Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 241 Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain?

Chapter 241 Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain?

"Oh, even the Sky Rat is dead."

Back in Kaifeng Mansion, Zhao Guangmei was stunned when she heard the news, and then sighed with some emotion.

"Your Highness, once the Sky Rat is dead, the handover of the sect leader may not go smoothly this time with Black Panther alone. Moreover, there is news in the Yizi Sect that our Kaifeng Mansion killed him, and the trend of internal division among them has already begun. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that I’m afraid… we have to fight.”

Hearing this, Zhao Guangmei said uncharacteristically: "Then let them fight. How can a gang not fight?"


"It's such a pity that the Flying Rat died like this... Oh~, it's a pity, but to be honest, this is actually a good thing for us."


"The Flying Squirrel is too rich, and the level of connections he has made is too high. He has almost become a substantial shareholder of the company. Even I have to consider his face. Besides, he has always been respectful and loyal to me. I This man is thin-skinned and loyal, so naturally he can’t be too harsh on the Yi Zi family, but if he is dead, it will be different. There are some things I can do without having to restrain myself."

"Huh? have a backup plan?"

"Of course, you wouldn't think that when it comes to the peace and stability of Kaifeng City, or even the success or failure of the New Deal, I only have the Sky Rat as a card. Although if possible, the rivers and lakes are the rivers and lakes, and the court is the court. Yes, it’s a more ideal result, but if we have to mix the Jianghu and the court together to do things, it’s not impossible.”

After thinking for a while, he still said: "Let's see what the Black Panthers do first. I, on my end, have to start preparing."

On the other side of the Yizi Sect, the death of the Flying Sky Rat was really sudden. The entire Yizi Sect was actually suddenly in a state of being leaderless. After all, the Black Panther's qualifications, ability and prestige were still a little shallow.

There are rumors that the Kaifeng Mansion's attack on the Flying Sky Rat was under the instruction of His Highness King Qin, and it is indeed rumored that he has a nose and eyes. It is said that it was for the purpose of carrying out severe punishment. Lord Shu's face was too great for His Highness King Qin to do it. .

Of course, the group headed by Black Panther did not believe it, and tried their best to prove that His Highness King Qin and the Sky Squirrel were in the same group. His Highness King Qin cared most about the peace and stability of Kaifeng, and the Sky Squirrel had been helping. King Qin Your Highness has no reason to kill the Sky Rat.

Besides, there are actually quite a few fans of Zhao Guangmei in the Yizimen, and everyone believes that King Qin cannot do such a thing.

Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, His Highness the King of Qin has done many important things, but none of them were aboveboard, no matter what the purpose was. If he really wanted to kill Lord Shu, he couldn't do it secretly.

After all, the Flying Sky Rat has been around for decades. When he was a money catcher, he had never done anything like forcing girls into prostitution. There simply doesn’t need to be much evidence of a crime. There are a hundred ways to bring the case to trial in a grand manner. If he could be killed, how could King Qin use such an assassination method with his temper?

This was clearly done by Daxiong and the others!
Although there is no evidence, it must be!

During the meeting, the black panther led his men to fight with the big bear, but no one was killed.

The big bear was still shouting: "What do you think? Let's fight! Don't think I'm afraid of you."

"Damn, there's a way to challenge him!"

"Crazy, who wants to challenge you to a duel! Do you want to make an appointment for a fight?"

When the Black Panther heard this, he was very angry, but he had no choice.

He is not afraid of fighting, but for the sake of stability and unity in Kaifeng, he cannot fight.

However, the big bear was eager to fight and became more and more arrogant and domineering. This resulted in the big bear being much stronger than him now.

As a Jianghu person, what they pay attention to is that they always bully the weak and fear the strong. Since the black panther dare not fight, it is natural for him to be bullied.

However, after being given a good meal by Big Bear, he walked away in a hurry.

What's even more detestable is that there are actually differences among the elders. He, Black Panther, was supposed to take over as the sect leader and take over the porters, coachmen, and dock business of Yizimen. This is the biggest business in the entire Yizimen and even in Kaifeng City. And if you make money every day, you can take this opportunity to truly cling to the powerful and connect with the top and bottom of Kaifeng Mansion.

Even though he is hooking up with Zhao Guangmei now, Zhao Guangmei's status is too high. He is said to be the Yin of Kaifeng Palace, but in fact, he doesn't even know most of the subordinate officials in Kaifeng Palace. The real business details He is not familiar with him at all. The King of Hell is so troubled by the imp, so he can never go to the King of Qin for everything.

