Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 133 Listen, the sound of a broken spine

Chapter 133 Listen, the sound of a broken spine

The continuous autumn rain is falling endlessly, and the weather is getting colder and colder. The water conditions this year are still not optimistic. Although it seems to be at least better than last year, it can still be said to be a moderate flood. It is humid. In this environment, the bugs seem to have become more active. There are bugs everywhere in Wubao now, but no one has organized the extermination of the bugs at all. They are just allowed to run around as they want.

The war has been going on for a month, and they have been here in Wubao for a month. The conflict between the Jiangnan soldiers from the Southern Tang Dynasty and the local civilian militiamen in Fengjiabao has become increasingly fierce. .

If there were not Song troops surrounding Wubao, there would have been a fight to the death.

There is only so much food, and if you eat a little, you will get less. After all, the Feng family is just a powerful force. They have temporarily pulled out such a large team. Just eating food every day is also a lot of pressure for them.

This food was already in short supply, and with the addition of these soldiers coming from the Southern Tang Dynasty, it naturally became faster to eat. Now the entire Feng Family Fort is completely isolated from the rest of the world. Not even half a grain of new food can be brought in. , although there is still food in the granary, it is estimated that it will be almost eaten out in more than a month at most.

The so-called soldiers at the bottom who were originally tenants, sharecroppers, and even villagers, who were inexplicably coerced by the Feng family, were naturally panic-stricken at this moment.

The Feng family didn't dare to tell everyone how much food was left. They could only keep ensuring that there was enough, and there was still more. But those Guizhou leaders also knew that there would definitely not be too much, and maybe it would be gone tomorrow?This unknown only intensified the panic.

As panic spreads upwards, it turns into pressure. The higher you go, the greater the pressure you endure. After all, the reason why these villagers follow the Feng family is because they can't buy food outside and the Feng family gives them If they risk their lives with the Feng family and have no food to eat, they will naturally eat the entire Feng family.

In fact, very few of these Huainan people are still fighting now, and their morale is really very low. If it weren't for the Song Army's military discipline being so low, it is estimated that the fortress would have been internally exploded, or it might have been Someone surrendered voluntarily.

Well... I have to say that the Song Army's military discipline really held them back during the war.

After all, when Huainan was taken over a few years ago, there was a lot of burning, killing and looting. Everyone's relatives are now in Wubao, especially those who have wives and daughters. Everyone is really afraid, even if the Song Imperial Army He just forced a super-friendly relationship with their wife and daughter, so he just accepted it with gritted teeth. The key point is that judging from Song Jun's past behavior, he not only has sex, but also often kills people after his bestiality becomes apparent. Even torture.

After all, the Battle of Shouzhou only happened seven or eight years ago. Even the soldiers on both sides were the same people as eight years ago. Who would believe that the Song Army treated prisoners preferentially?
So what else can we do if we don't fight to the death?

As for the soldiers from the Southern Tang Dynasty, they had only one thought left in their minds, which was to go home.

In less than a month, Lin Renzhao personally led the charge and tried to break out eighteen times!

Unfortunately, they were all beaten back by the Song army. The Song general did not pursue or attack the city, he just blocked it, and then spread antlers outside one by one.

Lin Renzhao watched helplessly as the antlers were spread more and more densely, and the pits behind the antlers were dug bigger and deeper. The hope of breaking out became more and more slim, and he couldn't help but feel trapped. In extremely serious mental internal conflict.

In the past few days, he has been thinking about how he should die so that he can die more beautifully and with dignity, so that he can go down in history and not bring shame to his ancestors and descendants, but at the same time, he can make his followers like him Hope that his own soldiers can save their lives after surrendering.

He has been telling his men these past few days: "As a general, dying for the country is a matter of course, and it is the right thing to do. Even if you are in a desperate situation, you can only die to repay the king. However, those who die in the army, Since it is no longer possible to do anything, surrender when you need to, and don't have any psychological burden. The fact that the soldiers will not surrender is a matter of course, so don't die with me."

Even in the past few days, he has been reading history books, trying to see which of the generals who died on the battlefield in ancient times was more tragic, and he could learn to imitate it.

He felt that the death method of Tang general Zhang Xun was very good, and he had been thinking about extracting his teeth recently.

However, on this day, there was a sudden commotion outside Wubao, and countless Song soldiers began to mobilize. From a high point, it was obvious that the Song army seemed to have received a lot of reinforcements today.

