my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 89: Handsome for only 3 minutes

Chapter 89: Handsome for only 3 minutes
The car carrying Shui Wang drove into a mountain range that looked quite natural.

Thick and ancient primeval mountain forests cover the rolling mountains. Abundant water vapor condenses into clouds and mist, flowing between the valleys against the dense vegetation.

And further away, there are mountains covered with snow.

The melted ice and snow form waterfalls and streams, and merge into a surging river. It continues to cut the valley and rush to the more twists and turns of the mountains, bringing life and hope.

Flying in the largest valley, the vigorous vitality brought a shock to Aqua Regia, no less than seeing space for the first time.

Although he had foreseen it, when he saw the castles in the dense forest, Wang Shui couldn't help but want to complain about the taste of this ancient and wealthy family of high-level civilization——

The natural environment here is too primitive and does not match the ancient castle. It is enough to put ruins here.

What's even more dramatic is that there are large artificial gardens and squares outside the castle complex, as well as a foundation road disguised as dirt and rocks as much as possible, which extends deep into the dense forest.

All in all, it’s hard to describe in one word and without comment.

Werther, the valet and driver, took Aqua Regia directly into a garage built on high ground.

A large number of luxury cars, aircraft, and even high-end mobile armor filled this large space, and in the corner of the garage, there was a professional modification area stacked with large equipment.

When entering the castle, the decoration style is not particularly old-fashioned. Digital equipment can be seen everywhere, and structural servitors are cleaning and maintaining the castle.

Wang Shui was brought into a large living room, which was connected to his bedroom, study room and living room for the time being.

"You can use all the items here and read the books in the study. If you encounter anything, you can call me directly. Finally, although I don't know your eating habits, I highly recommend you try it. Try some local food.”

Werther began his professional work as a temporary valet for Aqua Regia.

"Okay, help me prepare dinner in one standard hour. I want to go to the study first and have a look. Oh, by the way, are there any restricted areas or dangerous places here?"

"No, this castle complex is just a temporary resting place for family members. There are no dangerous things. However, there may be third- and fourth-level extraordinary creatures in the primitive mountain forest outside. If you want to take a stroll, we will arrange security personnel. .

By the way, is dinner served in the dining room or delivered to the living room? "

"Just send it here. I'm not interested in going out for the time being. But the study materials I mentioned before, please sort them out as soon as possible."

"of course."

He was generous in conversation and elegant in manner. Wang Shui acted very naturally when answering questions. He took off his hunting jacket at the same time.

The valet Werther also took it very naturally and hung the trench coat on the wardrobe servitor in the corner.

Werther did not show the slightest negative emotion because of Aqua Regia's cheap clothes, personal equipment belt and weapon sheath.

Aqua regia also showed no discomfort with luxurious surroundings.

Both their temporary master and servant are very professional.

Werther temporarily left, while Wang Shui began to check several connected rooms, and found the layout of the castle complex on a high table, which was obviously for him to see.

After more than ten minutes, Wang Shui paused his divergent thinking when there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

After the heavy and exquisite huge wooden door opened and closed, a high-spirited bald middle-aged man walked in. With his head half raised, he walked to a stop not far from Wang Shui and said:

"Hello, Sir Benjamin, I am [Kang Jia], the chief tailor of the family here. For your next activities, we need to make a dress for you. I hope you can cooperate."

Wang Shui, who had already taken off his equipment belt and tactical belt, gave this serious middle-aged man a polite smile.

"Of course, but you should have received my body data a long time ago, right?"

"I only trust my hands and ruler."

The middle-aged man was neither humble nor arrogant. Wang Shui smiled and shook his head, opening his hands to express his agreement.

"Do you have any requirements for the style of the dress?"

"Just don't make it too fancy. It should be easy to move. It's best to have a certain degree of protection and be compatible with mobile armor."

"Combat style, timeless and classic, the decorative details can be practical and the long top is perfect for your body."

The chief tailor [Kang Jia], while measuring Wang Shui's body, explained to Wang Shui some tips on customized clothes in an elegant accent.

And Wang Shui noticed that the tailor's eyes were extremely keen on the long windbreaker hunting suit he hung up.

