Chapter 97
Wang Shui wanted to leave.

The harvest from this debt repayment trip was much higher than he expected.

In other words, in his expectation, he just came to the meeting and gained some alchemical knowledge, but these scenes did not happen.

He hugged an unimaginable thigh, watched a planet-level war, witnessed some strange things for no apparent reason, and even got involved.

Now he felt a little guilty. He wanted to get out of here quickly, but he couldn't show much eagerness.

The next few days were busy for Valet Werther, or rather he had been busy.

Taking care of Aqua Regia is his temporary job.

Wang Shui said that he would not go out in the past few days, and would only read books and take classes in the castle, and at most do experiments, so Werther was able to go out and handle his work.

After living a peaceful life for more than a week, it seemed that the fake engine had not been discovered yet. Wang Shui quickly proposed the idea of ​​​​leaving:
He said that he wanted to return to the battlefield planet controlled by the dream system and grow and develop independently there.

"But in [Gough P7], the help the Russell family can provide you is very limited."

Werther's words were very direct and to the point. He did not force the aqua regia to stay, but only raised questions that were consistent with his identity.

Wang Shui rarely heard people directly mention the name of that planet. Even to him, it was considered the second home planet.

He smiled and explained:
"I don't need many things - materials for erudite courses, supplies of experimental materials, and... my reward."

"Of course, these are all certain. If you really need to go back, I will sort out the resource information right away."

Werther was quite serious, and Wang Shui couldn't say anything more. He just wanted to wait a little longer.

That night, when Wang Shui carefully read those magic books, he received a rather long electronic list, as well as a remote report from Werther:
"The Erudite course is the most important, but it is also the most convenient. It is originally a full distance teaching. As for the materials, there is a family-specific encrypted communication channel, which is very convenient.

But there are some problems with the supply of various experimental materials. I wonder if you still remember [Jerry Russell]? "

"That idiot?"

"Well, yes, but after all, he is also the actual controller of the two nearby galaxies. All the public assets belonging to the Russell family in these two galaxies are under his control."

"Hmm - so, is he already aware that I am going to stay here and is ready to control me, or is this just based on your prediction?"

"Prediction, but I'm [-]% sure."

"Yeah - I understand." Wang Shui fell into deep thought, and there seemed to be something in his words.

"Sir Benjamin! I would like to remind you that there are many branches within the Russell family, and they do not exclude limited internal fighting. However, on the whole, everyone is quite united. I hope you will not do anything outrageous."

Wang Shui smiled and shook his head. He dared to beat up those idiots, but he would never go too far. As a wage earner, how dare he attack the boss's family.

Although he bears the fake surname of Russell, Wang Shui has a clear self-understanding.

"I will figure out the materials myself, but what about the remuneration?"

This is what Wang Shui cares about most. Putting aside social status, respect, personality, etc., he is more concerned about his salary.

"According to the file permissions I can obtain, your salary per standard year is 200 million points. If you have research needs, you can also apply for additional research expenses.

In addition, if you have no debt, you can also apply for a no-term, interest-free loan of ten times your salary every year. "

Listening to these numbers, Wang Shui's expression was calm, but he was already making calculations in his mind.

To be honest, this was Wang Shui's first experience of being paid an annual salary, and this figure made him very comfortable.

200 million is not a small amount. The general digital currency has very strong purchasing power, and it also comes with a highly operational ten-fold loan.

With these funds alone, Wang Shui can create a considerable force.

But this is not a particularly large amount. It is not enough for Aqua Regia to carve out its own space in the market monopolized by various companies.

In short, it is enough for daily life and scientific research, but it is quite difficult to make money by doing business.

This number is not set casually.

Wang Shui didn't think about bargaining for this number, but just asked Werther to help him book a boat ticket for tomorrow.

Then, he continued to read, and there were still some magic books that he needed to memorize.

"Oh, by the way, Sir Benjamin, this castle now belongs to you, but everything belonging to other members of the family will be transported away."

"What about these books?"

"These books, all furniture and consumables, construct servants, and the nearby 5.9 square kilometers of land already belong to you.

