Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 124 Everything has a price

Chapter 124 Everything has a price
"Your Highness, there is a fight at the restaurant where you usually eat crabs."

Zhao Guangmei was fishing leisurely and said: "What can I say about a small matter like a fight? I finally gave myself half a day off."

"Yes, the key is that the foreign man and woman are so powerful. Just two of them have injured more than a dozen workers in the oil pressing plant."

"Injured more than a dozen workers in the oil mill? Now is a time when production is tense. Why did they start fighting?"

"It is said that the quarrel broke out because I spoke ill of you while eating and was overheard by the workers who were also eating in the restaurant."

"Speaking ill of me? You can't really be a troublemaker, right? Is there anyone in Suzhou City who can speak ill of me? Hmm... hmm? A man and a woman with very high martial arts skills?"


"Fuck, I'm afraid this isn't my sister and brother-in-law. Come on, take someone with me."

Then Zhao Guangmei rushed to the restaurant in a hurry, and saw Zhao Guanglan stepping on the table triumphantly, dancing with a pair of dragon sticks and laughing. He was having a great time playing, and said: "Too weak, too weak, Are you the only one who is still a soldier these days? You can't even beat me as a woman, hahahahaha, who else is going to join me?"

"You're such a hateful female bastard, don't look down on the bloody nature of our soldiers in Huainan! Even if we fight to the death today, we must make you apologize, ah~~~!!"

A big man with a bruised nose and swollen face, covered in blood, roared and rushed forward again.

Then he was kicked back by Zhao Guanglan.

"Why are these bitches so powerful?"

Zhao Guangmei, who was rushing over to watch the excitement, sighed: "Because this girl is my eldest sister, the eldest princess of Yan Kingdom."

"Oh~, it turns out to be the Yan Kingdom... Huh? Your Highness??"

Zhao Guangmei waved her hand feebly: "It's gone, it's all gone. What are you doing here? Don't you have to work? I've paid you such a high salary, why don't you work hard? Get out of here."

Everyone dispersed in a hurry, and the unlucky guy who was beaten into a pig's head by Zhao Guanglan was even more panicked. Finally, he rolled himself into a ball and stumbled out of the door of the restaurant in a very mellow posture.

"Hmph, little brother, you can do it now. I said a little bad word about you during dinner, just a little bit, and these people actually wanted to use force with me. They almost regard you as their father."

Gao Huaide smiled and said: "This is a disaster area after all, and those people are victims of the disaster after all. From being starved by the disaster to having meat every day, His Highness is their reborn parent to them."

Zhao Guangmei curled her lips and said: "Who told you not to come here in a serious way, but to do this private visit incognito? Oh~, I shouldn't have come here, I should have let you beat me, let you be beaten."

"Hmph, believe it or not, I'm going to let you get beaten right now?"

"Believe it, believe it, how can you not believe it?"

With that said, he simply sat down at their table without saying anything. It was a large restaurant, and those who had finished eating and those who had not finished paid their bills and left. At most, some people took their bowls and went out to eat.

By the way, he also blocked other guests who wanted to come in for dinner: "The Princess Yan and His Highness King Qin are talking inside. Why do you want to go in? Can you afford to delay His Highness's affairs?"

On the other side, the shopkeeper also quickly fried a large pot full of crabs, put it on the table, and then left quickly.

It's not a private venue, but it's better than a private venue.

"Your prestige here is really high, it's simply scary."

Zhao Guangmei did not answer the question. She looked at Wang Pu and said, "Why are you here? What's the matter?"

Then, Wang Pu chuckled, took out the manuscript from his sleeve and handed it to him.

"Admit defeat?"

"I have submitted my resignation more than ten times. I would like to ask Your Highness to take charge of the overall situation regarding Yangzhou. Based on my understanding of the ministers, if I can find someone to replace me, it must be Fan Zhi."

Zhao Guangmei frowned and said, "If Fan Zhi is really here, I'm afraid it will be a bit troublesome."

