Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 132: If your conscience hurts, just cover it up and it will be fine

Chapter 132: If your conscience hurts, just cover it up and it will be fine
Li Yu was actually completely confused at this time.

To use his own poetry, in the past 40 years, his family and country have spread over three thousand miles of mountains and rivers.The phoenix pavilion and the dragon tower are connected to the sky, and the jade trees and their branches are used as smoke and radish. How many times have you ever seen war?

As a pure literati ruler, the ongoing war felt so strange to him. In fact, he had long complained about Lin Renzhao and others.

It's all their fault for those warring factions!

I was living my life well, being the king of my country, and being a loving and filial son like the father of Song Dynasty. Why are you provoking them?

Let Song go to fight Shu, Southern Han, and Khitan first. In this way, I can continue to be the leader of this country.

In fact, most of the civil servants in the court thought so. In fact, they were not fools. Instead of Huainan, the Yangtze River alone could not stop the Song army. Moreover, paying tribute every year and bribing the Song Dynasty every year would make the Southern Tang Dynasty lose more power. , the stronger the Northern Song Dynasty is, the Song Dynasty will not be able to keep you forever. Sooner or later, it will swallow you up, and by then it may not even have the power to resist.

But so what?
If he really wants to fight a war, not to mention how much money it will cost, it will definitely be much more than paying tribute to the Song Dynasty. The key is that he will not win unless he can work hard to rectify the military, rectify the military, and reuse those capable warriors.

But in this case, can the world still belong to him?
At the end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, the world's rituals and music had long since collapsed. It was the consensus of the world that the man with strong soldiers and horses would be the emperor. This was not only a characteristic of the Central Plains, but even a great leader like Chai Rong had encountered the situation where his military leader defected in battle. Li Yu, It is almost impossible for a weak scholar to control the army.

Once he really untied the army and re-employed the main combatants like Lin Renzhao, I am afraid that there will be a high probability that someone will wear a yellow robe, and it is even very likely that it will be Lin Renzhao, who has always been extremely loyal.

Zhao Kuangyin has set a good example for people all over the world.

In this case, even if Song State blocks it, what's the point?

We would rather treat friends than domestic slaves. It is the same in all countries in ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, and no one can think of exceptions.

On the contrary, as long as he behaves respectfully and gives the Song Dynasty more coins, at least the Song Dynasty will not hit itself first. No matter what, Li Yu can be the leader of the country for more than ten years, and the civil servants of the Manchu Dynasty can be ministers for more than ten years. , or even change his identity and go to work in Song State, and he might even be able to get a raise.

Then why fight? Are you sick?

Therefore, everyone dislikes Lin Renzhao and this group of main militants. They are really annoying.

It's simply a national thief!
As soon as Zhao Guangmei's condition came out, the court in the Southern Tang Dynasty was completely silent. They directly stated from a general perspective that the matter was uncertain and nothing could be discussed in the future.

So quickly some people said that this matter was indeed Lin Renzhao's fault, that he was indeed a rebel, and that the Yi clan should beg for it, and asked Li Yu to kill his entire clan to save the world.

As for the families of those soldiers, they must also be killed, because the soldiers are all disloyal. If we send their families over, these soldiers will definitely become the Song Army.

In fact, although Li Yu knew about Lin Renzhao's northern invasion in advance, he was really passive throughout the whole process. The whole process was completely organized spontaneously by the Jiangnan landlords who broke away from his control. In addition, Lin Renzhao was eager to fight. Waiting for him to do it By the time I understood the ins and outs, I was already being pushed up and down by this group of people.

In addition, Zhao Guangmei drained Yangzhou's troops and Liu Guangyi rebelled. The smoke bomb was indeed well placed, and it seemed that it was indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he acquiesced in Lin Renzhao's actions.

It is indeed not the court’s original intention!
Therefore, these rebels should indeed be killed. They should be killed in the first place. We are not killing them for the sake of negotiation. Even if His Highness the King of Qin does not mention this, we must kill them anyway.

Li Yu couldn't help but feel a little entangled. He couldn't do it. He felt that it was too shameless.

Even considering the shamelessness of civil servants, many people feel that this statement is too shameless and their consciences are too painful to accept it.

As human beings, we still cannot, or at least should not, be without conscience.

The soldiers fought bloody battles on the front lines, and even if they lost, it was because they did not fight hard. It is unreasonable for us literati who are enjoying the success in the rear to kill their families.

So much so that they couldn't make up their minds at all.Then, Zhao Guangmei sent troops to surround Jinling City.

Then, boom~, boom~, boom boom~, it was a random explosion.

Li Yu was frightened and exclaimed: "Ah, what is this? Why is it so loud? I feel, I feel, the whole Jinling City is shaking."

"This should be the Song Army's new weapon. It is said to be made of gunpowder. Tuzhou... was defeated by this weapon."

"Ah, this... the Song Army is already strong, but now it has this thing, how can it still resist it? How can it resist it?"

With that said, Li Yu fell to the top of the city in a panic.

In fact, these explosives are basically the entire inventory that Zhao Guangmei has. According to the purity of this old-fashioned gunpowder, even black powder is not qualified. It is really difficult to directly use explosive bags to blow open the city wall.

This is purely to scare people.

But how did Li Yu know these details, and how did these civil servants in the Southern Tang Dynasty know?
But I saw a strong man riding a horse in front of the city and said: "Li Yu, listen, my Highness said that his patience is limited, and finally gave you two days. If you still refuse to send people to negotiate after two days, we will explode." This Jinling City Wall will personally invite you to drink and chat, hum!"

After that, he walked away, and the Song army also slowly retreated... only one mile.

"Your Majesty! We can no longer hesitate. Lin Renzhao is plotting to rebel against the Yi clan!"

"Yes, the lord of the country and the soldiers who follow him are all rebels. If their families are not killed, how can they uphold the law?"

"Yes, yes, the king should be killed, the king should be killed."

On the top of the city, countless courtiers who were originally reserved and refused to speak on the matter came forward one after another and begged Li Yu with righteous indignation to order the killing, as if Lin Renzhao, his soldiers, and his family members had committed some heinous act. Like a great sin.


Isn't it just two ounces of meat? You can just order it with your hands covered.

"It... seems like there is no other way, but my heart can't bear it, I can't bear it, I'll think about it again, let me think about it again."

All the civil servants looked at me and I looked at you, but they actually understood what Li Yu meant.

The king doesn’t want to be this evil person.

Then that day, Li Yu excused his physical discomfort and lay in the bedroom all afternoon. When he opened his eyes and went out, the chamberlain told him that Lin Renzhao's family members had been killed, and many of the three tribes had escaped. They were being arrested. The matter was The civil service group handled it with a tacit understanding, but the blame fell on Prime Minister Han Xizai.

When Li Yu heard this, he was heartbroken and heartbroken.

Then he followed the trend and sent the head to Zhao Guangmei.

Zhao Guangmei changed hands and sent him to Chuzhou, while Lin Renzhao is still resisting in Fengjiabao with his troops.

(End of this chapter)

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