Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 128 The troubled times are over

Chapter 128 The troubled times are over
To be honest, people who have never had any contact with Zhao Guangmei will always think through his various deeds that he may be the kind of young and mature person who strategizes. There are even some gossips in the market who have designed him to be a feather fan. The image of Zhuge Liang.

Only those who have really been in contact with Zhao Guangmei will know that His Highness King Qin has a humorous, even playful temperament, as if he doesn't care about anything and is a fun-loving person, and there is a sense of playfulness from the inside out. Although he was very energetic, everything he did was still successful, so that everyone was puzzled. In the end, it was attributed to him as if he had divine help and was destined to do so.

However, those who are really familiar with Zhao Guangmei will know that his humor and irrationality actually come from his self-confidence. He always has extremely unreasonable self-confidence in what he does, so much so that because he is too confident, There is no awe.

And when he does things that he is relatively less confident about, he has a kind of madness that seems to be unique to the grassroots, as crazy as a gambler. He seems to particularly like to put everything on the line. In fact, this kind of character should not appear at all. For a nobleman like him, he used to be a general's son, but it happened to be deeply rooted in his bones.

Even Gao Huaide couldn't understand it.

At least at this time, Gao Huaide couldn't help but feel his head buzzing when he looked at the so-called battle plan that Zhao Guangmei discussed with him. He just felt that this was a strategic plan that could only be made by a madman.

Apart from Chai Rong, he had never seen such a crazy person in his life.

Zhao Guangmei's madness scared everyone all over the world. Even those who tried to lure him into a trap were all dumbfounded.

On the second day after the assassination, the Xiaoqi and Konghe armies on the other side of Kaifeng had just set out on the road. Zhao Guangmei ignored it and personally led the entire Yangzhou Forbidden Army, that is, all of the [-] Forbidden Army, to attack Chuzhou, just for the sake of Be powerful in a small place.

It was a surprise that Yangzhou became an empty city with only two border naval divisions left.

Feng Wei was confused. How could he be so virtuous? Is it such a big deal?

It feels like Zhao Guangmei is just like a fool.

But could Zhao Guangmei be a fool?
Chuzhou, Feng family.

The Feng family, a wealthy family, is building Wubao. They have made the already large courtyard of the deep house much larger, enough to accommodate more than [-] people waiting for help in the courtyard. The outer wall is more than three meters high, with an arrow tower and a high platform above it. Even gun carriages and bed crossbows are all available.

The powerful Wubao, which was comparable to a military fortress during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, is back!
However, can such a Wubao stop the elite Song army?I'm afraid this is a question that no one will doubt. Even the servants and recruits who are building Wubao and training troops to prepare for war probably know it well. Many of them have participated in the Battle of Shouzhou, so they naturally know these people from the Central Plains. How crazy are the Imperial Guards?

However, what else can we do if we don’t repair this Uburg?What else could it be?It’s always better than nothing.

Today is a year of great disaster, especially in a place like Chuzhou. To put it bluntly, the closer you are to the Southern Tang Dynasty, the greater the power of the landlords. The greater the power of the landlords, the harder it is for the people to live. Chuzhou is Located on the edge of the Yangtze River, it naturally became the most severely affected place in Huainan. Most of the food was almost monopolized by the Feng family and several other local wealthy families. The entire Xiongzhou farmer class shrank to the extreme. Even the small landowners have been suppressed to the point of being suppressed. They only need to lock up the imported grain. Aren't they the ones who have the final say on the grain price?

Not to mention that most people have no money at all in their pockets. Even if they have money, they can't buy rice now within the Feng family's sphere of influence.

If you want to eat and support your family, you must either rebel against the Feng family or follow the Feng family. At any rate, you will be given a day's worth of food, which is not only enough for yourself but also for your wife and children.

The vast majority of people will naturally choose the latter.

The recruiters have all said, if nothing can be done, you will surrender as soon as possible. The Song Army has not had the tradition of killing and surrendering, and they will even reward you after surrendering.

This was a very common operation in the fifth generation.

As for Feng Wei and other masterminds, since they were acting as bait, they naturally no longer regarded themselves as living beings, and their life and death had long been ignored. However, Zhao Guangmei's strange operation still made him feel a little uncomfortable and confused.

"Master, now all of our people are in panic. They all say that His Highness the King of Qin has put all his efforts into action. They all say that we are throwing an egg at a stone. The morale of the army is weakened. I am afraid... that it is not enough."

