Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 171 Zhao Kuangyin: Am I suspicious?You fart!

Chapter 171 Zhao Kuangyin: Am I suspicious?You fart!

The New Deal has become like this, and it must be a red face. As the prince, it is really inconvenient for Zhao Guangmei to charge into the battle personally and end up in a fight, especially now that Zhao Guangyi pretends to be a good guy, so naturally Zhao Pu can only be the bad guy. .

Originally, Zhao Pu wanted to play with Zhao Guangmei and let him charge into the battle as a dignified prime minister. Even if you are the crown prince, you have to negotiate some conditions, at least to make Zhao Guangmei owe him a favor or be grateful to him.

As a result, it turned into a butterfly and landed on his face.

It not only warned him in advance, but also gave him a perfect solution to the matter.

In turn, Zhao Pu owed him a huge favor.

So what else is there to say?
Originally, he and Zhao Guangyi were already like this. Although his status should be relatively special, at least he should not get involved too deeply between Zhao Er and Zhao San. After all, Zhao Guangmei's position as crown prince is not that stable yet. Well, his status should also be transcendent, but now he is covered in mud in a daze, and he is so detached!

Based on his understanding of Zhao Kuangyin, once he is suspicious of him, he will most likely be kicked out of the court. Then Zhao Guangyi is not a generous person. How can he not add insult to injury then?

No, he took the initiative to find Zhao Guangmei.

Charge into battle, something he originally didn't bother to do, he quickly did it.
Zhao Guangmei took over Zhao Pu's charter and also praised repeatedly: "I see, you mean that when implementing the New Deal, the imperial court allowed the county magistrate and officials below to go, but put pressure on the prefects and magistrates everywhere. Brother Pu, your move is really clever."

In fact, it is very simple. The population increase in the city area of ​​each prefecture this year, as well as the industrial investment made by the "enlightened gentry" in the city area, will become one of the most important assessment criteria for prefects and prefects at all levels.

To put it bluntly, it means not managing the county but managing the magistrate.

In fact, urbanization and driving villagers to cities are reducing county power and emphasizing county power. It is originally increasing the power of prefects in various places. That's why Zhao Guangyi said that in fact, Zhao Guangyi's position as the prefect of Kaifeng should not be done at all. Those who objected, he screwed himself up by doing this.

"Although the assessment will be next year, we can strictly control it now. I have drafted the regulations. The subordinate officials of each state can now register with the Ministry of Personnel, distribute their salaries, and then carry out inspections for each government."

"Can the officials cooperate with us?"

"It must be possible, because in this way, the weight of the civil service and... must be expanded, and the Yushitai should also be expanded. This year's imperial examination vacancies will be greatly increased than before, that is... In this way, The cost of this administration..."

Zhao Guangmei nodded, and then said nonchalantly: "The reason why reforms in the past have been difficult is because they often have to be changed. When the national treasury is in short supply and the court has no money, no one dares to make blind reforms as long as they can get by. However, Because of this, the so-called reform can only think about increasing revenue and reducing expenditure, but how is this possible? It is anti-human to talk about increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

When Zhao Pu saw this, he also smiled and agreed: "Your Highness is now the God of Wealth in the Song Dynasty. He is the money bag. As long as you are willing to spend it, I think the money will be good."

Zhao Guangmei said proudly: "I started the New Deal to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, but there is no need for it. The commercial bank still has money, and the Song Dynasty still has money, and it will become richer and richer in the future."

As he said that, Zhao Pu couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Although the reform they carried out was difficult, although it offended many people, it offended almost all the wealthy landowners in the countryside in one go, and almost all the civil servants who were born here. .

But on the other hand, they may be the easiest change makers in history because they have money.

It has to be said that His Highness the King of Qin's operation of making money first and then carrying out reforms was really clever. If there were no trading houses that were making huge sums of money to back up the new deal, Zhao Pu would have backed down long ago, and would even have to stand up against it with a clear-cut stand.