Fan Zhi, people give him the nickname Stubborn Mr. Xiang. This is the reputation he has earned through hard work throughout his life. Whether he is really stubborn or pretending to be stubborn, he will definitely maintain his personality when the time comes. Then he will not see eye to eye with Zi Zheng. When the time comes, it will definitely be very troublesome.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, if it were Brother Wensu, this matter would definitely not come true so soon. Even if it did come true, based on my understanding of him, he would not go too fast. Huainan affairs will still have to fall into place. On your shoulders, Your Highness, maybe by the time he arrives in Huainan, everything will be done here."


Zhao Guangmei understood what was said, and then smiled mockingly.

These prime ministers of the Five Dynasties have nothing to say about their abilities. I am afraid they are at least much better than most of the prime ministers in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but their integrity and character are just that. They went to school in public. It is loyal Confucianism, and the actual teachers are all that roly-poly Feng Dao, and all of them are non-stick cooks.

In fact, if the stubborn prime minister was really stubborn, how could he be the first to pay homage to the new emperor when Chen Qiao rebelled, and why not accompany Han Tong to die together?Laughing dumbly, Zhao Guangmei simply opened his manuscript and scanned a few pages, and then he saw that Fu Yanqing and Wang Quanbin were guarding Li Cunxu's body and fighting to the death. The bloody plot highlighted a tragic and tragic story of the Three Kingdoms. The effect of Zhongdian Wei Savior.

Moreover, Dian Wei saved the living Cao Cao, but the two of them saved the dead Zhuang Zong.

Loyalty, such a special loyalty.

He couldn't help but raise his head and glance at Wang Pu.

"Is this... your own imagination, or have you talked to them both?"

Both of these special girls are still alive. I know you are showing your kindness, but are they really not embarrassed?

Anyway, Zhao Guangmei thinks that she is not too thin-skinned, but if someone writes about herself like this, and has the whole army sing his praises, and also sings and talks about storytelling, she will definitely be very embarrassed.

But it should not be said that the new historical romance of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties written by this guy does seem to be no worse than Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

"Literary creation, it's not historical data. Just like your highness said, [-]% of the truth is true and [-]% of the falsehood. This is called true of big things and unconstrained of small things."

"Awesome, sir, you really... impress me."

"Haha, Your Highness is so complimentary, so complimentary."


"Brother, how did you do it? It's also disaster relief, and it also costs 100 million. Why is the disaster relief effect here so much better than that in Yangzhou?"

Zhao Guangmei spread her hands: "I'm not doing disaster relief at all, it's investment, and I'm also setting an example. When the money comes from the commercial bank, other money will be raised. If you invest 100 million, the effect on the economy will be 300 million." , it’s more than 500 million, the Yangzhou side is the disaster relief, I heard that it is in the form of loan sharks? It’s a good idea, but it can only use 100 million to achieve the effect of 80, so naturally it won’t work.”

"But how exactly did you do it, Your Highness?"

Then, Zhao Guangmei recounted what she told Lu Duan that day.

Wang Pu couldn't help but admire: "He led the victims to rebel and did the things of the Legalists, but he set up industry and military training to control the system of the Mohists. His Highness's courage, magnanimity, and methods are really amazing and can be said to be unparalleled in the world." Ah. But...I dare to ask His Highness, is your new policy really without drawbacks?"

Zhao Guangmei said while chewing a crab: "How can there be no disadvantages? There is no perfect thing in this world, let alone a policy that has the best of both worlds. Everything has a price."

"Please enlighten me, Your Highness."

"Actually, the cost is very high. In the final analysis, what I am doing is to vigorously promote the urban economy and drive people from the countryside to the countryside. To put it simply, the people who bear the cost are the elderly who cannot afford to go to the city and those who live in the countryside. Someone with assets.”

"So, those powerful landlords are naturally in opposition to my policies and my trading firms. The more the trading firms develop, the more the civil economy will develop. The civil economy and the commercial firms have a two-sided relationship, but the more the city develops, , the more the countryside shrinks, the more the land, mansions and other assets controlled by the gentry and landlords depreciate in value."