Sure enough, the tailor couldn't help but said:

"It's not difficult to see that the hunting jacket has the same style as your pants. Apart from the poor materials, the design style is still very good. However, the mass-produced goods from the [Jianbing Military] Company have not ideal protective performance."

Regarding the tailor's comment, Wang Shui just smiled without explaining.

The tailor didn't say anything more and just continued his work:

"We can make both long and short tops, and the style will be more conservative. So do you have any requirements in terms of color?"

"Black, white, dark red, dark blue, dark gold, dark grey, turquoise, and... turquoise black?"

Wang Shui gave the tailor a vocabulary demonstration.

"Well, in clothing design, more than three colors are generally not used as the main body, and there are very few three colors. The decorative colors are mostly gold or lighter solid colors, and there will not be such an exaggerated combination."

The tailor actually thought carefully about these combinations.

Wang Shui quickly explained:

"What I mean is that all these colors are fine. Design it according to your ideas. You can make a few more combinations and let me see your level."

Wang Shui maintains the right image of a young aristocrat who can be polite but cannot be passive.

And what he got was a serious reply from the tailor: "Of course, it's my pleasure."

I just believed that my chief tailor was gone, very efficiently, and it only took a few minutes.

Wang Shui smiled and shook his head, then entered the study that temporarily belonged to him.

Compared with other rooms, this study room is not large, and the bookshelves only occupy two walls. However, the books that can be placed on these bookshelves are all highly professional and rare books.

Wang Shui even found several locked [magic books]!
These "living" books not only have seals and shackles, but also thoughtfully include keys.

Gee, these are all good things.

As we all know, knowledge has a price.

The spellcasters who can make a magic book are all high-ranking masters. They summarize and refine their exclusive research results and spell-casting skills to create a powerful magic book, whose value can be imagined.

Wang Shui did not open these precious treasures rashly. He was not sure whether these books were really sealed.

As for other books in the collection, most of them are rare books related to alchemy and magic.

There are also some books on mechanics, firearms, mobile armor, biology, medicine and medicine, and even architecture. They are also good things, and most of the knowledge in them is related to alchemy.

After a brief look at the spine of the book, Aqua regia started to move immediately.

He did not choose knowledge that was more suitable for him, but started reading from the first book on the first floor of the nearest bookshelf, or memorizing it very quickly.

When the valet Werther returned with two large boxes of information, the servant in charge of catering was also setting out dinner.

In just over half an hour, Wang Shui had read through all the books in the small study twice, except of course the magic books.When the other servants left, Werther said:

"Sir Benjamin, these are the vast majority of teaching materials. As for the content of the family magic system and [Russell School Alchemy], there will be special teachers to teach it, and there are no written files."

"Family spell system and factional alchemy? Is it necessary for me to learn it? I don't see any need for them in the itinerary."

While Wang Shui asked questions, he personally inspected the sumptuous food on the table, even though the servant in charge of catering had just inspected it in front of him.

"Of course, your study plan is approved by the Grand Duke. [Russell School Alchemy] does not restrict people outside the family from learning, but ordinary people need to learn to a certain level before they can have access to this knowledge.

The same goes for the spell system. The core part requires the blood of the Russell family to learn and use. Outside of the core, the system is not particularly valuable. "

No, it is still very precious, Wang Shui added in his heart.

A system cannot be named if the magic knowledge it contains cannot achieve optimal stability, strength, efficiency, reliability and simplicity.

"Okay, I see."

Wang Shui accepted Werther's words. For the time being, he still believed that this wealthy family would not play with him. However, he could not relax in the preparations he had to make.

During the rest of the meal, Wang Shui said nothing, and Werther did not interrupt.



The next day, Wang Shui, with Witte's persistent help, put on the temporarily finished clothes obtained by the tailoring team.

Afterwards, he ate breakfast in the living room while listening to Werther's introduction to today's itinerary.

"Sir Benjamin, etiquette classes and language classes have been eliminated, but according to your own schedule, today will only be busier during the day, so that the evening banquet will not be so necessary, you..."

"No, it's necessary, Werther."

Wang Shui calmly interrupted Werther's words, quickly cleaned the non-existent stains on his hands, and said seriously:

"Don't worry about the courses. The banquet is also necessary. It is not only an invitation from the local young people to me, a member of the Russell family, but also an invitation from the city's parliament to us, no, to me."