To put it bluntly, the reason why this New Deal has offended so many interests and still has people supporting it, and Zhao Kuangyin, an official, is unwavering, isn't it just the money from Tushang Bank?The trading house is really too rich, and everyone has been greedy for too long.

"What do you think of this charter, Your Highness?"

"In this charter, I have thought of many things the same way. But I think that the court could actually be more ruthless, and you could be more ruthless. Isn't it just money? I have plenty of it. The Song Dynasty is not short of money. Secretly Let me tell you, next year, the business bank will make a lot of money. Of course, Brother Pu, you may offend some people, is that okay?"

What can Zhao Pu say?He could only say sternly: "Since I have become prime minister, for the sake of the country and the court, I will offend others. I am not afraid. As long as my family is safe and for the New Deal, I will definitely go to him even if it means mountains of swords and fire."

Hearing this, Zhao Guangmei smiled and said: "Don't worry, the play Butterfly is very good. I guarantee you that all the people in Kaifeng will like it very much. By the way, the one in Zheng County, you can recommend it to the best one." What is the name of the county magistrate? Is he going to be promoted now?"

"Yes, he was promoted to prefect."

"Where is the prefect?"

"Jingdong Road, Jinan Prefecture."

"Hey, what a great place. Where is that... model of rural virtue?"

"I'm really not sure about that."

"Should we all go to Beijing to receive orders to express our gratitude?"

"should be."

"I want to meet them."

"Meet them?"

"Yes, aren't they role models for officials and rural virtuous people? Especially the one surnamed Sun, he is a talent recommended by you and my second brother together, a top choice for special promotion. Shouldn't he become such a person? Are we the vanguard of New Deal reforms?"

"Urgent... vanguard?"

When Zhao Pu heard this, he was thoughtful.

Then a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth, he cupped his fists at Zhao Guangmei and said, "Your Highness's move is indeed very human and very clever."


On that day, a play called Butterfly Lovers, promoted by Zhao Guangmei, quietly began to enter major theater troupes, and intense rehearsals began.These days, [-]% of the theaters are owned by commercial companies. Zhao Guangmei has unquestionable dominance over at least the opera industry in Kaifeng. Soon, theaters of all sizes began to perform Butterfly Lovers, at least once a day.

To be honest, the overall performance is mediocre. After all, the main audience in Kaifeng theaters is young and old men from the Forbidden Army. Everyone is far more interested in things about fighting and iron horses than about things like talents, beauties, and love.

Many people think that there is simply something wrong with Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. What's the point of this thing?
The response was mediocre.

However, this thing is quite popular in some small gardens, mainly among the boudoir ladies, and with the vigorous publicity of caring people, this thing has indeed quickly become a favorite among the people in Kaifeng City. topic of.

Then, a rumor came from nowhere that Zhao Pu and Li Chongju were not getting along, and their children were our Song Dynasty version of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. Unfortunately, they were separated by these two prime ministers.

One is the No. 1 in the dynasty, and the other is the Privy Councilor. The gossip between the two prime ministers. Is there any more explosive topic in the world than this?Soon the news spread all over the city, even Zhao Kuangyin heard about it.

Then, someone arranged an extremely bloody plot. For some reason, these two young people made an appointment to go to Jinshui Bridge to die for their love. They also said that they would turn into a butterfly after dying for their love, just like Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. Flying together.

But Nima, you said it was not good for you to die in love. You had to find such an unlucky place. This is basically the entrance to the inner palace of the palace. The two made love on the bridge for a long time and sang for a while before they decided to join hands and jump into the river.

It just so happened that Yang Xin was on duty that day, and it was said that his expression at that time was like a dog in the sun.

Could this allow two children to die in front of his own eyes?When the time comes to blame the two prime ministers, will he put his hands in a pool and say that your child's suicide has nothing to do with me?
He quickly comforted and mobilized the banzhi imperial troops, and then those banzhi surrounded Jinshui Bridge. It was not known whether they were waiting to save people or came to see the excitement at the homes of the two prime ministers.

