Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 242 Zhao Guangmei’s trump card, an easy killing move

Chapter 242 Zhao Guangmei’s trump card, an easy killing move

"Wang Jien? It turns out he got involved. If you didn't tell me, I really wouldn't know."

If Black Panther hadn't reported to him, he really wouldn't have known that there was such a troublemaker in this muddy water.

After a moment's thought, it became clear that Wang Jien's purpose was to cause the Yizi Sect to fight, and then use the Yizi Sect's spies to participate in the investigation and find out the mastermind behind Da Xiong and others.

Only when there is a fight can this matter be serious.

Only if the matter becomes serious can he take this opportunity to initiate a major case.

Only by setting off a major case can the power of his newly established West Factory be demonstrated.

To put it bluntly, this is not just an agency to investigate corrupt officials, but similar to the Jin Yiwei in the early Ming Dynasty.

By the way, I want to steal Cao Bin's limelight.

I am afraid that even if Zhao Guangyi is finally found to be involved, Wang Jien will not hide away, but will face the difficulties.

"There is nothing wrong with this eunuch's thinking. He wants to stir up a big case. Isn't that what I do? This method is too low. It is nothing more than torture to extract confessions and the use of internal spies. Hey~, after all, he seems to be a troublemaker."

As he said that, Zhao Guangmei took out another list from his hand and handed it to Black Panther: "Look, these should be the list of the key members of Daxiong's men, right? There are also lists of several dishonest hall leaders. .”

"Yes, but Your Highness, if we catch them all at once, the people below will be completely confused. Many of them are desperadoes. It is not surprising that they will do anything. Although they are destined to fail, I'm afraid It will destroy the stability and prosperity of Kaifeng City."

"When did I say I was going to arrest them?"


With that said, Zhao Guangmei handed the list in her hand to her follower and ordered: "Give it to Cao Bin and let him do his work."


"Black Panther."

"The little guy is here."

"You still...let me down a little bit, but fortunately, you still knew how to take the initiative to come to me to report, and it didn't lead to a big mistake. What I can tell you is that everyone who was just on the list, now they All the money bank accounts have been frozen by me."

"Ah... ah?"

"Also, as far as I know, Daxiong's men's several accounts and brothels, whether they are public or private accounts, have all been frozen by me. The total should be less than 500 million guan in cash, so I will keep them all Confiscated.”


"Do you know what to do?"


"Then go."

After saying that, he waved his hand and drove away the black panther.

After the Black Panther went out, he couldn't help but fell into confusion.

That's... it's over?
The problem that I had been worrying about for so many days without any solution was actually solved so easily?

It can only be said that the criminals of the Song Dynasty were really too naive and did not realize the importance of money laundering at all.

He actually openly deposited the black money in the money bank's account.

Has he been tempting Zhao Guangmei all the time?

In fact, thanks to the bizarre monetary policy of the imperial court, Zhao Guangmei's dominance over society is extremely high. It's just that he has been hiding such killing moves and doesn't want to use them, especially when used on these little gangsters. Killing a chicken with a bull's-eye.

Because in theory, the imperial court has not really entered the paper currency era. In principle, the only designated official currency of the Song Dynasty is still the Song Dynasty Tongbao, which is copper coins.

What is circulating in the market is actually the deposit receipts for these copper coins.

Because of the imperial government's liberalization, the Song Dynasty actually fell into serious inflation in recent years. When the country was founded, the wages of ordinary people were only fifty or sixty cents a day. But now, at least here in Kaifeng, It has risen to more than three or four hundred yuan.

This is just for ordinary people, and it is even more so for those capitalists. The price of assets has risen even more frighteningly, especially real estate, which is very frightening now.

In short, for ordinary people, ten cents now can only be spent as one cent before.

For rich people, even thirty or forty pennies can be used as a penny.

But the problem is, the price of copper has actually been rising in these years.

In the past, copper could only be used to make mirrors. In fact, apart from being used as a currency anchor, its practical value was not very great. But now Zhao Guangmei is developing industry and has begun to make pure copper wires. In addition, the current machining capabilities of the Song Dynasty are not good enough, and copper is indeed easier to process than iron, so that copper is really too expensive. If a copper coin can be melted and sold to a suitable buyer, Its value is at least twenty or thirty times that of its currency.

Only a bad guy would take out the copper coins and spend them!

However, the value of iron money is very stable, mainly because the value of iron has become lower and lower after the imperial court's advanced iron-making technology, so this makes currency arbitrage impossible, because if anyone goes to a money bank to withdraw money Money shops only give iron money.