But in the end, this was a sure thing, but problems happened again.

Mr. Gou, nicknamed Lao Gou, drank tea and said: "Brother Mouse's body is still cold. Who killed him? Now you all have different opinions. It's so inappropriate to take over the position now. The selection of the sect leader is a big deal. In the past, Brother Mouse's meaning was true." I like you, but he is gone now, that is the moment. Black Panther, it’s not that we don’t help you, it’s just that you have also seen it. How many people in the gang are dissatisfied with you? If you sit in this position, the others If the Hall Master is dissatisfied, we won’t be able to suppress him without Brother Shu.”

"Black Panther, Big Bear is already arrogant. You have also seen how arrogant he is. I heard that at noon today, he made an appointment with more than a dozen hall masters from the following halls for dinner. Those hall masters The Lord seems to support him."

Another elder said: "I have spies. Black Panther told them at noon that all the casinos, brothels, private salt, and protection fee business in Kaifeng City will be transferred to him. All the younger brothers who are engaged in these black businesses have all come under his command, and now he is doing great."

"He said he would pass the deadline. What conditions did he give to the other ministers?"

"Haha, the conditions for his business are that he will do the business, [-]/[-] of the profit, and he will pay for the costs, and all the business will only be temporarily handed over to him. When the severe crackdown in Kaifeng passes, he will take care of those younger brothers again. When I go back, the business will be returned in full."

"Ah? Then what does he want to do? That is to say, if the money is made, it belongs to everyone, and the risk is all his. He is a living Buddha."

"What could it be? He's trying to fight. I look at him. He's clearly fighting for the sake of fighting. This bastard doesn't even know who the person behind him is. He's clearly provoking His Highness King Qin."

"Hey Black Bear, it's not that we seniors won't help you. In fact, you have also seen that Black Bear wants to fight now. Now that you are in this position, none of us can escape, and we will all be dragged into the water by you. We are all tens of years old, so if we are asked to pay, it will be no problem, but when it comes to fighting and killing, we are not strong enough to do it."

After saying that, another elder suddenly stood up and said: "You are too ambitious but not strong enough. Brother Mouse's revenge will not be avenged. Are you pretending to be confused? How can you believe that His Highness King Qin took action?" , if this matter has nothing to do with Big Bear and those people behind him, I will chop off my head and play it as a ball for you."

"Then we need to figure it out first. Let's fight in confusion. Fight, fight, have a good fight, fight among ourselves. After the fight, let's see if there is anything left in our Yizimen! If we really fight, what will King Qin do? Can you help us? Can you? We are little gangsters. We can't even hide when the adults are fighting above us. Are we like Brother Rat, taking the initiative to join in?" Then, these elders started to quarrel with each other.

In fact, this matter is already obvious. If Black Panther is allowed to be the boss at this time, Daxiong will definitely be dissatisfied, and will definitely create something new. The Yizi Sect will definitely be a big fire. Will other halls come to the rescue by then? Or It’s really hard to say which side I’m helping.

Kaifeng has developed too fast in the past few years, and there are too many outsiders coming from other places. When the Sky Squirrel was still alive, it had very little control over the various halls below, and its operating model has become increasingly difficult. It's like 14K. Now that the Skyward Rat is dead, it would be a good thing if the various halls below don't start fighting.

The foundation left by the Flying Squirrel is very valuable. Some of the veterans don't want to go off the field and want to be high up as referees. Otherwise, what if this foundation is destroyed when they end up?When the time comes, the elders like them will be beaten to a pulp again, and maybe the righteousness will disappear.

Of course, no one knows whether any of these elders have contact with Big Bear or the people behind Big Bear.

Therefore, the opinion of quite a few elders is to let Black Panther take over the big bear and then become the leader of the sect.

The Black Panther naturally saw it clearly. Seeing that these elders were about to quarrel because of this matter, he quickly stood up and said, don't quarrel, I will deal with the big bear.

Then he left with a sigh, but also with a sad look on his face.

We can't really let the Elder Council split because of this, right?
Besides, now that the matter has reached this point, if he really needs the help of the Elder Council to become the leader of this sect, who will be able to obey him and respect him in the future?

The younger brother beside me couldn't help but ask: "What should we do now, Brother Bao?"

"What else can we do? It is definitely impossible not to fight. The key is the size."