"A simple understanding is that blood is constantly being drawn from rural areas and transported to cities. Next, blood will be drawn from small cities and transported to big cities. Finally, assets in most places in the world will depreciate crazily, prompting a few dozen large cities to The city is particularly prosperous, so the richer the people in the village, the more they hate me to death. But these people are really scholars, and they are the main source of civil servants. Ninety-nine percent of the scholars' families are squires. Right? So you see, [-] Confucian scholars have filed a lawsuit against the emperor."

However, Zhao Guanglan's eyes were bright and he said: "If the people do not receive additional taxes, the state will be able to provide sufficient supplies. In this way, the people will be healthy and the state treasury will be rich. These people who have joined the military household, even if they only do a small amount of military training, are at least high-quality for the Forbidden Army." The source of troops is so beneficial to the country, the people, and the army. Do you still care whether the sour scholars call for replacement?

If you ask me, you should take advantage of the opportunity they have in the capital to dispatch the imperial army and kill all these 1 people. Then, third brother, your method should be promoted nationwide. Anyone who dares to say any dissatisfied nonsense will be killed on the spot. Kill me, I really don’t believe it. Could it be that the mouths of these scholars are tougher than knives?
Third brother, you have always been dissatisfied with the two tax laws of the Third Division. Could it be that this Huainan restructuring is the new policy you want to implement?If this method can be promoted throughout the country, then... wouldn't the national power of our Song Dynasty be increased several times?Isn't it just around the corner to unify the world and regain the homeland of the Han and Tang Dynasties? "

This time, it was Zhao Guangmei who smiled bitterly and said: "How can it be so easy? If governing the country is so simple and crude, how can the strong man and the prosperous Tang Dynasty be so missed? To be honest, the time of the strong man and the prosperous Tang Dynasty has increased. It has only been more than 100 years. In the remaining thousands of years, won't the people in this world always be poor, the military weak, and the country poor? The latter is the real normal state of the world, and the former is just history that happens to happen. It’s just a miracle.”

"How should I put it? I have indeed been dissatisfied with the two tax laws for a long time, but blindly promoting Huainan's experience will definitely not work. Even this set of methods will not work anywhere outside Huainan. As for tax reform, it is still early. .”

"Why? Are you still afraid of those scholars? Are our Zhao family still afraid of those civil servants? My eldest brother is just too kind to them, so he should be like Li Cunxu and ignore them. Anyone who dares to talk nonsense will be killed directly."


Wang Pu sighed at the side, held his manuscript and began to read it with a wry smile.

Zhao Guangmei was also dumbfounded: "First, it is irresponsible to blindly generalize. The reason why Huainan has achieved a civil economy is because it has a strong location advantage, dense population, a foundation for industrial and commercial development, developed water transportation, and It has a cost advantage and has three crops a year, so we can grow rapeseed and soybeans on a large scale without having to worry about cash crops competing for land with food crops. How can other places have such good conditions?"

"Furthermore, Huainan can develop because I have money. The initial investment of the business bank in Suzhou, plus other large and small shareholders, as well as the money obtained from the local tyrants, three to four million yuan is less, you Let me promote it across the country, where can I get so much money?"

"Taking a step back, in Huainan, if I hadn't personally managed it, I'm afraid this wouldn't have been possible. In the Song Dynasty, we have too many talented people who fight and kill people. There are also many who are able to quote scriptures, but those who really can If we have a good economy and can recruit talents for urban construction, there will be too few. How many nails can I make by myself? If I want to implement the New Deal, I must at least wait until I have trained enough new talents. As long as we have enough team members, raising it too early will only alert the enemy. In fact, if Huainan hadn’t suffered a natural disaster this time, I really wouldn’t have been able to take action.”

"Sister, as for scholars, there is indeed nothing to fear, but I have to admit that at least so far, they, and the landlords and gentry behind them, are still an important part of the country, and even the masters of the country. And you are really different. Look down on them. Rabbits can bite people when they are anxious, let alone them? If they are forced to act anxiously, who knows what they will do. To be honest, this time the New Deal can be promoted in Huainan by taking advantage of the famine, and cultivate some good people. I am already satisfied and grateful to the officials at all levels."

"Hmph, a group of scholars, so what if they are driven into a hurry? Are you going to bite them?"

"Ha, who knows, anyway, there will probably be a tough battle to fight next."

(End of this chapter)

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