Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 123 Chapter 1 Chapter 25 Restaurants and Consumption Vouchers

Chapter 123 The First Transaction Chapter 25 Restaurants and Consumption Vouchers
"Waiter, give me all the good wine and food in your house. Auntie, I have plenty of money!"

In a tavern in Suzhou City, Zhao Guanglan slapped two golden beans on the table very proudly and put one leg on the stool. He didn't have any girlish temperament at all. His eyes were smiling, full of joy and greed, and he was really hungry. It's urgent.

Along the way, we really had to eat and sleep in the open air, especially when it came to eating, we really had to make ends meet, and I hadn’t eaten meat for a long time.

Of course, in a year of great disaster, it is not easy to stay hungry. She is not a person who cannot bear hardships. But as soon as she walked into Suzhou from Yangzhou, she suddenly felt that there was a bright future, and she was stunned that she was not the least bit affected by the disaster. Out of sight, Zhao Guanglan's originally depressed expression finally became lively and cheerful.

And when they entered Suzhou, the city without walls, they were so excited that they turned somersaults in the air.

Although there are no big restaurants in this Shinjuku city, there are a lot of restaurants and corner shops, at least a dozen on one street, and the amazing thing is that every one of them is doing good business.

Even Gao Huaide said: "In all these years of traveling around, apart from Kaifeng, I have never been to a more prosperous city than Suzhou. Who would have thought that this is still a disaster area? His Highness's methods really turned corruption into magic. "


When Wang Pu saw this, he sighed inexplicably.

He seemed to understand a little bit why Lu Duan, that naughty little brat, actually didn't leave after coming to Suzhou, and even gave up his promising future to enter the palace of King Qin.

I couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

King Qin's methods are indeed always scary.

"Come on~"

Just as he was talking, the waiter came running over with a big steamer: "You three gentlemen, let's eat some crabs first. After autumn, crabs are at their fattest and the price is not expensive. I heard. , Even His Highness the King of Qin is very fond of our Suzhou crabs and cannot live without them every meal every day. Other dishes are still being cooked, please sit down for a while,"

Zhao Guanglan smiled and said: "Does His Highness King Qin like to eat crabs? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"How can it be false? His Highness the King of Qin has visited my shop eight times. Every time he would eat crabs. He also said that our crabs are delicious. Everyone in Suzhou knows this."

Gao Huaide smiled and threw away the reward and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, go ahead, come, come, madam, have a taste. To be honest, I have been to Huainan once a few years ago. The crabs here are similar to those in Kaifeng." It actually has a different taste, is fatter, and is bigger. Here, I'll peel one off for you, and you can dip it in some ginger vinegar."

"Okay brother, you, you can eat too."

"Watching you eat makes me happier than eating it myself."

"I hate it~ Brother, let me feed you."

Wang Pu: "How about I eat at another table? There are people at the same table!"

Then I got a big look from both of them.

Really, the two of them are obviously married for the second time, and they are both in their 30s, how can they still be so disgusting.

While they were talking, the dishes on their table were all served one after another. The so-called signature dishes were probably just meat and meat. After all, it was just a corner restaurant and not a restaurant, and based on their tastes, they all felt that Today's dish is a bit salty, and apart from the plate of crabs, there are no precious ingredients.

Of course, there are many rivers and water in Huainan, so these crabs are really not that rare.Although Zhao Guanglan has never done anything, she is by no means an ignorant girl. She noticed that although the dishes in this restaurant are simple, they are all filling. There are very few side dishes that go with wine, and they are quite big. There is a jar of wine behind the counter of this restaurant. It seems that this is just a place to eat, and very few people come here to drink.

Unlike restaurants in Kaifeng, where people who come to drink and dine usually wear long gowns, almost all the diners here wear shorts. The small shop is almost full, but the tables turn over very quickly. There are only a few tables for crabs, and most of them are eating crabs. They all eat soup rice, rice noodles, or a new thing called rice bowl. After making a kuku meal, they can put down their chopsticks and leave the table in a short time.

There are very few arty people here eating and chatting.

"It looks like a work lunch."

"Even in Kaifeng, the working meals of most river workers will not be so good."

Zhao Guanglan was most curious, but he simply called the waiter over again and said, "Why is the business in your store so good? And I see that they eat very quickly. Why is that?"

"Three nobles, are they from other places? They are all workers in the oil pressing plant. Now all the new rapeseed has been harvested and soybeans have been planted. It is the busiest time for the oil pressing plant. Don't you know? , this oil extraction, especially the last one, it is heavy physical work, if there is no oil and water in the food, even a strong man cannot do it."

"His Highness said that only when you eat well can you work well. All the restaurants in this whole street provide food for the workers of the oil pressing mill. In order to ensure that these workers eat well, His Highness specially stipulated that the oil pressing mill should eat well every year. During those busy months, when workers come to eat, they receive a subsidy of ten cents per person per meal, which is given directly to restaurants like us. The workers only need to add three or four cents themselves, which is enough to eat a bowl. If there is meat on the rice bowl, naturally, I will be willing to eat something good."

"Besides, although the work of pressing oil is hard, His Highness is very unambiguous about the money. Now is the busy time. The workers can earn more than 200, or even more than 300 yuan every day, for record keeping."

"As for eating quickly, there is nothing we can do about it. The oil factory is too busy right now. From day to night, we only have one hour of rest at noon. After eating, we take the time to take a nap. There is still so much work in the afternoon and so much work to do."

Wang Pu frowned when he heard this and said: "Since each person is given a subsidy of ten cents per day, why not just give the money directly to the workers, or simply build a canteen in the factory to provide meals? Transfer the money to you as a subsidy , isn’t this unnecessary?”

"This little guy doesn't know. My shopkeeper said that he once heard His Highness say that I was doing it for something. The economy is not just about lunch. I heard that when the factory is busy, even clothes, shoes, Even in nurseries that take care of children, His Highness will issue coupons or discount coupons.”

"I see, His Highness the King of Qin has done a very good job. He is so careless. Now, he is also a big boy. He is still a little impatient in doing things. He does things well, but why are there so many Confucian scholars in Kaifeng City? Want to sue him? Oh, how much trouble it has caused the officials."

Wang Pu couldn't help but frown for a long time. After all, he was a civil servant, and he was also a parent official who started from the state capital and was in charge of the government. Naturally, he would have more things to think about than Zhao Guanglan and Gao Huaide. Just thinking about this coupon, the more The more I think about it, the more I think about it. There seems to be a deeper meaning here.

Compared to directly giving out money, this issuance of consumer coupons, this act of taking off your pants and farting, how come they are obviously the same, but yet so different?

Just as I was thinking about it, I was stunned when I heard a click and a plate was thrown to the ground. When I looked up again, I found that Zhao Guanglan and the waiter in the shop had actually quarreled, and there was a mess in the hall, with countless people. The diners actually surrounded their table.

What's the matter?

Didn’t we have a good chat just now?
"You are a bold man who dares to speak rudely to His Highness. If you don't apologize today, you will never leave this place."

"When did I disrespect him? Are you being unreasonable? Besides, can he still say something?"

"I have no control over other places, but in Suzhou, since you are scornful of the King of Qin, don't blame your brothers for being rude."

"Come on, come on, let me see how rude you are, come on."

Then, under the confusion on Wang Pu's face, the two couples actually started fighting with the guests in the restaurant.

Isn't this sick?
(End of this chapter)

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