my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 88 The most suitable battlefield

Chapter 88 The most suitable battlefield

Aqua regia didn't miss a beat.

The next day he tried to send a message to those students, pretending that he had something to ask, and he was warmly invited.

Seeing that they were still in high spirits, Wang Shui didn't dare to disturb them.

Speaking of which, those health medicines are formulas that have been carefully verified by aqua regia.

For the future of the traveling merchant business, Wang Shui accidentally thought of some broad markets and spent some leisure time to come up with a formula that would be minimally burdensome on the body.

He also found a reliable black hospital and conducted clinical tests on most common races, and the results were naturally very good.

However, there are a large number of such products on the market, and the quality varies from good to bad. Wang Shui's masterpieces are still undergoing the test of the market.

Except for "Yue" and Chocolate, who manage the base, no one else knows about this.

Even the supply and experimental data collection were only participated by the two of them.

Especially for delivery, Wang Shui specially refined a batch of disposable artificial human bodies and destroyed them once they were delivered. Of course, this was "Yue"'s request. She didn't want these drugs to become the signature of the base.

For aqua regia, alchemy items are not high or low, as long as the effect is good enough, they are all good products.

This short-lived farce was over, but Wang Shui was no longer in the mood to go out and look at the stars, because more questions emerged.

Wang Shui sat on the sofa in front of the window, listening to the patter of rain, and read the information for the day.

"This is part of the information disclosed to the public by the Russell family, including their most pure-blooded family members under 40 years old. The documents are basically here, and the piles next to them are their spouses or lovers."

Today, it is no longer Sister Nephrite who is accompanying Wang Shui, but Sylvia is the driver.

Only Sylvia can obtain information so efficiently. A new Awakener like Wang Shui has no way to spend money to buy information.

The process of collecting information was tiring, and due to time constraints, the information was not so comprehensive. Sylvia was very dissatisfied.

"If I had known that you were working for the Russell family, I wouldn't have been in such a mess."

Sylvia stretched her body after a busy day. When passing by Aqua Regia, she used her arms to form a guillotine to clamp Aqua Regia's head. She complained and shook it vigorously:
"You didn't say it earlier, I told you not to say it earlier!"

Wang Shui also shook his head in cooperation, repeating words such as "It's my fault" and "My Queen, please forgive me" in a low and emotionless voice.

In fact, Wang Shui was also deceived by the comments on the Internet. He once investigated the Russell family himself. The most liked posts on the Internet were all about denying the status of the Russell family and belittling the decline of the aristocratic system.

Wang Shui was very happy to see it, and the comments below were all "Yeah, yeah". Now it seems that they are all sarcastic and satirizing the writer.

Wang Shui really believed it at that time, so he didn't take the Russell family to heart. Sylvia didn't ask, and he didn't mention it.

It was not until yesterday that Wang Shui confirmed the status of the Russell family to Sylvia after being reminded by those unlucky children.

Sylvia's reply was simple:
If the Russell family split from the empire, they would still be a high-level civilization, and the empire might slip to the intermediate level.

To be honest, Wang Shui had only seen the empire system in some entertainment works.

He could probably imagine the situation of "the king and the horse sharing the world", but according to Sylvia, there are still two behemoths like the Russell family.

In addition, there are more than a dozen wealthy nobles in the next level, and there are hundreds in the next level.

The combination of these nobles is a force that cannot be ignored.

This combination of volumes puzzled Wang Shui, and Sylvia gave him a simple political mathematics lesson.

If the size of the advanced civilization empire is set to 10, then the Russell family is about 7.2, and the other two super families are both 6.5.

The next-level wealthy families have a level of 1 to 2, and the next-level wealthy families only have a few tenths.

After adding up the capital of these nobles, Sylvia wrote 9.9 after the equal sign, and the royal family of the [Elela Empire] was the last 0.1.

The world is not a simple arithmetic operation. Today Wang Shui learned some useless knowledge.

Wang Shui was not interested in this knowledge, but he understood that this Russell family had a need to lick.

Make money, not shabby.

"However, you still have to pay attention to the size. The Russell family is quite special. Their members all have their own way of doing things and act willfully. Being too enthusiastic will only attract their dislike."

Although Sylvia directed Shui Wang in a serious manner, she was not happy about this opportunity to contact a wealthy family.