On the other side, Zhao Pu and Li Chongju heard the news and hurried over in a hurry. Naturally, they were accompanied by a large group of other officials who were watching the fun, and these four people just watched in front of them. An extremely bloody and vulgar scene was staged in front of hundreds of officials and civil and military ministers.

These two people were wailing that they had to die. Li Chongju and Zhao Pu were crying there. They were shouting, "Son, come down quickly. What can I do if you leave? There is no grass anywhere in the world except for her." You can choose any good girl in the world."

The other one also shouted: "My child, Dad is wrong. Dad begs you. Come down quickly. Why don't you marry anyone else besides him? Come down quickly. The wind is cold in early winter. If you catch a cold again, Dad will feel bad." of."

"I won't marry him but him"

"It's okay, kid. If you don't want to get married, we can't."

The other one did not care about his image as a Privy Councilor at all, and sat down on the Jinshui Bridge and cried loudly: "Oh~, my child~, how can I live if you leave~, Zhao Pu, you This old thief, it’s all your fault, old thief, you... I’ll fight you.”

Then, the two prime ministers started wrestling in front of everyone without any dignity.

Then someone in the crowd naturally asked: "Why aren't they allowed to be together after everything is going on like this? The man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried. When it comes to the family, it couldn't be more appropriate. Although It seems that I have indeed heard that there is some unhappiness between Prime Minister Zhao and Prime Minister Li, but it is not to the point of enmity, right? You would rather force your child to death than become an in-law?"

"You don't understand this, right? They are so well matched, that's why they can't be in-laws. We officials are very jealous people."

"Huh?'s actually like this, eh~, what a pity, what a perfect couple, these are Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai of our Song Dynasty, eh~, they are officials... eh~"

That day, the couple both threw themselves into the river, but neither Zhao Pu nor Li Chongju managed to stop them.

But Yang Xin and Shang Qianban were always around here. It would be a ghost to let them drown. They went into the river and rescued these two people.

Then, Zhao Kuangyin naturally knew about it.

Ban Zhi and even the Forbidden Army were spreading rumors that he was jealous.

Isn't this nonsense?Can he bear this?

Then he scolded the two prime ministers: "In your eyes, am I so intolerable? For such a small thing, I almost forced the child to death. This matter will be remembered in history in the future." , or being arranged by future generations like Butterfly Lovers, how do you want future generations to think of me? Are you a fool? What are you thinking in your heads!"

Then, Zhao Kuangyin personally decreed the marriage.

The whole process was so smooth that even a smart person like Zhao Kuangyin only realized after the marriage was completed: "I'm going to marry your mother, this is a trap!"
But whether it's a trap or not, that's all. He is an emperor who cares about leaving his name in history. He is so suspicious of this matter that he cannot admit it under any circumstances. He has deliberately displayed it on many public occasions. I have a broad-minded side, and I always emphasize, consciously or unconsciously, that I have no twists and turns in my heart and have nothing to hide.

Yes, I am such a person.

He also said that I was very suspicious, huh, rumors, definitely rumors.

This magical move came so fast that Zhao Guangyi was caught off guard. He looked at the ace in his hand with a confused look, and just like that... it was gone inexplicably?
Such a big crisis was resolved by the two of them?
After pondering over and over again, I realized that my third brother's involvement in this matter was indispensable. Maybe it was his idea, and I couldn't help but become more and more depressed.

Zhao Pu, is he going to become a member of the King of Qin?
"Third brother, third brother, how can you still turn your elbow outward? I am your biological brother."

Increasingly angry, Zhao Guangyi took the initiative to go to Zhao Guangmei's Qin Prince's Mansion, with the intention of raising an army to investigate, but was told that he was meeting guests.

Zhao Guangyi didn't see anyone else, so he said I'll wait, but soon the servants told him that the King of Qin invited him in and he was not an important visitor.

Then, Zhao Guangyi met Sun Xingzu in the reception room.

"You... why are you here?"

However, Zhao Guangmei stretched out her hand and said, "Second brother, come on and take a seat. Isn't this the one you recommended? I'm going to Jinan Mansion. This man is our pioneer general in implementing the New Deal."

"Ah... huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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