Although everyone knows that there is actually not that much money in the money bank, and with so many deposit slips issued, it would be crazy if there are so many precious metals in the treasury, but the problem is that normal people really don't know how to spend iron coins now.

The official exchange rate between iron coins and copper coins is 10:1. Copper coins have depreciated to this level, not to mention iron coins. It is no exaggeration to say that if you really want to use iron coins to spend money, a bowl of noodles in Kaifeng now may cost a fortune. More than ten kilograms of iron.

There's no way this thing can be traded.

Therefore, bearer certificates of deposit now have the function of banknotes.

But after all, this is still a deposit certificate.

In particular, when it comes to making banknotes now, the anti-counterfeiting technology is not that impressive. In fact, the so-called bearer deposit certificates are all of small denominations, no more than twenty yuan each, for the purpose of preventing counterfeiting. In this way, counterfeiting of banknotes is There is not much profit, but the risk is still high.

In addition to bearer deposit certificates, the remaining two types are naturally registered deposit certificates and transfer checks. For these two types, money banks use relatively primitive anti-counterfeiting techniques, that is, tiger charms, jade pendants, passwords, etc. , this requires both parties to the transaction to send at least one person to the bank to settle the account.

In short, at present, all large-value transactions in Kaifeng, and even all large-value transactions in the Song Dynasty, must be done through money banks. If there is a lack of awareness of money laundering, Zhao Guangmei will actually catch him.

This is the real confidence that he has been sitting firmly on Diaoyutai.

Especially now that the legal system in the Song Dynasty is not yet complete, he doesn't even need to worry about the legal system when doing things.

Sure enough, after the Black Panther got the instruction, he quickly sent people to find the key people on the list. After being confused for a while, the key people on the list immediately went to the money bank to confirm and found that it was indeed the case. Account or private account, I can no longer withdraw money.

What's even more cruel is that even their family members and relatives' accounts have all been frozen.

In other words, except for the few bearer certificates of deposit left in their pockets, which they use as pocket money, they have no money at all.

Three days later, it was the day when the major betting markets would distribute dividends to the younger brothers. If they couldn't tell the difference... what does it mean to conquer the enemy without fighting? At this moment, they didn't hesitate at all and said: they were scared.

Then all came to find the Black Panther.

The Black Panther took out 100 million votes and divided them among them, saying: "His Highness doesn't like those illegal businesses. You have also seen that it is too easy to take advantage of you. After so many years of accumulation, I can confiscate it for you if I say it." Okay, from now on, these businesses should stop, and as for your way out, I will find a way out for you."

"His Highness said that as long as there are no lives in your hands, he can forget about the past things, but don't think about taking out the black money you earned. From now on, His Highness will hand over the valet parking business of Kaifeng Mansion to me. , I plan to leave this business to you, but first, you must listen to me."

These backbones immediately expressed that they would definitely be obedient.

Then that afternoon, Da Xiong proudly invited his brothers of life and death to dinner. He proudly said that he would have sex with Black Panther tonight, and even burn down Kaifeng Mansion. From then on, everyone would be rich and prosperous together.

Then, my brain was opened by the vase.

"Gray Wolf? betrayed me? Hey, you guys..."

With a bang, another plate shattered on his head, which made him dizzy and unsteady, but he finally came to his senses.

" all betrayed me?"

The third time.

Maybe it was guilt, or maybe it was for other reasons. These young men and women joined the knock-knock music game one after another, but no one wanted to speak. The whole process was silent, and no one said a word of sorry to him. , but starting from the third blow, the big bear seemed to have accepted his fate, knocking one after another.

He doesn't hide, he doesn't bark, he doesn't fight back.

In this way, until he completely lost consciousness and was knocked to death on the dinner table, a smile of relief appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After that, his power transitioned smoothly, no one fought at all, and Black Panther finally got his wish and took the position of leader.

But instead Wang Jien quit.

You don't fight and the transition is smooth, as if nothing happened. Then wasn't my work in vain?
That night, with the cooperation of the patrol battalion, they began to arrest people and tortured the arrested people, vowing to find out all the masterminds behind them.

The Yi Zi Sect, which had already calmed down, caused a lot of troubles, and some people got angry and started fighting again. Fortunately, the scale was basically controllable, and it was suppressed by the Black Panther who had successfully become the sect leader. .

However, panic is still inevitable.

In fact, it was not only the common people who were panicking, but the officials were not much better either. Wang Jien's action was too sudden and completely beyond their expectations.

Moreover, this group of people arrested and interrogated people with no rules at all. Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment all couldn't sit still when they saw this and started to protest. Yushitai even sprayed everyone from top to bottom in Xichang. .

However, Wang Jien did it in vain.

You can say whatever you like, I don't care.