Feng Wei looked at it openly, shook his head and said: "These are all insignificant things. I am just using my body as bait, and I don't plan to live anymore. In the future, the history will be recorded, and future generations will remember my character of Chuzhou Feng family. I Sooner or later, the descendants of the Feng family will become the top clan in the world. You are all my confidants. When things become impossible, you guys will chop off my head and surrender to Zhao Guangmei. Maybe I will give it to you. You reward me.”

"His Royal Highness, King of Qin, mobilized so many soldiers and horses at once. Not only did Yangzhong become empty, but the entire Huainan was now almost an undefended open space. By the time Zhang Qiong and Li Hanchao arrived, they would have been dust. Settled, in this way, I can be regarded as benevolent and benevolent, but..."

"Hey~, my personal life and death don't matter. I have already sent my family and yours to Southern Tang Dynasty. To be honest, since Zhao Guangmei has come with his troops, my purpose has actually been achieved. It was even better than I expected, but... I always felt that something was wrong. After all, he was the King of Qin who single-handedly destroyed the Northern Han Dynasty. Do you think he could really be so stupid? "

His cronies frowned when they heard this and said: "After all, it was Li Jun who fought the battle to destroy the Northern Han Dynasty. That incident can only prove that the King of Qin has extraordinary courage and courage, but it may not prove that he is good at military affairs." ?”

Another person also said: "After all, he is only a 14-year-old child. In terms of internal affairs, although our positions are opposite, we have to admit that His Highness is indeed a genius given by heaven. It is impossible to have a genius in military strategy, right?"

Feng Wei could only smile bitterly: "I hope so."

But in fact, he didn't really believe it in his heart. After all, the old Zhao family evolved from a general to a royal family. Zhao Guangmei was born and raised in a military camp. His ability to make money is unparalleled in the world, but his ability to fight is mediocre. Normally, I would just stud as soon as I get up. Is this possible?

But what can you do if you don’t believe it?

He has done everything he can do. He is now an arrow, and all that is left is to wait for death.

Just as he was saying this, a servant suddenly ran over and shouted: "Master, master, what a happy event! Liu Guangyi, the military governor of Jiangning Army, has rebelled and is attacking Yangzhou!"

"What? Who? Liu Guangyi? Isn't he in Jingzhou? No, no, that's not right. He took the Yangtze River waterway? This..."

After this for a long time, Feng Wei didn't come up with the reason, and said: "Is this really a rebellion, or is he going to relive the old events of the Northern Han Dynasty and act in a show? But if he is acting, what is he trying to do?"

"It can't be acting. He acted in the Northern Han Dynasty to earn Liu Jun's personal alliance with Li Jun. Why did he act in Huainan? Now that he has learned from the past, can Li Yu also learn from Liu Jun? Come to Huainan in person to form an alliance with Liu Guangyi? How can there be any reason to use this kind of move twice in a short period of time? If the King of Qin really plans this, it can only show that he really does not know military affairs."

"Yes, besides, this Liu Guangyi is not a close confidant of the official family. After all, he is Lao Zhuozhou and the great-grandson of Liu Rengong. In recent years, the official family has been forcing the imperial army, weakening the border troops, and strengthening the weak branches. I heard that it has already attracted people from all over the Song Dynasty. The Jiedu Envoy, the Defense Envoy, and even the Tuanlian Envoy were very dissatisfied. After all, he was familiar with Yangzhou. If he took advantage of this chaos and had the intention of separatism, if he could occupy Huainan and surrender to the Tang Dynasty, he might not be able to block the Song army."

"Yes, yes, I have also heard that many Jiedu envoys and defense envoys from various places miss the Zhou Dynasty. This Liu Guangyi must be the same. The warlords in the Central Plains have been doing this for decades. Of?"

After hearing this, Feng Wei let out a long, depressed sigh and said, "It seems that it doesn't matter whether this is a conspiracy or not, hey~"

As the saying goes, if an arrow is on the string, it must be fired. The squires in the Southern Tang Dynasty are actually all ready. The garrison troops that were just disbanded last year have been picked up and equipped again. At this time, could it be that Liu Guangyi rebelled, and everyone instead Abandon the plan?

Because I really don’t understand what kind of medicine Zhao Guangmei is selling in the gourd. Even if it is a fake rebellion, there will be no loss to Southern Tang. On the contrary, if it is a real rebellion, it is not nonsense to not go up at this time. What?
Since the counselors on their side think so, then the people on the Southern Tang side will naturally think so too.

You can't, just because you feel that Zhao Guangmei has a conspiracy, but you can't tell what the specific conspiracy is, so you are giving up, right?
He is only 14 years old and knows how to make money. In fact, he is just Zhao Guangmei who has never really fought in a war. He is not Chen Qingzhi, who has thousands of troops avoiding white robes.

