the smile on Yankiri Masato's face became more and more exaggerated, almost crazy. He opened his hands and said:

“Since I won’t live to witness the end of the world, I just need to change my thinking——”

"Isn't it enough that I bring the end to the world?"

"How about it? It's a great idea, right?!" Why do you want to destroy the world again? The world provokes you?
She sighed inwardly and replied bluntly:

"No, it's a super bad garbage idea."

"It's really a harsh criticism."

Yankiri Masato chuckled, not caring about Fujimaru Ritsuka's comments, but soon, his eyes darkened again.

"Originally, my plan went very smoothly, but first Netdai Shinpei, and then you, each one came to hinder my plan."

"especially you!"

Suddenly, he yelled:
"You're obviously not a human being, so don't interfere in human affairs, you monster!!"

If Bo Dao had been cured earlier, he might not have had the idea of ​​destroying the world; if he had been cured later, his plan might have been successfully realized.

But it happened to appear at such a critical juncture, as if it was specifically against him. It was irritating and disgusting!
On the other side, after hearing his words, Fujimaru Ritsuka's face suddenly darkened, and she solemnly warned him:
"I've said it many times, I'm a human, a real human!"

"If you slander me again, I'll beat you!"

In response, he just snorted dismissively and said in disgust:
"It's just a monster wearing a layer of human skin. But, it doesn't matter."

As he spoke, he picked up the spear in his hand and showed a murderous smile to Fujimaru Ritsuka and Hatae.

"It seems that your ability is only to access items, and you don't seem to be a creature that is good at fighting."

"Then let me kill you first."

"you dare!"

Hatae's eyes instantly turned cold when she heard this. Fujimaru Ritsuka was her real family member, and she would never allow anyone to hurt her.

"I order you in the name of [Mother]."

"It's useless."

Yanqi Zhensha shook his head and sighed:
"My armor and I will not be controlled by you. You should have known this for a long time. Why are you so stupid again?"

"Moreover, you and she have only known each other for less than a day, and you and I are the relatives who have been together the longest, but now you choose to go against me for her. It's really disappointing, Bo Dao."

"No, it should be Leech."

In fact, he had already known that the moment her eyes separated, she was no longer the Bo Dao he knew.


Bo Dao was furious when he heard this, but he was helpless.

Although her injuries have recovered, she is not a creature that is good at fighting, and Yankiri Masato is the strongest combat power on her side, and she has nothing to do against him.

Hearing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka was confused. Since his power came from Hatae, why was he not under Hatae's control?
In fact, apart from this, there are still many mysteries about Yanqi Zhensato that have not yet been revealed.

However, now is clearly not the time to explore these issues.

"Don't worry, Bo Dao, it's okay."


Fujimaru Ritsuka's comforting words came, and her calm but confident words immediately made Hatae's restless heart calmer.

At the same time, she put her right hand to her chest, revealing the back of her right hand with the Command Seal printed on it.

The coercive power of her command spells is relatively weak, far from the strength of the command spells in the traditional Holy Grail War, but as long as the servants who accept the order are willing to cooperate, they can still accomplish many things.

For example--

She ordered loudly:

"Come back to me, Moriarty!"

A red light flashed, and a command spell on the back of her hand disappeared. At the same time, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Ahaha, it looks like it's finally my turn to appear, right?! My Master."

A huge weapon that looked like a cross or a coffin appeared behind Moriarty. He looked at the surprised Yanki Masato and asked with a smile.


She pointed her right hand at Yankiri Masato and ordered without hesitation:

"Kick him down!"

 Ask for collection, ask for monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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