my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 98 Silver Bullet Private Detective Agency

Chapter 98 Silver Bullet Private Detective Agency
Wang Shui's words caused everyone to fall into silence.

Especially Sister Zhanfeng, she originally thought that Wang Shui's confidence came from newly expanded connections.

For example, as "Russell", I obtained licenses for some assembly lines.

As for making it yourself?Or the seventh generation?How can it be!

"Your eyes are full of distrust."

Wang Shui made a strategic move and gave his head to Sylvia behind him, and was then strangled naked.

"I suggest you don't show off!"

"Um - I accept your suggestion, but let go first! Ahem, why are you so confused? You also know my ability as a knower."

At this time, the cub "Yue" explained for everyone:
"You know better than anyone how far you are from producing advanced mobile armor by putting knowledge and data in your head.

We believe you can learn it, and we believe you can have access to more comprehensive design solutions, but specialized materials, complex parts, standard interfaces, fire control systems, and other things cannot be produced directly just because you understand them.

Moreover, the seventh-generation machine is different from previous models in that its design feature is highly integrated. "

Wang Shui snapped his fingers and followed "Yue"'s words:
“Until the third-generation machine era, this type of war machine was called modern armor, which mainly provided extraordinary body protection and battlefield information integration functions.

Starting from the fourth generation of aircraft, the [Super Mobility] module has led the revolution in armor technology. Its powerful mobility has made armor an all-purpose main force on the battlefield. It was only after this generation that they were called mobile armor.

The [Super Mobility] module has been developed for more than 2000 years, and the current main model has just entered two generations, including the fifth generation that integrates energy systems and can last for long-term combat.and the sixth generation with medium and large extended bodies.

As for the seventh generation, it is still a concept machine under testing. No large company has defined the direction of the seventh generation. "

Wang Shui summarized it as concisely as possible, and then added:
"I saw a lot of prototypes of the seventh-generation test machine, and saw the future development direction - [all-round core engine]. Moreover, I also got the core technology, and I thought I could try it."

"It's not enough. These are far from enough. What about materials? With our productivity, it will be difficult to hand-knead the backward third-generation machines."

Regarding "Yue"'s question, Wang Shui finally showed his confidence——

A long metal needle in a clear display box.

"This is... the [matter needle] on that printer?!"

"Humph," Wang Shui smiled proudly, "Yes, this is the core of the ultra-high-resolution printer, the [matter needle] that can edit the crystal structure of materials. With it, any material with a known formula can be produced. "

"Two questions," the chocolate sister, an alchemist, interrupted Aqua Regia,

"First, the production capacity is not enough. I remember that there were only two [substance needles] on the substance printer. The control of this thing is very strict. We can't get more and we can't expand the production capacity.

Second, extraordinary materials are not only due to the special crystal structure of the material itself, but also because they contain solidified extraordinary energy. This kind of thing cannot be imitated simply with drawings.

I believe Brother Shui can produce seventh-generation models, but our mechas are destined to not be very good.

So, we might as well downgrade the product. "

Chocolate's words drew everyone's attention to her, which actually made her a little shy.

"I...I said it casually, but it's actually a very simple truth.

If we are destined to use more advanced designs to produce some inferior seventh-generation machines, we might as well castrate most of the "future" technologies and use more ordinary materials to manufacture fifth-generation machines with special technologies to seize the sinking market. .

As long as the knife skills are accurate and the parameters are so precise that you get what you pay for, I think there will always be users who will buy our products for a little performance improvement. Even in this case, peers can't say anything. "

Even Wang Shui was silent now. He really didn't think of this routine of squeezing out toothpaste.

He is really planning to develop a seventh-generation machine and rely on gimmicks to harvest a batch of leeks and convert them into research funds. If the development is not good, he can still make money and run away.

But now it seems that Chocolate Sister’s idea seems more sustainable?
“Moreover, we can first stock up on materials and make solid products, and then if we cultivate users with strong inertia, we can then design more customized and detailed self-selected services for them.

By then, standard products will remain affordable and stacked products will be charged double. This progressive consumption guidance should be effective.