All the way back to his home, he was stopped before he could enter the door. A boy next to Big Bear had a flattering look on his face, nodded and bowed and waited for him at his door, and presented him with a deposit receipt.

"Brother Leopard, Brother Xiong sent me to give you this. Here is 130 million yuan. Brother Xiong said that this is almost all he can get."

"What are you doing, bribing me?"

"Brother Bao, everyone in the gang knows that you didn't want to be the leader of this sect. Why bother? In fact, the whole thing had nothing to do with you. Why did you rush to stand up and be a pawn? On the contrary, if you If you withdraw from the election at this time, the position of the sect leader will definitely belong to Brother Xiong. No matter how dissatisfied His Highness King Qin is at that time, it will have nothing to do with you, right? After accepting the money, you can still jump out of the game, so as not to mess with this person. Isn’t it good to be so sexy?”

Hearing this, Black Panther really fell silent.

But after a while, he still shook his head and said: "I have already promised His Highness King Qin, I can't do this."

"Yeah, that's a pity."

After saying that, he suddenly pulled out the dagger from his sleeve and stabbed the black panther.

Fortunately, the Black Panther's skills were really good and he managed to avoid it by a hair's breadth. The person next to him suddenly kicked the man on the chin, knocking him back and lying on the ground unconscious. .

However, now that they had taken action, how could it be so simple? Countless crossbowmen suddenly appeared, and for a while, they shot arrows at them endlessly.

"Damn, they are using crossbows and arrows at the emperor's feet in broad daylight. I think these people are really going to rebel. Damn it, I want more money!"

While talking, the thirteen thieves of Youzhou showed amazing military qualities. Not only did they pull the black panther to avoid the arrows and find a bunker, but they also formed a small military formation in a matter of seconds, and alternated long and short weapons. Orderly.

"Are you really just bandits?"

"Damn it, it's already this time and you still want to ask about this. Don't you want to give me money? I'm telling you, you have to give me more money after today."

After a while, the killers abandoned their crossbows and arrows for swords and axes and came to kill, and there were actually hundreds of them.

The Thirteen Thieves of Youzhou also fought and retreated. Although they could barely hold on due to the rigorous military formation, after all, this was not a battlefield. They all only wore inner armor, and the styles of weapons, especially long weapons, were not suitable at all. As time went by, , it is inevitable that there will be heavy casualties.

"Crazy, really crazy, that guy Big Bear is really crazy."

Fortunately, at the critical moment, another arrow was fired, but it was the rotten ghost who led a group of soldiers from the patrol camp to come. This was able to kill the killers and capture a lot of people alive.

"Is it you? Are there someone behind you?"

The rotten ghost said: "We are spies from the West Factory. Don't worry, all this is within the expectation of the prince. There are also people from the prince beside Big Bear. We just need to interrogate these assassins strictly and we will be able to find out the clues." "My father-in-law, I also work for the imperial court, and I want to relieve His Highness the King of Qin's worries."

Hearing this, Black Panther frowned slightly.

Why is West Factory still involved?
The more people involved, the more complicated things will undoubtedly be. However, this rotten ghost seemed to have changed at this time. He didn't look like a white paper fan at all, but more like a court official. He took it out casually. He used his waist badge to prove his identity and said: "My father-in-law has received the exact news. Tonight, Big Bear will brave the world to attack Kaifeng Mansion. Brother Bao, the opportunity to make a meritorious deed has arrived."

"The factory director...what do you want me to do?"

"No matter what, we can't rush into the Kaifeng government office. Your Highness is so busy on weekdays, how can he have time to keep an eye on snakes, insects, rats and ants like us? What my father-in-law means is to directly dispatch the patrol camp to capture the big bear. The evidence is certain. It’s conclusive, but when the time comes, those rabble under him will be leaderless, and I hope Brother Bao can suppress them as the leader of the sect.”

Black Panther frowned and said, "In this case, there will still be fights and chaos."

"Brother Bao, what you said is wrong. This is called long-term pain rather than short-term pain. Of course, my father-in-law understands what His Highness means. He hopes that Kaifeng can be prosperous and stable, and that you and Daxiong will not fight. But is this possible? If others want to fight, we can't. If you don’t fight back, let’s break it off immediately, Brother Bao, even if His Highness is not happy afterwards, there will still be princes and princes standing in our way.”

"This...I'm going to ask to see His Highness. I'll have to ask His Highness about this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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