Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 113 Going against the grain?I believe him no matter what he does

Chapter 113 Going against the grain?I believe him no matter what he does

"Nonsense! Nonsense! This is simply nonsense! Brother, please immediately issue an edict to call the third brother back. You can't let him continue to act like this. What is he doing? He is destroying our Song Dynasty. Country!"

In the Duanwen Hall, Zhao Guangyi was already furious with the Huainan emergency report, and his words were extremely fierce, representing the extremely tough attitude of the civil servants in admonishing Zhao Kuangyin.

It is true that what Zhao Guangmei did in Huainan this time was too excessive. According to the private words of the civil servants, he was inferior to Zhu Wen and just like Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty.

"Brother, look, this book says that the third brother not only took advantage of this disaster to annex fertile farmland, he even deliberately sent troops to seize grain! Even those wealthy households who had some grain saved at home, he deliberately indulged The rebels looted, killed, and stole their food, and then forced them to buy food. In just one month, a total of [-] civil uprisings occurred in Huainan. The largest one involved more than [-] people. There are more than [-] people! What is the third brother doing?"

"Taizong of the Tang Dynasty once said that the people are water and the country is a boat. Water can carry a boat and also capsize it. Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, we have always insisted on putting the people first, despising the monarch and valuing the people. However, the third brother only wanted to With a mere profit, he will not hesitate to turn Huainan into rebels. If the elder brother ignores him, he...he...he is shaking our Song Dynasty!"

I have to say that what Zhao Guangmei did this time, at least on the surface, was really too much, and his evil deeds were simply too numerous to describe.

In fact, Zhao Guangyi still gave face to Zhao Guangmei and minimized Zhao Guangmei's evil deeds. Anyway, at least judging from the reports sent back so far, it would not be an exaggeration for Zhao Guangmei to be cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

According to reports, Zhao Guangmei would even intentionally support a mob uprising, capture the fortresses of powerful local landlords, rob them of their food, and then send people to recruit those insurgents, who would then transform into the Huainan Xiang Army. Directly under the orders of Zhao Guangmei.

Isn't this a rebellion?It's not a mob rebellion, it's clearly Zhao Guangmei who is rebelling!
Of course, no one would believe what he said. His Highness the King of Qin is the crown prince, and the world will belong to him sooner or later. What kind of rebellion has he caused?If the official family does not pass the throne to him in the future, it is possible.

Taking a step back, the strength of the local border troops is not proportional to that of the Imperial Guards stationed in Beijing these days. Only those who are ignorant would start a rebellion in Huainan. Li Chongjin would not dare to do so. Even if His Highness truly rebels, he will definitely launch a palace coup through the Imperial Guards. Ah, what kind of rebellion did you travel thousands of miles to Huainan to create?

You can doubt His Highness King Qin's loyalty and character, but you can't doubt His Highness King Qin's IQ.

But the question is what on earth is His Highness the King of Qin doing?
Some people have thought of using work for relief. At present, it seems that Zhao Guangmei must have this intention, otherwise he would not be able to summon so many businessmen and issue a prospectus openly.

Of course, the work-for-relief thing was not an invention of Roosevelt. In fact, Guan Zhong had already started to play this trick as early as the Spring and Autumn Period. However, if it was just to use work-for-relief, there was no need to be so ruthless!

Of course, the imperial court currently has only second-hand information and does not know the specific situation in Huainan. It seems to be really weird at the moment. Zhao Guangmei has gone against the grain in Suzhou. As a result, it is said that a large number of rebels have taken over Wang Pu's area. Yangzhou was surrounded.

Who knows how tricky this is.

There are also some people who say that His Highness the King of Qin is crazy about money, and does not care about anything to make money. This statement resonates with many literati who have long disliked Zhao Guangmei. They seem to really If you think this way, if you are a little more objective, you won't believe that His Highness King Qin is really that short-sighted.

What on earth is he going to do?
Didn't he make a bet with Wang Pu to see who could do better in disaster relief?Is this what he did?
It's no wonder that Zhao Guangyi was so filled with righteous indignation.

What's strange is that Zhao Guangyi almost looks like he's about to explode with anger, while Zhao Kuangyin himself looks particularly calm, with a pair of tiger-like eyes constantly scanning the faces of everyone in Duanwen Hall. In the past, it seemed like he was absent-minded.

"Brother!!" "Well, are you done?"

"Say... it's over."

"Let's go back when you're done."

Zhao Guangyi couldn't help but choked, then returned to his position with a snort and stood up.

"Who else thinks the same way? Huh? I heard that you all seem to be quite angry. There seems to be a lot of indignation outside. Someone started a demonstration? They forced my third brother's wife to live in the palace, no? If you dare to live in your own palace anymore, why is it that my second brother is the only one speaking up in this palace? Could it be that this matter is still a family matter of our Zhao family?"

The ministers still bowed their heads.

No one is a fool, Zhao Guangmei behaves so strangely, and Zhao Kuangyin's behavior... is even weirder.

"Zhang Ai? Aren't you going to be my Wei Zheng of the Song Dynasty? For such a big event, some people outside have already said that the third brother is going to rebel against me. As a censor, what about your advice? What, are you afraid? You Aren’t you strong-willed?”

Zhang Ai heard what he said, and he took a step forward calmly and said: "When I returned to the official house, I didn't dare to give any advice, but it was not because I was afraid. I just thought that His Highness the King of Qin was not such a reckless person. What is the situation in Huainan? At present, we have received too little information, and I also believe that His Highness the King of Qin must have a deeper meaning. It is said that when things go out of control, there must be monsters, so I dare not remonstrate. I think we should wait. After some time, there will be more news. Let’s make a decision after a while.”


Zhao Kuangyin snorted, then glared at Zhao Guangyi and said, "Look, this is called Qingliu. Outsiders can understand such a simple thing, but you can't?"

When Zhao Guangyi heard this, his face couldn't help but turn red.

Then Zhao Kuangyin continued: "I am prepared for this matter. The third child mentioned this matter to me before going to Huainan. He said that if he goes to Huainan, there will be chaos in Huainan. Let me be mentally prepared. Don't Don't panic even if you are startled, everything must be under his control."

Seeing this, Fan Zhi immediately stepped forward and asked: "Then please ask the officials again, what is your highness going to do in Huainan? We really can't understand!"

Zhao Kuangyin spread his hands, but imitated Zhao Guangmei and said: "You ask me, who should I ask? The third child did tell me something before he left, but I only listened vaguely, half Do you understand or not? It even makes my head spin. You know, I am a soldier, so I can’t understand things that are too detailed."

The officials were confused.

"But although I don't understand much, and I don't understand what the third brother is doing, but what does it matter? No matter what the third brother does, I believe in him, don't you believe him?"

 There are fewer updates today. It’s almost the climax. I’m going to sort out my thoughts. I couldn’t help but go off topic when I was laying the groundwork. There were too many private items and the rhythm was wrong.Review, review, I'm really sorry
(End of this chapter)

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