After all, our parts are all made by ourselves, the interface cost can be reduced, and there is no problem of mismatched interfaces from multiple suppliers... Why are you looking at me like this? "

The chocolate sister’s voice gradually became quieter,

Sylvia's gaze turned into one of intolerance and helplessness, and then she tightened the neck of Wang Shui and said viciously:

"It's all you! It's you who taught my sister bad things!"

"Oh - help - ah - I'm going to die!"

It turns out that naked hanging is very difficult to kill a supernatural being.

Wang Shui survived strongly. Although everyone had strange eyes, they all agreed on the idea of ​​​​chocolate, and then came the details of starting from scratch.

Jumping from the original Traveling Merchant plan to mobile armor production cannot be done with a snap of the head.

For the next development, a small team of 24 people discussed the details all night long.



The next day, the sisters had to reorganize the planning base, and Wang Shui returned to [Rena].

He first registered a company and then successfully obtained many business licenses in the open market.

Now, his goods are even allowed to be sold to the enemy in the war [Corolla Empire].

This is not a loophole, nor is it a privilege in this gray area, it is just because when Shui Wang registered the company, he used the file of [Benjamin M. Russell].

There is no way, the money is now under this false identity, but to this world, Benjamin is real now, and Wang Shui is the undercover.

This kind of privilege did not bring Wang Shui much sense of superiority. After all, the other party did not respect him, but respected the Russell family. His past and three views gave him an unspeakable contradiction.

Forget it, that’s how the world is.

With the standard card upgraded to [Yeyu Technology Company], Wang Shui left [Star Territory Industrial and Commercial Federation], and he still wanted to find a place to stay.

It is necessary to settle in the ruined city. There will be a lot of business contacts in the future, and it will be too troublesome to keep running in both directions.

But since we want to engage in big business, we cannot set up the company in Beicheng.

[Rena] This special city formed by a large number of transportation lines not only has many land arteries passing through it, but also has a river with quite good hydrological conditions running through it.

The [Rena River] from northwest to southeast divides the city into two parts. The North City is a large market that occasionally turns into ruins.

On the other side of the river, Nancheng, which is no smaller in area than the north, is the brain and soul of the city.

After all, the big guys who control this city and the many big businessmen who come here to do business cannot live in those simple neighborhoods, nor can they really be exposed to the bombardment.

Therefore, Nancheng was established.

This is the center of near-end financial trade, a place where business is discussed and rules are played. It is also a real lawless place and a real gold-selling cave.

Nancheng is bustling with traffic every day, but it is not something that ordinary people can enter and exit casually.

This place can not only prevent the enemy from deliberately releasing water, but also prevent the infiltration of most strange forces.

Wang Shui didn't bet on whether the Russell family's reputation would work here. He just spent 2 yuan to get a pass that was valid for one week as an awakened person.Various unique commercial streets and various entertainment venues made Wang Shui unable to help but glance at them when passing by. Speaking of which, the entertainment gadgets in the aristocratic world are not as fun as here.

And those nobles, those who have the ability and means, always like to protect and nourish these colorful worlds.

However, the world beside him seemed far away from Wang Shui.

The feeling of hardship since his rebirth has been lingering around him. It is a lingering hunger and thirst that always prevents him from truly stopping and enjoying life.

The south city is more like a city than the north. At least the people here don't look like naked predators. They are all wearing bright clothes.

It took Wang Shui some time to reach a relatively peripheral area. There were many people here, but the buildings were relatively short and the public spaces were relatively narrow.

Once here, it’s the real place for business, Nancheng South District.

Wang Shui also had several business friends in the local area. Under the advice of Honggou and the others, Wang Shui found a relatively reliable gang - [Longyu Logistics Company] and wanted to rent a house in their name.

Yes, logistics company, one of the largest local forces.

"You...want to rent an entire building by yourself?!"

In the small agency office, the young agency girl put down her health tea, took off her decorative glasses, and carefully looked at the information provided by Aqua Regia.

An awakened person from the system, representing a company with a registered capital of only 100 million, looks like a scammer.

"Yes, the building doesn't have to be too big, and it doesn't have to be picky about the surrounding environment. It just needs more convenient transportation. It's better to have a larger warehouse, and even better if it has an underground part."

Hiss - It sounds like the problem is bigger, but in this city, idiots are hard to find, and leather companies are all over the streets.

