Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 112 Your Highness, he is not here to provide relief at all, but to save his life.

Chapter 112 Your Highness, he is not here to provide relief at all, but to save his life.

Lu Duan and Wang Pu were both prepared to be scolded, but they had to borrow food for disaster relief and charge interest. Although they were actually thinking about the victims, there was no doubt that it was easier said than done.

Things in this world are always like this, especially when it comes to politics. It is absolutely correct, and even lofty things are often useless. If you really want to do something practical, you have to jump into the quagmire.

Lu Duan and Wang Pu, both of them should actually be prepared to be scolded, even scolded by thousands of people, but the difference is just who gets it lightly and who gets it harder.

Then he was surprised to find that no one in the world scolded him at all.

They all went to scold Zhao Guangmei.

"Using the money from the trading company to buy the fields from the victims? What on earth is your highness doing and what does he want to do?"

Just as he was about to go out, he found that the entire Yangzhou government office had been blocked by countless people, three floors inside and three floors outside.

"What are you going to do? Besiege me, the imperial envoy, the prime minister of the dynasty?"

"Ms. Wang, you have to make the decision for us! His Highness the King of Qin, instead of providing disaster relief, he wants to buy our fields."

"Fields are ancestral property. People can die, but how can they lose their fields? Mr. Wang, aren't you afraid of provoking a civil uprising?"

Then, Wang Pu closed the door of the Yamen with a bang and went back.

"There is a problem, there is absolutely a problem."

Lu Duan still looked respectful: "What is wrong with what my husband said? His Highness the King of Qin? I think His Highness the King of Qin's move must have deep meaning."

"Of course I know that His Highness King Qin's move must have deep meaning. I mean, there is something wrong with these people outside! Are they really victims of the disaster? How could the victims organize themselves so quickly? Regardless of what His Highness thinks, even if he They are really crazy about making money, so why do these disaster victims have such a big reaction? Those who can survive will just don’t sell their property. Those who can’t survive will not care about their property even if they can’t live anymore? And the last thing? Importantly, Your Highness is in Suzhou! He and I are doing our own disaster relief work, and he doesn’t care about Yangzhou’s affairs. What are the victims of Yangzhou so anxious about? If these people are from Suzhou, why on earth are they blocking me? Are they here? In their eyes, can I, the former prime minister, control the King of Qin?"

When Lu Duan heard this, he also nodded and said: "My husband is indeed right, so I say that these people must not be victims of the disaster, at least the organizers must not be victims of the disaster. Someone is confusing the public and fishing in troubled waters. Something must have happened over there in Suzhou. We don't know." You know, His Highness King Qin has always been so bold, who knows what he did?"

"Yeah, what did you do again? It's a pity that we are surrounded now and can't get out. Xiao Lu, you are always smart. Can you think of a way to get out? At least go to Suzhou to see. What on earth is your highness doing? At least. Let’s investigate and find out who organized these disaster victims and what is their purpose? It’s better than being so confused now.”

When Lu Duan heard this, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Wang Pu again.

This is him. After all, the Lu family has been an official for many generations, so although he is young, he still has some knowledge. Otherwise, if he were an ordinary person who relied on studying to pass the imperial examination, he would have been deceived by this old bastard. .

What do you mean by trying to find a way? Don’t you have this way?

If there is a disaster, there will be civil unrest. Huainan is a military region, and the largest foreign forbidden army is in Yangzhou. Is it possible for civil unrest to become a problem in this place?joke.

The solution is too simple, just lead people to kill them and see who dares to fight back, or you can just send someone to give orders to the army and ask them to drive people away.

You old fox, go ahead and do such a simple thing!Why should I act as a shield for you?
No matter how gentle you are, if you want to quickly deal with the refugees outside, you will probably have to use soldiers. Even if you don't kill people and just scare people, this must be a very reputation-damaging thing for civil servants.

Especially in the Song Dynasty, the contradiction between civil servants and military men has become more and more conflicting. The civil servants scolded the warriors for killing innocent people indiscriminately and doing things without laws. The old bastard asked him to kill people. Isn't this going against the wind?He won't be fooled. After all, he is a Jinshi in the new department. He is so young, and his brother is a confidant of the official family. He is a bachelor of Duanwen Palace. He has a bright future.

So he simply looked like he was thinking hard, and then shook his head: "I am young and ignorant. Faced with such a situation, I am already at a loss. Where can I have any ideas? Wang Xiang, you are the prime minister of the dynasty. You Just tell me, I will do whatever you say."


Wang Pu hummed without comment, cursing in his heart: Little fox, you are so cautious.

"Since you have no idea, then... just wait and see, I don't believe it. Do they still dare to rush in and kill me?"

'Humph, if you don't go, I won't go either, so it's just a waste. '

"Well, that little man, please stay here with your husband and wait peacefully."

'Old bastards, they are all retired from the previous dynasty, and they still cherish their feathers so much, so don't go there. I don't believe they dare to poke a hole in the sky. '

Then the two people waited in confusion, and waited, and waited. Fortunately, their guess was indeed correct. This group of victims was indeed organized. The next day, the so-called representatives of the victims were elected. Negotiated with them.

"Ms. Sir, we, the common people, have really no way to survive, so we have to take this step. You are the prime minister, but you have to make the decision for us no matter what!"

Wang Pu said: "I don't even know what happened, how can I make the decision for you? Tell me quickly."

"It's the King of Qin. The King of Qin... instead of helping the victims, he took advantage of the famine to deliberately hoard food, causing the price of food to rise, forcing the people to sell off their land and sell themselves as slaves to him. Please do it anyway, sir." Let me make the decision."

Hearing this, Wang Pu and Lu Duan looked at each other in surprise.

It's not that they were surprised by the matter itself. In fact, they had known about Zhao Guangmei's perverse behavior for a long time, but they all felt that such a small thing could be like this?

"If you don't tell me what the situation is, you don't need to tell me."

The man gritted his teeth when he heard this, and had no choice but to continue: "These are just the surface. In fact, His Highness King Qin is knocking on the bones and sucking out the marrow. It's really too cruel. To be honest, if it weren't for the big guy, he really wouldn't be able to survive. , who would be willing to take such a trick?"

"This time, he made a big purchase and annexed the disaster-hit fields in Huainan, but he did not use the existing local governments at all, especially the county offices of the disaster-stricken counties. He did not even see the county magistrate, but instead used private merchants and commercial banks, military subordinates .”

"It is said that His Highness the King of Qin prepared a prospectus or something to invite merchants from Kaifeng, Hebei, Guanzhong, and even Hedong areas to come to Huainan to buy land. There are hundreds of merchants, large and small, and apart from trading houses In addition to taking the lead, the King of Wei, the King of Jin, Wang Quanbin, Liu Tingrang and others all sent people here, he...he went too far."

Wang Pu couldn't help but sneer when he heard this: "Your Highness is in Suzhou, what does this have to do with you Yangzhou tyrants? Besides, if those poor people in Guizhou don't sell their land to the merchants, won't they be annexed by you sooner or later? Are you only allowed to annex it? It is private land, but His Highness is not allowed to make decisions for the people?"

The man smiled bitterly when he heard this: "Your Highness, it would be fine if he just annexed the fields of the poor people in Guizhou. What he wants is the fields of our powerful people. If you cooperate, he can have a good talk with you. The merchants will buy as much as they can, or give you money or shares, but if you don't cooperate, they, they are really buying and selling by force! Now, Suzhou and Bozhou are already in chaos. His Highness is not here to provide disaster relief at all. Yes, he is...he is...he is here to kill us!"

(End of this chapter)

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