The entire Xichang system is completely separated from the officialdom. Almost all of his spies are people from the world, hidden in the market, and have nothing to do with the civil service system.

As long as Zhao Kuangyin doesn't pursue the case, no one can actually fix them.

But this time, Zhao Kuangyin chose to let Wang Jien do what he did.

In this way, the entire West Factory calmly interrogated for three days amidst the desperate scoldings of hundreds of officials.

Starting from the third day, they began to arrest people in the capital. It is said that they even sent people to Luoyang to arrest people from Zhao Guangyi's side.

Zhao Guangmei also received a rare order from Zhao Kuangyin to go to the palace to narrate the story.

In the main hall, Zhao Kuangyin's face was extremely solemn, and the atmosphere in the entire court was almost dripping with water. Except for Wang Jien, who stood on Zhao Kuangyin's right hand side with his chest raised and his head raised, looking triumphant, the rest of the people were downcast, just like his wife who was being raped. It looks like people are green.

"The third brother is here. Wang Jien, show the thing you wrote to the third brother."


Only then did Wang Jien hand over a thick scroll to Zhao Guangmei. Zhao Guangmei opened it and found that it contained some lists and some simple evidence of crime, including some high-ranking officials.

"Shi Xizai? Isn't he in Luoyang?"

Wang Jien said sadly: "His Royal Highness the King of Qin does not know that this Shi Xizai, as the closest aide to His Highness the King of Qi, has secretly appeared in Kaifeng City a long time ago. Through my strict interrogation, a big deal was involved. As for the group of people, these people are obviously officials of the imperial court, but they are colluding with the gangsters in the market, intending to disrupt Kaifeng, criticize the new policy, and even steal the king's laws. They do all kinds of evil, which is really hateful."

Zhao Guangmei was startled and said in shock: "You dare to interrogate Shi Xizai after he was caught? won't really find anything in the interrogation, will you?"

"Your Highness is joking. Anyone who falls into our hands will be tried. Indeed, many have been tried, including Kaifeng Mansion, Patrol Camp, Ministry of Punishments, Dali Temple, Honglu Temple, and Yushitai. It's involved, seems that all this is his own initiative and has nothing to do with His Highness King Qi."


Zhao Guangmei was speechless, thinking to herself, is this Wang Jien crazy?

Shi Xizai, it turned out that he was Zhao Guangyi's follower in the Later Zhou Dynasty. He has been Zhao Guangyi's secretary since the founding of the Song Dynasty. When Zhao Guangyi was the governor of Kaifeng Prefecture, he has been the official of Kaifeng Prefecture until now.

To the second brother, he is a close confidant, even beyond the relationship between superior and subordinate. He can be called a good brother, which is probably not much better than the relationship between the eldest brother and Zhao Pu.

Do you dare to interrogate such a person?
What do you think?Do you really want to interrogate your second brother?
But what's the use of trying it out?Not to mention the second brother, he will definitely not leave any evidence, and there is a high probability that he will not directly participate in it and will only acquiesce. Even if it is found out, what will happen?
Who is eldest brother? If others don’t know you, Wang Jien, how can they know?
Not to mention that the second brother was just causing trouble. Even if he rebelled, what would happen?With the eldest brother's character, there is a high probability that... he will be scolded?
Two kicks to the sky, no more.

What are you doing to provoke him?

mad dog! !
His heart also felt tense for a moment.

Since this mad dog dares to bite even my second brother, he might bite him one day when he gets brave enough.

The eunuch's thoughts were indeed unclear.

Seeing this, Zhao Kuangyin snorted angrily and broke the embarrassment: "You are eating my salary, but smashing my pot, haha, okay, very good, third brother, you are the victim in this matter, please tell me, What to do with them?”

Hearing this, Zhao Guangmei sighed and said: "Eunuch Wang... oh~, you are still too impulsive. I just looked at it and saw that there are a total of 24 ministers of this dynasty involved in it on the list?"

"Yeah, 24, 24! This is simply..."

"It's simply too little."


Saying that, Zhao Guangmei also took out a scroll from his sleeve and said: "Brother, in fact, I have always known that this is waiting for them to take the initiative to expose themselves. Since it is a big investigation, why not simply get to the bottom of it? This is the unsealed The list of incidents includes 160 officials in the court who had an affair with people from Yizimen and had financial dealings with them. The list of princes and father-in-laws is incomplete, and it seems that there are still a few who were unjustly accused. In addition, there are also ministers here. There is another list, which is basically certain to be corrupt officials. Cao Bin has also been secretly investigating, and this list... There are 540 people on it. Brother, what do you think we should do?"

(End of this chapter)

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