She was a little disgusted with this behavior.

It's not that she's being pretentious, or that she's speaking out of dignity.

In fact, for Sylvia, she has never particularly pursued money or status.

She was born into a royal family in her previous life, so it was fate that favored her.

Being resurrected by the system in this life, she also worked her way up from the bottom.

Until she killed several fifth-level colleagues who were acting in front of the battle, she never bowed her head to anyone for anything.

She doesn't think she is noble, she just feels that this level of arrogance makes her very comfortable.

Now, she doesn't think it's wrong or despicable to bow to the Russell family. She's just a little... uncomfortable.

She originally wanted to give Wang Shui some advice on how to show her favor to the rich and nobles, but after finishing the first sentence, she herself fell into silence. When she came to her senses, Wang Shui was still flipping through the information.

Wang Shui's current memory is very strong. He can know a large amount of text and images by heart with just a cursory glance. He can even build a network of character relationships in his mind at the same time.

While he was memorizing it quickly, he said to Sylvia in a calm tone:
"If you don't like it, there's no need to lick them. After all, with the production capacity of our small base, we can't handle the resources no matter how small they are, unless fake relatives like me just throw money away.

What's more, I am an awakened person and cannon fodder of the dream system. I have no qualifications for them to take a high look.

I don't know what big trouble I will get into if I force myself to do it. Why don't I get out of this incident quickly, return to my one-third of an acre of land, and slowly develop and grow, so that in the future I will not lose my wealth, live in debauchery, and live in extravagance.

Brother Hei’s life is my life goal. "

Perhaps the comforting explanation by Aqua Regia had an effect. Sylvia suddenly wanted to laugh, and she even felt that her mind and body were lighter.

Sylvia completely relaxed her body and put herself on the back of the sofa, enjoying the relaxation like a rag doll.

Wang Shui didn't lick his lips as he spoke, nor did he slow down in flipping through the information at all. He didn't know what would happen in the future, but he knew two things.

First, regardless of whether the purpose changes or not, preparations must be made.

Second, seemingly cheap words of concern should be said when they should be said.

The most powerful word is proper care.

For the next two days or so, Wang Shui did not go out. After reading the information, he read and studied to enrich himself.

The luxurious world inside the ship suddenly became boring.

The space journey was over. When Shui Wang put away his books and gel balls and walked into the barge in the star port, he still felt a little unreal.

When he stepped out of the luxurious low-Earth orbit barge and stepped down the gangway, the Russell family who came to pick him up immediately set their eyes on him.That set of cheap hunting windbreaker has become more valuable due to the natural temperament of Shui Wang.

Of course Wang Shui was pretending. From the moment he left the barge, his aura made him seem like a different person.

Wang Shui read a lot of information, carefully observed the temperament and style of the Russell family members, and then imitated and adapted.

He not only needs to learn momentum and integrate it naturally into every move, but also has to make his own characteristics, and even make it less conspicuous.

Only those who are particularly familiar with members of the Russell family will notice his specialness at a glance.

Showing this kind of temperament is still a challenge for Wang Shui, who has been the president of a small country and the richest man in the fantasy world.

But learning will always become easier for him.

His temperament successfully attracted the people he received.

"Hello, Sir Benjamin, I am your personal valet [Witt] during the exhibition. We have a lot of things to do before the exhibition in this city starts. Please get in the car first."

The information was correct, Wang Shui nodded, and entered the back row of the flying car under the symbolic protection of Werther.

The valet Werther started the vehicle. From Wang Shui's perspective, the vehicle body was rapidly increasing in height and speed, but there was no feeling of overload in the vehicle.

It was a good experience, but compared to this low-key and chic car, Wang Shui cared more about what was outside the window——


This noun is both the name of this planet and the name of the super city next to Wang Shui.

While descending at high speed on a low-Earth orbit barge, Aqua Regia was unable to look out from the ship.

And in this low-key and luxurious little vehicle, he could only see the relatively close scenery.

Wang Shui has done his homework in advance:

This super city covers an area of ​​2190 million square kilometers. The deepest part of the underground city is more than 3000 meters. The tallest building on the ground is not particularly exaggerated, with a clear height of only more than 1200 meters.