"Oh? What do you say?" At this time, although Werther was still asking, he was already smiling.

Wang Shui said somewhat boringly:
"Regarding the political and economic situation of this city, you sent me the information, and your information has always hinted that they have a harmonious relationship and share weal and woe. I think that building and developing this planet should be their common goal. Benefits, also for the Russell family.

So tonight's banquet, without the nod of the Russell family and the nod of the city council, the invitation will not be sent to me.

And you are obviously an important link, not to mention you keep reminding me.

After dinner last night, you took the initiative to introduce the situation to me. In your long speech, the banquet, which was not important in your mouth, was mentioned four times.And you also 'accidentally' mentioned the surnames of six important minor nobles, who happened to be the initiators of this banquet.

Don't do these boring tests. I trust your expertise and I will look at important things, but I hope you can mark the real priorities. "

"As you wish, Your Excellency."

Witte's reply was very serious, and he also gave Aqua Regia a high score.

In fact, according to Witte's plan, today will end with a harmonious banquet, which will also be Wang Shui's first and last social exercise.

But Aqua Regia gave him a little [Knower] shock.

At night, when Werther drove his car to a banquet with Aqua Regia, he always looked at the guy in the back seat unconsciously.

That guy!In front of him, I really learned more than 30 noble courses in one day... more than 30 courses!Learn them all!

Moreover, Wang Shui is even more professional than those teachers in terms of mechanics, fighting, mecha driving and alchemy.

"Is this the power of [The Knower]?"

Werther finally couldn't help but ask, and Wang Shui, who was reading in the back seat, answered without raising his head:

"Of course I am, otherwise what kind of genius do you think I am? With the strength and control of the Russell family, [The Knower] is not that mysterious and rare, right?"

Of course, Wang Shui was not surprised that the Russell family knew that he was a [Knower]. No, it should be said that the other party knew that he was a [Knower], so they asked him to come and pretend.

"Your Excellency Benjamin is certainly a genius. The number of [Proficient Ones] is not as large as you think, and it is not as stable as you think.

As far as I know, most [Knowledgers] suppress their emotions, suppress their nature, and firmly hold on to their [Limitations] to ensure mental stability, so their learning ability will be far below the upper limit.

The few "knowledgeable ones" who indulge their emotions usually lose control due to "restrictions" and become unscrupulous lunatics.

And you, Lord Benjamin, you are one of the rare [Masters] who is very suitable for the [Restrictions] of your talents. "

Wang Shui always felt that this guy was scolding him for being arrogant in disguise.

"So, Lord Benjamin, would you like to consider joining us?"


"Yes, join the Russell family."

Witt did not mention the issue of treatment. For the Russell family, treatment is never an issue.

For Wang Shui, this invitation is a bit redundant.

Maybe the Russell family can really help him escape from the control of the system and give him glory and wealth.

But at the same time, losing his identity as an awakener, Wang Shui also permanently lost his training room in the fantasy world.

Wealth, status, and power are the foundation of a high-class civilized wealthy family.

But it seems that... Wang Shui is not particularly attracted to Wang Shui. Wang Shui has his own plan:

With Wang Shui's current knowledge system and combat power, these things are still in the mirror. If they are forced on him, he may not be able to grasp them.

And if he becomes stronger himself, not only will these things be at his fingertips, at least they won't be particularly ethereal.

If we only count the cultivation of personal abilities, the Russell family is really not as good as the dream system.

"I still have the basic self-awareness, Russell. There is no shortage of impostors in me. And I am on a planet not far away. I am almost always available. As long as the price is fair, I can consider any request."

Wang Shui refused quite directly and left a lot of leeway. To be honest, it was indeed a bit embarrassing.

And just when the valet Witte wanted to lighten the atmosphere, a voice came from the car stereo.

"it is good."

It was an old voice, a little lacking in breath, but its calm and authoritative aura made people's hair stand on end.

Wang Shui was startled and asked quickly: "Excuse me, who are you?"

The other party did not answer, and the communication seemed to have been cut off. Wang Shui looked at Werther, who could hardly hold back his smile.

"I think you've already guessed it, haven't you?"

Werther's expression suddenly shattered the energy that Wang Shui had been holding on to.

Depend on!The current Grand Duke Russell!

(End of this chapter)
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