The only things others put here were cars and the like.

However, although you can transform and use these lands as you like, it is best not to cause excessive damage to the planet, as subsequent processing will be very troublesome. "

Gee, why do you suddenly not want to leave?

Although his mood fluctuated a lot, Wang Shui's excellent acting skills kept it from showing on his face. After a while, he naturally regained his composure.

This paradise-like group of ancient castles is indeed nice and quiet enough, but to be honest, it is not suitable for the development of aqua regia.

The next day, a small interstellar tourism spacecraft docked at the heavily guarded [Triad Star Port] for a short period of time, and then quickly left.

This is the first spacecraft to dock and leave port normally after the war broke out on this planet.

Aqua Regia is its only passenger.



"The above is all the evaluation of Mr. Benjamin. He has no sense of belonging to the dream system and attaches great importance to the benefits that the environment brings to him.

With his talent and character, we all think he is suitable for investment, and he has met the minimum conditions that do not require brainwashing and control, and he is qualified to be a candidate. "

In a small conference room, more than a dozen people were sitting around a long table, led by Witte, who projected a virtual image above him and reported his evaluation of Aqua Regia.


Archduke Russell, who participated in the meeting remotely in projection form, nodded. He was quite satisfied with this detailed report.

“However, it is still early to provide him with resources. He must first reach level five with his own abilities and master the knowledge of several masters.

Therefore, I recommend sending him to [Leh] and to the academy we opened there to further strengthen his erudite education.

And I suggest that the funds should be relaxed a little more. He is interested in a lot of content, and the small amount of funds is not enough for his experiments. "

The person who said this was none other than the idiot [Jerry Russell].

At this time, he looked serious and seriously strived for higher treatment for Wang Shui.

"I don't recommend this." Vette objected,

"Your Excellency Benjamin is different from ordinary scientific researchers. He is aggressive and good at socializing. He also has his own views on society and has a mature and keen sense of danger.

If we rush to give too much support, it will only make him suspicious.Especially [Championship deck], this is far beyond our regular investment scope.

However, you don’t have to worry about his development ability. From our daily conversations, you can also see that although Mr. Benjamin does not have too many unrealistic ambitions, he is not a person who is content with the status quo. As long as there is an initial investment, I think he will find a way out on his own. "

Witte's words caused everyone to fall into a brief silence, and then Old Moran also spoke.Yes, that's old Moran, the bookstore owner.

"His courage has indeed increased with his strength, and he is no longer confused. His growth in character, strength and knowledge are all above the average of the candidates, so I agree with Mr. Witte. There is no need for additional investment and free rein. He is better.

But for the sake of loyalty, I also suggested that he let him feel the protection and support of his family, and I also agreed to let him study at [Leh]. "

"Second." Most people agreed.

After the intelligent data model was re-deduced, a new training plan for aqua regia was released.

Final Thoughts

[-]. Cut off most contacts, keep only the supply part, and let Benjamin's mind and self-awareness grow independently.

Second, grant privileged treatment to senior family members, and provide Benjamin with comprehensive privileged help when there is no direct interest involved.

Third, the level of erudite education is improved, and knowledge resources are opened to Benjamin with 1.5 times the authority.

Fourth, improve Benjamin's information and design events for him to go to "Leh".

"Is this enough?" Jerry himself felt a little weak.

Compared with the investment in other candidates, Wang Shui, excluding the championship deck, has the least other resources, but the attention he has attracted to the Russell family can be ranked in the top ten.

"I believe in think tanks and big data models. I have a hunch that among the 100 people most suitable to enter the [Final Disaster Sage] project, there must be Sir Benjamin, even if there are 2000 candidates this time."

Werther's words made everyone nod.

"Okay, that's it for Benjamin. Do the observers who have spread the word have any news about the last 12 candidates?"

Following Grand Duke Russell's question, everyone quickly changed a batch of information and began to discuss new issues.



On the other side, Wang Shui returned to a familiar base.

After nearly 20 days of travel, a lot has changed here.The base develops far into the mountains and underground.

But in Wang Shui's eyes, the base was always just a small military warehouse and his small plant greenhouse.