"The Song Army actually has reinforcements?"

"Is this a general attack? Get ready and get into position. It should be a fierce attack."

"Crossbowman, where's the crossbowman?"

"Golden juice, where is the golden juice? Heat it up quickly."

In the Uburg, chaos quickly broke out, and everyone was ready to fight to the death.

However, after the Song army changed, they still had no intention of attacking. Soon, drum music suddenly sounded in the military formation, and then it automatically divided into two rows under the confused eyes of the Tang army, with densely packed flags. Passing through the cracked corridor one by one, guarding the front and rear, Zhao Guangmei, dressed in armor, rode ahead and walked in front of the three army formations.

Looking at the face that was obviously too young, both Tang Jun and Song Jun could not help but fall silent.

Immediately, Song Jun’s head, who didn’t know who started it, burst into warm cheers, and the one who was excited and shouted long live. Although it was a bit inappropriate, Zhao Guangmei thought about it and didn’t disappoint. He was originally The prince is not a minister.

Seeing this, Tang Jun became even more silent, as if the air pressure had dropped.

After waving his hand, Zhao Guangmei signaled the Song army to shut up. Then, Zhao Guangmei actually set up an altar on the battlefield, placed heads one by one, lit incense himself, toasted, sighed, and stood in front of the two armies. We played poem recitation before:
"Throughout the ages, sad old stories are revealed, a scene of laughter and joy. The heroes are briefly described in fragments, and they are always motivated by fame. Each one is vigorous and vigorous, and everyone is in a hurry. The glory and wealth are all gone, just like a dream."

"Everyone, let's go."

After saying that, Zhao Guangmei bowed three times to the countless arranged heads, then let out a long sigh, and then retreated into the formation. The Song troops who had surrounded them menacingly retreated in an instant and looked directly at them. The people in Dewubao were confused.

"What are you doing here?"

Seeing that the Song Army had indeed retreated, it shouldn't be a trick. In fact, now that the Song Army was defeated, they didn't seem to need any tricks. Soon, they ordered someone to open the small door to see what the Song Army was doing. .

As a result, the man was pissed when he came back: "People, people, heads, all of them are heads, and the heads are all built into the capital."

"Human head? Why did the Song Army take Jingguan inexplicably and pay homage to it?" Lin Renzhao felt inexplicable, and knew that the head Jingguan must have been displayed for them, so he murmured: "Could it be the former leader? Song Jun Catch people, kill them, and use their heads to intimidate us?"

"It's possible, but what's the point?" Lin Renzhao also murmured in his heart. If the Song army wanted to frighten his own side, why bother? They, the Southern army, have long since lost the courage. He planned to retaliate to the king with his death, and then let his soldiers They surrendered.

Then he personally led his entourage out of the small door to check. As soon as he saw the head, he screamed and knelt on the ground with a thud.

Lin Renzhao, who looked as pale as a dead man, opened his mouth for a long time, but suddenly found that he had lost his voice. He actually forgot how to speak. He could only growl from his mouth like a beast, then he rolled his eyes and passed out.

When he woke up faintly, the doctor in the castle told him that he had suffered a stroke. The left half of his body was completely numb, and his mouth and eyes were crooked. However, he ignored the huge physical discomfort and turned over and fell off the bed. He fell down, then got up in a panic, and said in a tongue that was no longer clear: "Human head... where is the human head... human head..."

"General, General, what's wrong with you? General, you are in very bad health now and need to rest, General."

"Heads, heads, heads."

Feng Wei frowned and said, "General, why are you so rude? Now that the war is fierce and dangerous, you are the backbone of us all. Why do you make such a gesture?"

"They are my family! My mother, wife, children, and the other heads on the ground are all my relatives. I was, I was killed by the Yi tribe!"


"The three Yi tribes?"

"Damn it, how did Song Jun..."

Then, stop talking.

How could the Song army have the ability to annihilate Lin Renzhao's three tribes?
Even if the Song army defeated Jinling City, they would only kill Lin Renzhao's entire family. They could not find them at all, and they did not know who his three clans were.

Therefore, only Nantang was the one who started killing people.

Once they figured this out, a surge of anger suddenly surged into everyone's hearts.

Why!Don't be such a bully!

