Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 172: The unruly people rebelled and the riots occurred in Zheng County

Chapter 172: The unruly people rebelled and the riots occurred in Zheng County

"Come on, come on, second brother, sit down. These two are not outsiders to you. Come on, sit down, let's be together."

Zhao Guangyi looked confused and confused. He vaguely felt that something was wrong. When he sat down, he was completely numb.

"By the way, have you read the new assessment regulations that Zhao Pu made? Most of the civil servants in the court agree with it."

"Ah... um."

Zhao Guangyi nodded helplessly.

"By the way, a very important part of this assessment is to change county officials into county officials. The details have not been released yet. I have roughly drafted a charter. Second brother, you can take a look."

"County official, change to county official? What, what do you mean?"

"It is to emphasize the urban management functions of prefects at all levels. For example, Changpingcang will no longer be set up in each county. Taxation and food services will all be collected by the prefect yamen in the future. At worst, people will be transferred when they are busy. For expatriates, the imperial court gave a business trip subsidy and transferred the administrative functions of the county magistrate to the prefecture and prefectures on a large scale. Money, power, people, and things that could be transferred to the prefectural yamen were all transferred to the prefectural yamen. To expand, all people who are willing to give up their hometown can go to the city where the prefect is located and change to a Guo."

"In this way, the magistrate's office will have more things to take care of, so it will naturally need to be expanded. Officials should not be expanded too much, mainly officials. Isn't there a provision in the new policy for subordinate officials to register in the Ministry of Personnel and eat royal food? Well, I think it’s better to start from here, what do you think?”

Zhao Guangyi instinctively said: "It will cost a lot of money."

"Don't worry about spending money. The business's income this year is pretty good. Next year, it will definitely earn much more. I won't talk to you about the details. However, I would like to add a condition, that is, the counties The subordinate officials recruited by each government must be good enough, otherwise the staff will not recognize them, right? They must have at least five years of work experience."


Zhao Guangyi couldn't help being stunned.

work experience?

Where does this thing come from work experience?

After working on it for a long time, a county official turned into a county official!
If this is done, there will be only one source for such subordinate officials, and that is the county officials under each government.Let the magistrate poach the magistrate's corner? ?How did you come up with this idea?

Zhao Guangyi frowned and said: "Food tax and corvee are separated from the county government and are paid directly by the county government. I am afraid that the officials in various places are not even sure of the basic situation, and the management will inevitably be incompetent. In all dynasties, the county has always been powerful. Then the country will be strong, and the so-called prosperous times have always been about suppressing the counties and strengthening the counties. When the counties are strong, the country is strong, and when the counties are strong, the country is weak."

Zhao Guangmei smiled and said: "Isn't it just to strengthen the governance of the county to collect taxes and collect corvee?"

"Yes, this is the foundation of the country, it must..."

"No more."

"What?" Zhao Guangyi looked confused.

"I said, no more. The imperial court will no longer collect grain. Isn't there a clause in the New Deal that requires the construction of Changpingcang? The merchants will spend real money to buy it. There are also corvees, which will no longer be levied and will be replaced by siege. The imperial court will fund the bidding system, and the New Deal will be piloted from here."


Zhao Guangyi was speechless for a while, only feeling that his younger brother seemed to be crazy.

"Guoben, no more? No more... tax?"

"There is no in-kind tax on agriculture."

"This is too...too...too radical."

"Second brother, you are the prefect of Kaifeng. Do you think that if I change it like this, the prefects everywhere will support it?"


If you don’t support it, you’ll be damned!
But this is not a matter of supporting it or not.

I disliked the fact that the county magistrates in each county were disobedient and did not support the implementation of the New Deal, so... why not just abandon the county government?

Are you crazy?

If someone else were to say this, or if you were not so good at what you did before, you would sound like a lunatic.

After thinking for a while, he added: "Autonomous power is definitely not a good thing for the people."

"It's so new. I didn't say it was a good thing. This will undoubtedly be a bad thing for the people. It's not a disaster, but most people can live with the words "dire straits and dire straits." However, this is not the same as What does it have to do with me? I never thought I was a good person. I just wanted to implement the New Deal. People can't live in the countryside, so they have no choice but to go to the city. If the local tyrants prevent them from entering the city, then... There is a rebellion. The small local tycoons have lost the support of the county government. How many troops do they have in their hands?"

Zhao Guangyi's head was buzzing.

My third brother is not the King of Qin, he is simply the Mad King.

Then he had no time to worry about the country and the people, but he suddenly realized, no, he was the governor of Kaifeng!

The Kaifeng Prefecture wants to expand, and its powers and responsibilities need to be expanded. He wants to seize power from the more than [-] counties under the jurisdiction of Kaifeng Prefecture, and he also wants to seize people. And then... he also wants to support them in opposing the New Deal and support the counties below. make……

Isn't this a twist?

Zhao Guangyi suddenly discovered that his political stance seemed to be gone, and no matter what he did, he was wrong.

But Zhao Guangyi was silent.

"The Minister of War that Lu Duoxun wants must be put into operation as soon as possible. The third brother... he is obviously not a normal person." '

It took him a long time to persuade him without giving up: "As a result, the imperial court's expenses for supporting officials will inevitably increase significantly. Moreover, the matter is serious, so we must be cautious. Third brother, you are taking too big a step."

Unexpectedly, Zhao Guangmei slapped her on the thigh: "You are right! The most important thing about reform is to implement it slowly and not in a hurry. So at present, I plan to conduct pilot projects in only two government offices. If they are well done, then go Push it to the west of Jingdong and Dongjing Road. One of these prefectures must be Kaifeng Prefecture, but this other prefecture... I plan to let Jinan Prefecture try it." "Jinan Prefecture? Isn't the prefect of Jinan Prefecture..."

