Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 129 Counterattack, surprise attack

Chapter 129 Counterattack, surprise attack


It happened to be a rainy day, and there was already a hint of coolness in Huainan after autumn. Zhao Guangmei deliberately walked in the rain and got wet for a while, without asking anyone to hold an umbrella for her. She deliberately soaked herself into a drowned rat and washed her face by the way.

After all, this was his first war, and he was all-in on this, and the whole strategy was indeed quite crazy.

After Liu Guangyi's rebellion, Zhao Guangmei immediately ordered the army to be divided into two, and ordered Gao Huaide, who was fully aware of the situation, to rush back to Yangzhou with more than half of the troops. He himself continued to march with [-] troops to attack Fengjiabao.

Apart from lamenting the paranoia and madness of His Highness the King of Qin, there is really nothing to doubt. After all, it was only the beginning of the Song Dynasty, and the garrison law had just begun to be implemented, and it was not fully implemented. These border guards who were sent earlier than the garrison law, The family members have already been brought out to join the army together. It is impossible to send the military family members back to Kaifeng on purpose, right?
Therefore, most of the family members of the Forbidden Army stationed abroad in Zhao Guangmei's hands are in Yangzhou. At this time, they heard that Yangzhou was not protected, and naturally the army was demoralized. At this time, Zhao Guangmei insisted on setting aside part of his troops to attack Fengjiabao, but it seemed that he did not Mature, can't afford to lose.

Affected by this, the morale of the Fengjiabao defenders was greatly boosted. Zhao Guangmei's two thousand soldiers and horses attacked for two full days, but they were stunned and failed to capture it.

"Report~, Your Highness, report to Your Highness, there are, there are soldiers and horses twenty miles away from us. They seem to be surrounding us. The flag should be...Nantang."

"About how many people?"

"I don't know, but it should probably be between [-] and [-], not more than [-]."

Zhao Guangmei thought for a while and said: "It's only twenty to thirty thousand at most, and it's mainly composed of the garrison troops that were disbanded last year. Can you see clearly who the leader is?"

"Lin Ziqi should be...Lin Renzhao."

"Lin Renzhao?"

Zhao Guangmei was slightly surprised, and then she couldn't help but secretly tensed her nerves.

It was actually Lin Renzhao who personally led the troops. This was a bigger game than imagined. It might have escalated to the level of a national war.

"Have you seen the Southern Tang Dynasty's national flag or emperor's flag?"

"That's not there."

"Ha ha."

Zhao Guangmei sneered disdainfully, knowing that this was a trick played by the emperors and ministers of the Southern Tang Dynasty, and said elegantly: "Ha~tui!"

"Your Highness, the situation is critical at this time. Unless Your Highness, you can still be willful. Please evacuate quickly and leave on horseback. You can still escape now. If you wait for Lin Renzhao to surround you, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave even if you want to." No more."

Zhao Guangmei was noncommittal, and then smiled disdainfully. Just as he was about to give the order, he suddenly saw a tall, middle-aged man with a beard standing up and yelling: "Your Highness!"

Zhao Guangmei was startled and asked instinctively: "What are you doing?"

"Your Majesty, please stop inking and quickly lead the light cavalry to break out and escape. I am willing to lead the infantry behind the palace. I will still hold your umbrella and flag to cover people's ears and eyes. Even if I risk my life, I will definitely bite Lin Renzhao." If you bring me a piece of meat, I can guarantee that I will buy you at least one day."

Zhao Guangmei turned around in surprise. The person who spoke was a military leader of the Forbidden Army stationed in Yangzhou. He had even forgotten his name.

"Are you willing to die for me?"

"The last will be willing!"

After saying that, he turned back and shouted to the soldiers behind him: "I would like to die for His Highness, step forward!"

Then, under Zhao Guangmei's surprised and confused gaze, almost all the forbidden troops took a step forward together.

These people clearly don't have time to connect.

"I... don't even know your name. I don't even know the names of most of you. We haven't been in contact for a long time, and we are in such a situation at this time. It's all because I have my own way and am inexperienced and careless. For the sake of command, are you really willing to risk your life to protect me?"