The general is leading them in a bloody battle. Even if they lose, they are still fighting for the country. How can a general kill the enemy in the front and be attacked by the Yi tribe in the rear?From ancient times to the present, has there ever been such a mess?
So what is their stubborn resistance here now, and what are these soldiers who are fighting with the Song army?
General Lin had made great contributions to the country. During the Battle of Shouzhou, Lin Renzhao was almost the only general in the Southern Tang Dynasty who was able to take action and win the battle on local battlefields. To put it more seriously, if it were not for Lin Renzhao, he would have fought a little better. , let the world know that the Southern Tang Dynasty is not without good generals. As for Chai Rong's temperament, which is actually a bit overjoyed, can he accept Li Jing's peace talks?It's hard to say that we have crossed the Yangtze River long ago.

Is this the king they are loyal to?

Immediately, a terrible thought formed in the minds of these soldiers: Since General Lin has already annihilated three tribes, what about us, our own soldiers and confidants?
Suddenly, a soldier who was the first to think of it ran out of the Uburg gate like a madman, staggeringly threw Jinguan down and rummaged around until he found a white-haired human head. He hugged her in his arms with a single cry: "Mother, mother, mother~"

This cry directly caused all the Tang troops in Wubao to collapse. They opened the gate of the fortress and rushed out like a swarm of swarms, especially those three hundred soldiers who had been following Lin Renzhao for a long time.

And these people are indeed the focus of the Southern Tang killings. In the Five Dynasties, the personal soldiers were actually a bit similar to the previous generals. They were both prosperous and devastated with their respective generals. On the surface, they were soldiers of the country. But in fact, they were all the general's private soldiers and even domestic slaves. Since Li Yu had already wiped out Lin Renzhao's three clans, how could he let them go?
Heads were found one after another, and cries after cries resounded through the sky, even the Song Army who was far away could hear them.

Zhao Guangmei let out a long sigh, feeling uncomfortable.

"Your Highness, there is no need to blame yourself. In the war between the two countries, they used all possible means. Since each was his own master and fought desperately, how could there be any means? A century-old war would be more cruel than this."

Zhao Guangmei let out a long breath after hearing this and said: "Of course I understand the principle of not being in charge of soldiers. Since they are enemies on the battlefield, I should use any means to deal with them. There has never been anything in this world that does not target civilians. The war, the so-called righteous war, is all nonsense, but I have done it, why don’t you let me feel sentimental and feel uncomfortable? After all, I am not a real soldier, and I am indeed not a soldier. ah."

After thinking for a while, he waved his hand and said: "Listen and watch. This is the sound of a country's backbone being broken. From then on, although the country of Southern Tang is still there, it is only It could be my Da Song’s cash machine.”

"Wang Pu."

"The minister is here."

"Especially you civil servants, you must take a good look at this matter. This matter must be written in the history books, and it must be written in a big book. Looking back, you might as well write a play with Lin Renzhao as the protagonist, and be sure to make the world People have praised it for thousands of years.”

Zhao Guanglan pouted and said, "What does this mean? Is it to warn future generations?"

"Yes, it is to warn future generations that the world is changing. Although the Southern Tang Dynasty is weak, the Khitan in the north is far more powerful than the Turks and Huns in the past. It is the life and death enemy of our Song Dynasty. Even if the Khitan is gone, who knows? What new enemies will be born on the grasslands in the future? The grassland people will also make progress."

"In this world, there has never been a country that will not perish. The prosperity of the Han and Tang Dynasties in the past could not escape the 300-year destiny limit. How could I, Zhao Song, be surprised? I only hope that in the future, our descendants of Zhao Song will face the fate of [-] years. When facing a strong enemy, we can at least remember the lessons of today’s Southern Tang Dynasty.”

"The country can be destroyed, but the anger cannot be lost. The Zhao family can be destroyed, but the dignity cannot be lost. Even if one day the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed, even if the monarch is the only one left, I still hope that he can pull out his sword and die. Don’t embarrass me and my eldest brother during the battle.”

When Zhao Guanglan heard this, she rolled her eyes at him and said, "Oh, you're just unfounded. How could a man from our Zhao family be as stupid as this man named Li? It's impossible. There's no way our family can have such a weakling." .”

Hearing this, Zhao Guangmei glanced at Zhao Guanglan with a strange expression.

"Hmm...really? I hope I'm overthinking it."

(End of this chapter)

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