When sister Zhanfeng came back with Shui Wang on her bicycle, all the sisters gathered in the plant greenhouse and came to visit him.

This makes Aqua Regia very useful.

"Okay, our Brother Shui will go out and develop better than we have in 100 years. From now on, everyone can follow Brother Shui and live a good life."

Sylvia was ravaging Aqua Regia's head behind the sofa in the lounge.

The sisters shared the joy in the thinking channel, but they were sitting scattered everywhere with serious expressions. They were waiting for Wang Shui to make the next plan.

Wang Shui still felt a little stressed about the expectations of the 22 younger sisters and the slightly different and complex emotions they had.

When making low-level artificial souls, in order to ensure loyalty, Aqua Regia added respect and love into their character models.

Today's younger sisters have long since broken away from low-level models and have awakened their self-awareness, but the specialization of character models does not seem to affect their liking for aqua regia.

This is a heavy sense of responsibility.

Sylvia is a little better, her entire soul model is the original Sylvia, and she even retains her original self-awareness and memory.

Her feelings for Wang Shui will be more inclined to companions and masters.

"Ahem," Wang Shui cleared his throat and looked at the several smart and talented sisters. They have put the most effort into this base and have a strong sense of belonging.

The next thing to do is mainly to convince them.

“First of all, we have gained a lot from this journey, but we cannot waste time and hard-earned start-up funds.

After joining a new organization, we need to become stronger and more valuable, and we also need to retain more resources to maintain our strength and provide us with a more comfortable environment.

Of course, we will not give up this base, but it is necessary for us to enter [Rena] and enter this ruined city. We need its gray market. "

Everyone was relieved by Wang Shui's initial proposal.

"So, has the traveling businessman plan been abandoned?" The person who asked was Sister Zhanfeng. In the original plan, she would lead several younger sisters to start running business.

Even in the original plan, Wang Shui and Sylvia were also going to join the team.

"No, give up part and change part. We have a lot of start-up capital. There is no need to use the limited productivity of this primitive workshop to make orders.

But at our level, let alone the rear, it is difficult to open the market in this ruined city. The more mature the market, the more complicated the interest relationships, and our products are not very competitive. "

"So?" The young wolf "Yue" answered the question briefly.

"So, we need to target the gaps in the market and create our own unique business on this planet!"

"Well, is there a more complete market than this planet? Is there any gap in the market here?"

Sylvia didn't understand.

"Of course there is, mobile armor."

As soon as these words came out, everyone did not question it, but collectively fell into thinking. They did not think that Wang Shui was talking nonsense.

Apart from motorcycles and mechanical products, Sister Zhanfeng, who was a bit dull about all kinds of things, raised her hand and asked:
"Brother Shui, do you mean to build a mobile armor that is a specialty of this planet?"


"I don't think that's a good way out."

Zhan Feng's tone was decisive. She first gave her opinion and then explained:

"Mobile armor is a mature track. Many planets and even many civilizations are unable to produce fourth-generation models, even if they use fourth-generation machines as their main force.

There are many key technologies for armor, such as extraordinary engines, super materials, bionic muscles, fire control systems, etc. It is difficult for an intermediate civilization to assemble the industrial chain of fourth-generation aircraft by itself, let alone us.

And the most important thing is that mature mobile armor companies have reduced the price of fourth-generation cannon fodder machines to about 10 points, and fifth-generation machines are also below [-] yuan.

They still have mature sixth-generation products and seventh-generation products that have been tested for many years. If we dare to start a commercial war with them on price, we will only be forced to death by them with cheap high-generation products.

As for importing parts and assembling them yourself, isn’t that what agents are doing now?
Of course, I don’t think we can produce our own fourth-generation machine. "

Zhan Feng's words made several alchemist sisters nod. None of them specialize in machinery and mobile armor, but the situation is similar in other alchemy product industries.

In other words, the mobile armor business track is much more brutal than other products.

"Humph~" Wang Shui showed a proud smile, and then nodded his head.

"What if I say that I alone can create the seventh-generation third-level mobile armor?"

(End of this chapter)
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