"Because in the world, your highness is the only one who can develop a good business. You will eventually be bold. After my death, I will ask you, your highness... Please just calm down and run a business to make money, and don't touch the issue of using soldiers to fight. You have to specialize in the arts." Your ability to make money is unparalleled in the world, but you are really not made for war!"


For a moment, Zhao Guangmei didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She was moved and a little angry.

It was already this time, so there was no need to keep hiding anything. He simply said loudly: "Everyone, please rest assured. Everything here is under control. It's no big deal. Send the order, one mile northwest." There is an unnamed hill. The whole army has two days of food and supplies, and immediately moves the camp to defend it. You don't have to die, and I don't have to run away. Within two days, there will be a turn for the better."

"Ah this..."

All the soldiers were shocked, but seeing that all the officials around Zhao Guangmei seemed to be quite calm, they actually believed it for a while.

Your Highness actually has a back-up plan?
"The thieves are powerful, but they are coming across the sea after all, and the reinforcements from Commander Zhang Qiong and Commander Li Hanchao will arrive at least half a month or ten days, so the thieves must be anxious and dare not make any plans. We can only It is necessary to build fortifications, guard the mountain roads, and use the terrain to hold them back. The thieves will surely die anxiously, but it is not difficult to hold on for only two days."

Hearing this, the bearded soldier said again: "Ah... Your Highness, is this still too dangerous for you? Since we are guarding the mountain road, why don't you, Your Highness, take the cavalry one step ahead, and we will pretend to be Isn’t it safe for you to stand firm here?”

Zhao Guangmei was furious: "Fuck you, bearded man, I've tolerated you for a long time. What do you mean? Do you have no confidence in my plan, or in yourself? Am I, Zhao Guangmei, the person who is greedy for life and afraid of death? , leaving you in such a dangerous place while I become the dirty rat trying to escape? Do you think I am my second brother?"

All the soldiers: "???"

Why is there something about King Qi here?

"I made the trick, I laid the bait, but you fought the battle. If you let me run away at this time, I will be ridiculed by the heroes of the world if I win this battle in the future. You, bearded man, I see you You are just looking down on me, do you treat me like a yellow-haired boy? What is your name? I remember you."

"Ah...ah? My name is Ma Xucai."

"Ma Xucai, that's great, I remember you, and I remember you all! Tell me your names in a moment, I will remember you!"

After that, he stepped forward and gave Ma Xucai a hug: "I couldn't explain it for a moment, but think about it, my brother-in-law has been following me for such a long time. If I am really messing around, he How could he cooperate with me like this? After all, he was also the person who did the deputy inspection before retiring, wasn't he?" "Today, I swear here, as long as you don't abandon me, I will never abandon you in the future. Well, within two days, the situation in Chuzhou will change, and within half a month, I will also put down the chaos in Huainan. If this battle is successful, I will protect your wealth for 50 years. If this battle is defeated, Mei will follow you. We'll die together later, please."

After saying that, Zhao Guangmei cupped her fists and saluted deeply in the direction of the soldiers. When the soldiers heard this, they knelt down silently one after another.

Are there only 2000 people left in the army? This is good. In fact, everyone can hear any orders if they are shouted with a loud voice. Commands and orders are extremely fast. In addition, Zhao Guangmei is indeed prepared for this. In less than half of the time, everyone can hear it. Within days, the Song army had all withdrawn to a mountain that was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Although this hill is not very high, it is extremely steep and densely covered with jungle. There is only a small winding path in the middle where large groups of soldiers and horses can walk. The slope is steep, with a stream on it, and there is a place at the top of the body that is several feet high. A cliff with a size of one hundred square meters.

If two trebuchets are set up on the cliff, the view will be extremely wide, and you can attack down almost as much as you want.

Of course, although this kind of terrain is difficult to attack, it is also difficult to encircle. Once encircled, it will be difficult for Zhao Guangmei to break out unless he has wings. Therefore, they really have to fight Lin Renzhao at this time. It’s terrible.