So this plan will definitely continue.

Besides, the story of Liu Guangyi's rebellion is indeed very credible. After all, he is from Lulong, and his soldiers are indeed his own line of Hebei soldiers, which is indeed not the same line as Lao Zhao and the Kaifeng Forbidden Army.

Heshuo Sanzhen and Wei Boyabing are all famous. At least in the eyes of most outsiders who don't know them, it seems that Te Niang's group will rebel eight out of ten years. They are purely using rebellion. It was considered a military training, so why is it so strange that these people rebelled?

Isn't this normal operation?

Yangzhou is empty, and people are looking for opportunities.

In fact, Liu Guangyi's troops were originally the border troops stationed in Yangzhou, Jiangning Jiedushi. This meaning is already obvious. It's just that he was transferred away when Jinghu was pacified this time, because Jinghu was pacified here. Since then, civil rebellions have been rising one after another, so they have never been able to withdraw. Most of his soldiers have already settled in Yangzhou, so it is normal that he wants Yangzhou.

On the contrary, in their opinion, the theory of acting cannot stand up to scrutiny. Doesn't this mean that Zhao Guangmei has given up her life and fortune to Liu Guangyi?

I have never heard of any special relationship between the old Zhao family and the old Liu family, nor have I heard of any interaction between Zhao Guangmei and Liu Guangyi.

These two people must have never met each other.

How could Zhao Guangmei engage in a co-production with an old Lulong warlord who he had never met and was not trustworthy at all? There was no basis for trust at all.

Taking a step back, what was the virtue of the soldiers of the Five Dynasties?If there is no opportunity to rebel, we must create opportunities to rebel. There are so many things where Ya soldiers force Jiedu to rebel. This kind of thing can't be suppressed. How dare you act?The tooth soldiers put their swords on Liu Guangyi's neck and he had to make it look real.

After all, even if a rebellion fails, the court will definitely only punish the culprit. The tooth soldiers will change their identities and continue to live their lives. However, during the rebellion, the property that was rewarded and robbed was all real. It's in the pockets of these tooth soldiers.

Yangzhou, how much money does this cost? Who would be so naive as to set up a trap here, and you can't guess what he is planning.Therefore, after analysis, Southern Tang also felt that this matter was unlikely to be a fraud, and it was indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

In fact, this was also the most risky point in the entire plan. Gao Huaide was sweating on his back while helping to improve Zhao Guangmei's battle plan.

He also didn't pay attention to the soldiers of the Southern Tang Dynasty and the landlords' armed forces in Huainan. In his opinion, the Feng family in Chuzhou were just local chickens and dogs, but His Highness the King of Qin actually involved Liu Guangyi's Jiangning Army. , but even he was frightened.

Aren't you afraid that these Hebei soldiers are pretending to be real?
"Your Highness, Liu Guangyi has already taken action. He sent naval troops from Jiangling and borrowed the Yangtze River to take Yangzhou directly. It is said that he even presented a petition to the Southern Tang Dynasty to declare his vassal status. Moreover... he also had a conflict with the navy of Lianshui and fought a battle. Lianshui lost nearly a hundred people, and seven or eight boats were broken."

Zhao Guangmei nodded and said, "Well, that's good. Old Liu did a good job. We have to cooperate with him as planned. Let's divide our forces."

"Yes, this... this... okay, I'll make arrangements now."

"You don't seem to have any confidence in me."

Gao Huaide smiled bitterly, but said: "Your Highness, you and Liu Guangyi must have never met."

"I haven't seen it."

"You haven't had any contact with his family, right?"

"I haven't seen them before, and I don't know any of them."

"Then why do you trust him... so much? If he turns out to be fake, won't we all die without a burial place?"

Zhao Guangmei smiled and said: "I don't trust him, I trust myself. First, I believe Liu Guangyi is a smart man. He himself should not have any rebellious intentions. Li Chongjin did not dare to rebel in Yangzhou back then. Is he any better than Liu Guangyi?" Will Li Chongjin return the favor?"

"As for pretending to be real, just think of it as me using my own life as a test."


"Of course I have deployed people in Jiangning's army. By this time, the news of the fake rebellion should have spread throughout his army. I promised them that after this incident, Jiangning's army will share the company's profits based on their military exploits. The benefits of the Yangzhou branch are all the same as those of the Forbidden Army. Their family members can work in the commercial bank, they can be divided into shares in the commercial bank after retirement, and they will receive pensions from the commercial bank if they die in battle. They can even receive pocket money from the commercial bank for welfare expenses every month."