The agency lady looked at Aqua Regia carefully with her undisguised radiating lavender eyes, and then began to look for paper information. She obviously had a computer at hand.

"What's the approximate budget?"

"Within 50, per year."

"Oh, there are not many like this... What do you think of this? Industrial Street has convenient transportation and is close to the city center. It has four floors above ground and two floors underground. The underground is now a warehouse structure. The rough decoration of 900 square meters only costs 45 per year."

"Is there anything I need to pay attention to here?"

This price made Wang Shui have to ask one more question.

"It's okay. It's the edge of power in this neighborhood. It might be a little noisy at ordinary times, but don't worry, as long as you hang a non-power sign, they will never dare to enter the building.

Oh, by the way, the building structure can withstand general large-caliber artillery shells, so there is no need to worry about safety issues. "

Gee, when you say that, it’s really reassuring!

Wang Shui is indeed a little moved, but he must go and see the situation before renting.

"Is it convenient to view the house now?"

What Wang Shui didn't expect was that his casual question would actually make the middle-level lady a little embarrassed.

"Well, actually, I'm just a temporary worker. I don't have the key to that building. All the regular staff of this office are out."

As she spoke, she pointed to the words and patterns on the wall inside that were covered by many documents.

Wang Shui still found the information that the agency lady wanted to show him at the beginning of the document——

【Silver Bullet Private Detective Agency】

Wang Shui turned back to confirm that there were indeed advertisements for house leasing, equipment agency and fake household certificates posted on the windows of this office.

"Ha, ha, ha. If you are traveling in the world, you don't have to be overwhelmed by your many skills. We have a wide range of business. As long as you have needs, you can directly ask us. We can do everything."

To be honest, what Wang Shui wants most right now is to leave directly. His instinct tells him that there is something wrong with this firm.

Especially this agency lady with purple eyes.

Obviously, she is a Zerg, a very beautiful Zerg, and a high-level Zerg without armored beast characteristics.

"Actually, if it's convenient, I just want to confirm the location and condition of the outside of the building, without looking at the inside. If the location is okay, I will rent it and I will decorate it myself."

Although he felt a little strange, Wang Shui still bowed to money.

He didn't do it on a whim, just throwing money away when he wanted to rent.

He had done some homework online in advance. Houses here with an annual rent of 50 yuan rarely have such a large usable area.

"If you just look outside, of course."

When she said this, the agency lady visibly shrank.

She put down the information, picked up her health cup, changed her slippers into a pair of small brown leather boots, and then dug out a shawl and cloak from the messy sofa to cover her body.

"Come with me……"

The process of getting dressed seemed to consume another [-]% of her energy.

Wang Shui had been waiting calmly. After following the agent out, he followed the agent honestly and did not deliberately fall behind by half a body.

Although the agency girl was very natural and generous at work, Wang Shui could feel that the other party was a trouble-free person who didn't like to socialize.

Wang Shui gave her proper respect, but others seemed not to.

They walked there, and the small building for rent was just two intersections away. For extraordinary people, the distance was not too far.

Therefore, just half a minute after walking out, the two heard the sound of intensive gunshots and the collision of sharp weapons.

"Ahaha, what a coincidence, Mr. Heishui, there seems to be negotiations going on here. In fact, it's not usually so noisy here."

On the contrary, Aqua Regia did not overreact. The sound of gunpowder-powered firearms was already quite pleasant to him. The communication between the locals was indeed very gentle.

"It doesn't matter, we can go around from the back and just take a look around."

"Uh, that's fine."

The agency lady was not worried about Aqua Regia's request to take a small path, and she boldly took Aqua Regia around.

They successfully arrived at the center of the battlefield and looked at the somewhat old building across the building complex.

"Although it is rough inside, all kinds of pipeline accessories are complete. If you want to decorate, we can introduce an affordable decoration team."

"Oh? That's not bad. I think this location..."

Just when Wang Shui was communicating with the agency girl quite satisfactorily, a guy with particularly good eyes discovered them.

"There are two sneak attackers here!"

He shouted, raised his hand and shot!
The heavy warhead quickly spontaneously ignited after entering the alley and was burned into a stream of fire. Aqua regia also looked at the dear friend in the explosion of sparks.

Just in time to see his upper body burst into a ball of blood.

(End of this chapter)
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