Zhao Guangyi looked at Sun Xingzu in confusion.

"Prefect Sun is the top choice and recommended by Your Highness. Such a great general should be the pioneer of our reforms. For one year, your two governments will respectively expand the number of subordinate staff in the county government. Lift the urban and rural restrictions, don’t worry, my business will definitely invest in industry for you to absorb the population, and when the time comes, you will also compete to see who does it better."

After saying that, Zhao Guangyi's face was as purple as an eggplant.

I wish I could find Lu Duosun when I went back and strangle him to death.

It’s so boring, so awkward, and so uncomfortable!

It was obvious that both of them were against reform and on the side of the local tyrants and evil gentry, but now they are both vanguards of reform.

And this... how can this be changed?

Why is Third Brother's mind abnormal?
Sun Xingzu could only smile bitterly, lowered his head, and did not dare to look at Zhao Guangyi.

He is a small person, destined to only become a pawn of the big shots. At the moment, he seems to be getting promoted and making a fortune, but in fact, what happened in Xu County will never be hidden in the future. He, the so-called prefect, will definitely Become a clown in officialdom.

He lives to slap Zhao Guangyi in the face, or even Zhao Kuangyin in the face.

One day, if Zhao Kuangyin knew that his special choice for promotion was actually such a thing, which seriously affected his glorious image as a wise and powerful person in the history books, what would be his fate?
Zhao Kuangyin attaches great importance to the image of history books and likes to put on a show. Everyone can see this.

To be honest, instead of giving him this top choice, it would be better to just beat him to the end.

However, the matter has come to this, and he can only bite the bullet. At this time, His Highness the King of Qin found him, which was a life-saving straw for him. Next, the court will focus on the development of Jinan Mansion and let him be the vanguard.

So what's there to hesitate about?If things are done well, you can be a role model of officialdom. If things are not done well and people die, they are also sacrifices for the cause of the New Deal.

At least he won't leave his name in history as a clown and be laughed at by future generations.

As for what Zhao Guangyi thinks, he really doesn't care. As a former close confidant of Zhao Guangyi, he knows better than anyone that the current Zhao Guangyi must be thinking about killing him.

"Oh, by the way, there is also Huang Ren, Mr. Huang. This person is a model squire who was given the title by my eldest brother. You should be familiar with him, my second brother."

"It's quite familiar. I killed his father myself."

After saying that, Huang Ren actually stood up and bowed his hands to Zhao Guangyi, then sat down on his knees again with an expressionless face and said: "My father has his own way of death. There are more than [-] people in the Huang family. Thank you, King Qin." Your Highness, give the whole family a chance to survive next time.”

Zhao Guangmei introduced: "This Mr. Huang is indeed a model squire. We have just reached a consensus with them. All the Huang family's assets in the village will be sold to the trading company. He will organize people to come to Kaifeng and take the money given by the trading company. , to be our first contractor in the Song Dynasty."

"What is a contractor?"

"Volunteer to take over the project order from the imperial court, the imperial court will give him money and food, and what he has left is profit. If he overdrafts, it is a loss. The imperial court only requires him to maintain quality and quantity, and does not care about anything else. Of course, if there is a quality problem or the construction period is overdue, , kill, you see, this way the court will be much less worried."

Zhao Guangyi looked confused.

He felt as if he was not talking to a normal human being.

This was Zhao Guangmei. If it had been anyone else, she would have been sent to a lunatic asylum.

Damn it, it is an extremely stupid decision to stand on the opposite side of politics with the third brother. It is a double act, and the double act is a hammer. The double act must be based on the tacit understanding between the two parties. At least, what will each other do to each other? Dare, I have a rough idea in my mind.

But my third brother is a complete lunatic!
But for so many years, this lunatic has used this lunatic-like way of doing things to his advantage and achieved everything, so that no matter how outrageous things he does now, many people's first reaction is to see and then talk, rather than using My own common sense went against it.

Common sense does not exist in front of His Highness the King of Qin.

And sure enough, when Huang Ren led his engineering team of 1 people into Kaifeng, Zhao Guangmei took out two things in total and asked them to help repair several main roads in and around Kaifeng.

The same thing is cement, this thing is a new product developed by the company. It is said that in the next few years, this thing will become one of the most important sources of profit for the company.

The other thing is weapons.

With cement, 1 people could build a few roads so quickly that it only took half a month to complete.

However, although the contract work is paid, it is still in the nature of corvee labor. Coupled with the huge customary inertia, especially since the day of spring plowing is approaching, most people still have to return to their hometowns after the project is completed.

Then Zhao Guangmei took out baskets of swords and distributed them to the workers, saying: "Thank you for your hard work over the past half month for Kaifeng and the construction of the Song Dynasty. These swords, The armor, crossbows, etc. were eliminated by the Forbidden Army some time ago. You can each pick one and keep it as a souvenir. Of course, it will also be good to melt the iron and make it into farm tools after you get there."

Then, less than three days after the gang returned, the court received news that there was a riot in Zheng County and the unruly people rebelled.

Squire Huang Ren was elected as the leader of the rebels, and some of the rebels were already chanting loudly, "I'll kill all the flowers when they bloom."

You must know that this is the foot of the emperor!
As a result, Zhao Puming gave the magistrate of Zheng County two words of approval: no matter what.

This series of operations made Zhao Guangyi completely confused.

The third brother is indeed a lunatic.

Zhao Pu would actually accompany him crazy.

And eldest brother, he he so crazy just looking at these two people?

Is this a new policy or a crazy policy?
(End of this chapter)

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