After waiting for a long time, Lin Renzhao's troops across the river belatedly arrived and surrounded him. As soon as they surrounded him with their front legs, Lin Renzhao ordered an immediate attack with his rear legs.

Zhao Guangmei, holding the Hidden Dragon Sword, stood on the highest point of the cliff, standing on the edge of the trebuchet and observing the enemy troops at the foot of the mountain.

In fact, you can't tell the reason, but you can see that there are a lot of them, and they are densely packed during the charge. Zhao Guangmei ordered the trebuchet to fire, and then, he was quickly overwhelmed by the smell of the trebuchet and replaced it with another one. Place to stay.

He only learned today that the trebuchets on ancient battlefields did not throw stones, but usually yellow mud pellets, and the better ammunition than yellow mud pellets were dung balls almost as big as a human head.

Fresh ones are best, and they will be heated to ensure that the thing is disgusting enough and blooms after it hits the ground. The infection rate of the wound is close to [-]%.

Really, so evil.

Of course, the Tang army would not be defeated by a few dung balls. From a height, the densely packed Tang army moved in turns like a relay. Lin Renzhao was obviously a ruthless man. After the encirclement, he did not even conduct terrain reconnaissance and just fought. With a large number of people, they attacked from all sides and advanced alternately. Although the troops in the front were always given special attention by the Song army and were shot countless by catapults and crossbows, the troops in the rear seemed to be endlessly killed.

Not only that, each wave of Tang troops was followed by a supervisory team. Zhao Guangmei even heard someone shouting on the top of the mountain: "Quick, quick, quick, the general has an order. This mountain must be captured within three days and Zhao Guangmei must be captured alive, otherwise the night will be long and dreams will be endless. Reinforcements from the Song Army may arrive at any time, and by then their efforts will be in vain. Anyone who dares to escape will be killed without mercy. If you have a small family and wife, we will kill them all when we return to Tang Dynasty. Hurry up, hurry up."

Unconsciously, the cynical expression on Zhao Guangmei's face disappeared, and the Qianlong Sword in her hand was twisted and twisted. The hilt of the sword was covered with sweat, but she always insisted on standing where the soldiers could see her. He stood motionless, usually too lazy to act like a panda, but this time he didn't even want to sit on a chair.

In this way, the two armies fought fiercely from noon to night. The mountainside was already piled with corpses. The blood dyed the flowers and grass on half of the mountain a sad red color. The original fragrance of flowers and grass had long been covered up by the stench of flesh and blood. , soaring straight into the sky, it can be clearly felt that the Song army's line on the top of the mountain is retreating step by step, and the soldiers of the Southern Tang Dynasty seem to be fighting harder and harder.

Because although the soldiers of the Northern Song Dynasty suffered few casualties, they were indeed a little too tired.

"Your Highness, these are the Xiangyong from Fengjiabao. They have joined forces with the Southern Tang Army, and now it seems that not only Fengjiabao, but also other landlords' armed forces have joined them."

Zhao Guangmei snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and said: "Almost all the Huainan gentry deserve to die. When the Song Dynasty regains the Southern Tang Dynasty in the future, these gentry and landlords will survive if they cooperate. If they don't cooperate at all, they will kill their whole families immediately. This gang People who raise the whole damn thing are pests to the imperial court.”

As he spoke, he could see that the defense line on the mountainside was becoming more and more shaky. A part of the vanguard of the Southern Tang Army had broken through the Song Army's strong crossbow array, and had overcome numerous antlers and traps on the ground, fighting hand to hand with the Song Army's entire army. .

Zhao Guangmei was also violently raised. After watching him all afternoon, the blood in her body suddenly turned from calm to extremely boiling. Cang Leng drew out the Qianlong Sword and yelled: "Fuck them to death, follow I shouted, I’ll fuck your mother from Southern Tang!!”

Then he picked up his sword and went to kill him.

The guards behind him were all dumbfounded, but soon everyone was so excited that they drew their swords and charged forward, bravely moving forward.

The rest of the Song army were all excited when they saw this. In fact, they had already rushed back before Zhao Guangmei could rush over.