"This trading house is a lock that I put on the soldiers of the Song Dynasty. It is my attempt to end the chaos of the five generations in which arrogant soldiers drive away commanders and powerful generals drive away kings. I have given the soldiers the most, the greatest The power allows them to share the world with me, Zhao Song, and instead of restraining them, I am constantly untying them. Do you think they will betray my trust?"

"I don't believe that the soldiers of the Song Dynasty are really short-sighted people. All they think about is to knock them down and ignore the flood afterward. I don't believe that this back and forth incident These soldiers themselves do not want to pursue a peaceful, stable, and prosperous life."

"To put it bluntly, I'm still alive. If these soldiers still choose to rebel against the temptation to join the trading company system and grab a share first, means that restraining the army through trading companies is not reliable. , is a flower in the mirror, which means that I, Zhao Guangmei, am actually the biggest scourge of our Song Dynasty. In this case, there is nothing wrong with me dying in this rebellion early. This will actually benefit the country and the people."

"To put it bluntly, this is a huge gamble. I'm betting on my own life, your lives, the entire city of Yangzhou, and even the entire Huainan that my business will be useful!"

Gao Huaide suddenly understood and sighed: "His Royal Highness is willing to risk his own life to test the implemented policies. Such magnanimity is really amazing."

"Well, let's do it."


the other side.

Outside Yangzhou city.

Jiangning's army, which marched day and night, finally reached the outside of Yangzhou City, which was under martial law but actually had no troops stationed at all, using both land and water in just two days.

But it stopped strangely.

Liu Guangyi directly called all the more than 300 military leaders from his generals to come to him and said: "Yangzhou City is right in front of you. Your Highness's intention must be clear to you all."

"That city gate is no different to us than paper. I'm giving the order to attack the city now. In at least half an hour we can hold a celebration banquet in Yangzhou City. If we go in, we will truly rebel. There will be no turning back. Now, if you want to rob or massacre the city, I can't control it."

"If you don't stop and go in, we are just cooperating with His Highness' plan. We will make great achievements in the future. You, like those Imperial Guards in Kaifeng, will have a trading company to protect you for the rest of your life. They will ensure that you at least have enough food and clothing to share the world with Zhao and Song Dynasty."

"Although I am the governor, I can make the decision on this matter. I leave it to you. Now, each of you has a piece of paper and a pen in front of you. I know that some of you can't write and agree to go to the city to rob. , you just draw a circle, and those who agree to be stationed outside the city, you draw an , we will always be Paoze, how about it?"

Many soldiers looked at me and I looked at you, and they all felt that this method was indeed the best. In fact, at this moment when the fate of the entire army was decided, it was impossible for everyone to let Liu Guangyi, a military commander, act arbitrarily.

Secret voting is good.

So, everyone picked up their pens, wrote on the paper, rolled it into a ball of paper again, and put it into the ballot box, waiting for the votes to be counted.

"If you don't go to the city, you get one vote."

"Not going to the city, two votes."

"Three votes if you don't go to town."

"Four votes if you don't go to town."

On the wooden board, Liu Guangyi personally scratched it with a dagger. Soon, the wooden board that represented not entering the city was densely packed and scratched, but the wooden board that represented entering the city was still intact. No damage, not a single scratch.

"Jie Shuai, it's over."


"It's over, not going to the city, 270 four votes, going to the city, zero."

"Are you sure, not a single vote?"

"There's definitely not a single vote."

Liu Guangyi stood up again and swept over these soldiers.

"Is it really true, not a single vote?"

A person below suddenly said: "I finally got the opportunity to join a trading company. Who would object, a heartless person or a psychopath? Whoever wants to enter the city, just fight me first. If I don't tear off his head and use it as a ball, it will be all in vain." I have been a soldier for so many years!”

"That's right, didn't we rebel in the past just to live a good life? If we have a good life, who would want to be a traitor and a traitor all the time?"

"The official family of Zhao and Song Dynasty are willing to share the world with us Ya Bing. The trading company and the entire royal family only account for [-]%, but we Ya Bing account for [-]%. If they rebel and change the emperor, he will treat us so well. What?"

When Liu Guangyi saw this, he let out a sigh of relief. He stood up, first laughed, then cried. Finally, he raised the scratched board and knelt down in the direction of Kaifeng.

"Officials, Your Highness, have you seen that the troubled times are over? Finally, they are over."

 There is only this chapter today. I didn’t finish it after drinking yesterday evening, so I haven’t saved it.

  In addition, there was a typo in the previous chapter. The military governor of Jiangning should be Liu Guangyi. The name Liu Tingrang was later changed by Zhao Guangyi to avoid taboos after he came to power. It has been corrected.

(End of this chapter)

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