For the extraordinary world, it was indeed not an exaggeration, but the scene outside deeply shocked Wang Shui.

They were countless steel giants, arranged neatly on the huge plain, each one as big as a giant siege armor.

At a glance, there were at least several thousand giants fixing themselves on the ground. Their bodies began to deform, and the steel structures unfolded and joined together.

Soon, new steel floors were formed, and steel tracks, stations, factories, houses and other facilities also began to "grow".

Then a large number of construction machinery began to work, and structure workers began to build a new steel city with extremely high efficiency.

Wang Shui has seen this scene in the information. This is the expansion of the general urban area, or industrial area, in the outer suburbs of the city.

Video materials cannot fully express this intuitive shock.

Those structural and human workers stood on the [-]-meter-tall steel giant, pointing and planning what the future city would look like.

As the vehicle drove for a period of time, the city scene outside the car window began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

The outside first became prosperous, from a steel forest composed of pure machinery and forges to a regular bustling city.

Then all kinds of high-rise buildings began to disappear, and natural scenery such as forests, lakes, grasslands, swamps, wetlands, etc. began to increase.

Gradually, Wang Shui's sight lost the traces of modern civilization, but he knew that the city center was not far away.

Seeing the dark yellow and white-gold-themed buildings meant that they had reached the center of the city, and Vette also slowed down.

Wang Shui can also appreciate this place more calmly.

Speaking of which, this place is obviously a place where every inch of land is at a premium, but the buildings are not very tall and are very far apart.

And I don’t know if it’s because of the alchemy exhibition, but there are some more gold and red decorations in the city, as well as some huge mechanical creations in the open air.

There are many pedestrians on the road, and life here does not seem busy. According to Wang Shui's survey, at night, the city will turn into another, wilder appearance.

Looking forward to it a little bit.

Wang Shui withdrew his gaze and closed his eyes for half a minute. When he adjusted his mood and opened his eyes, a light screen appeared in front of him unhurriedly.

"Sir Benjamin, we are almost there. On this screen is your itinerary for the next few days. If you have any questions or needs, just tell me."

Wang Shui looked at the document that looked like a curriculum, scanning the bilingual entries with interest.

Etiquette, language, dance, riding, mobile armor driving, family magic, tobacco and alcohol tasting, identification...and, [Russellite Alchemy].

More than 30 courses with general descriptions were arranged in the week before the exhibition, and the small screen was full of pressure.

"Old Moran really thinks highly of me. Before he tricked me into coming here, he never said he would do it to this extent."

Wang Shui's words of complaint made the servant Witte's eyes light up.

Because when Shui Wang spoke to him, he did not use a universal language.

It is a special language with a complex accent and frivolous pronunciation - [Ancient Illela language].

This was the national language of the [Elela Empire] during its primary civilization. It was replaced by Common Language because it was complex and difficult to learn and the cost of expression was high.

Now it is only used for official announcements, documentary records, and aristocratic posturing.

This language occupies a large area on the curriculum, and Werther did not expect that this fake family member would be so proficient in this unpopular language.

Its pronunciation is so standard that it’s like reading from a textbook!

"If Mr. Benjamin is proficient in [Ancient Illela], the trip these days will be much easier. I will also be very honored to take you to visit this beautiful city."

"Don't always use the honorific title "Your Excellency". Just use colloquial terms such as Young Master or Sir. As for the course, Old Moran, who secretly planned everything, just sent me a message. He meant, entrust Overweight? "

Wang Shui appeared to be very talkative, his tone and tone were quite precise, and he seemed to be joking, but the content of his words was a bit harsh.

Witte showed quite professional qualities:
"Don't blame Mr. Moran. It was us who made new requests a month ago after learning about your situation. Of course, we will pay corresponding remuneration for these requests.

A list of what you need to do and the rewards you can choose will be sent to you tonight. If you don't want to do it, we hope you can just show your face. "

The situation was expected, and the answer was watertight.

Wang Shui accepted this arrangement by default, but he also said:
"Allow me to make a request. Tonight, or before noon tomorrow, I hope to get all the materials for these courses, um, learning materials and various teaching aids..."

"what do you mean?"

Wang Shui's request was something Werther did not expect, and Wang Shui's next words were even more unexpected.

"I mean, one day is enough to learn this."

(End of this chapter)
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