The imperial army of the Song Dynasty actually didn't know how to defend at all. What is defense?After a lifetime of fighting, it was always about offense and defense. Even when the Khitans came, the Song army thought the city wall was in the way, and in most cases went out of the city to form a field battle.

Defense, everyone is really not good at it.

Seeing that His Highness the King of Qin had personally drawn his sword and charged, Song Jun's tired body seemed to be suddenly filled with vitality again, his morale suddenly soared, and he went down to kill them one by one with howls.

The Tang army under the high ground had been attacking the mountains at great casualties. Although the casualties were less than that of the Song army because of their ability to rotate, they suffered heavy casualties and their morale was low.

Under the bright moonlight, when he raised his head, he saw that the swarming imperial army was like a fierce tiger rising from the west. The morale that had been barely maintained suddenly plummeted thousands of miles away.The Song army rushed all the way to the foot of the mountain, and the Tang army's front army was completely defeated. Zhao Guangmei then ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops and return to the mountain camp.

But that night, the Tang Army, which had suffered a big loss, completely stopped and did not try to attack again. The Song Army, Zhao Guangmei and others on the top of the mountain were finally able to take turns peacefully and everyone slept for half the night. .

It wasn't until the next morning, when it was already dawn, that Lin Renzhao planned to organize his troops to attack again, but suddenly he saw a long dragon with swaying lights slowly heading towards them on the river in the distance. Winding in the direction.

"What is that, our reinforcements?"

"How is it possible? How can we still have reinforcements? Even if we do, there is no reason to do it so quickly."

As they spoke, the long winding fire-colored dragon was getting closer and closer to them. Through the mist of the morning light, its appearance gradually became clear. It was actually a complete fleet, and every ship The flags of the Song Army were hung on the ships, and the commander's flag was embroidered with a panzi in red and black. The soldiers in the Southern Tang Dynasty were all depressed when they saw this.

"You guys of the Southern Tang Dynasty, listen to me. I am Pan Mei, the deputy commander of the Southern Army of the Song Dynasty. Gao Shijun and Liu Jieshuai have already tried their best to cross the river and conquer Caishiji. If you don't surrender early, we will call you today. You will die without a burial place! Save Your Highness, and the soldiers will follow me to kill you!"

After all, Pan Mei didn't even have time to wait for the boat to dock on the shore. Seeing that it was almost done, Pan Mei jumped off and waded directly into the water to kill the Tang army on the shore first.

On the top of the mountain, Zhao Guangmei also breathed a long sigh of relief: "Finally, we caught up. This Pan Mei, it's only been a few days, and she actually came all the way from Hunan to Huainan? It's so fast, much faster than I expected." It’s going to be much faster.”

After saying that, Zhao Guangmei drew his sword and shouted: "Brothers, since Pan Mei is here, the important town of Tuzhou in the Southern Tang Dynasty must have been destroyed by my great Song Dynasty. I have made great achievements today. This time, I will follow my king and destroy them in the Southern Tang Dynasty." Tang, kill!!”

 Historically, Lin Renzhao also planned to play this trick. He once strongly demanded to recover Huainan, but Li Yu refused, so he pretended to be treason, then went to attack Huainan himself, and reported to Li Yu that if he conquered Huainan, this place would belong to the Southern Tang Dynasty. You, a traitor, took it upon yourself to kill my whole family and disassociate yourself from me, just say you didn’t know.

  Unfortunately, it was a critical period when the Southern Tang Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty were seeking peace. Both the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Tang Dynasty felt that this guy had been destroying the hard-won friendship between the two countries. It was really annoying, so Li Yu conspired to kill Lin Renzhao. His head was given as a gift to the monarchs and ministers of the Northern Song Dynasty as a sign of submission and respect, which broke the hearts of all the warring factions in the country.

  Then Zhao Kuangyin slapped the table and said, let others sleep soundly on the side of the couch, and destroyed the Southern Tang Dynasty.

  As for the counterintuitive plan, it was just a fig leaf. Jin Wushu used the counterintuitive plan to say that Yue Fei was a spy of the Jin Kingdom, but Zhao Gou believed it. Is this bad or stupid?
(End of this chapter)

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