my slow journey to infinity

Chapter 83 The break is coming to an end

Chapter 83 The break is coming to an end
The subsequent four groups of tobacco completely disappointed Aqua Regia.

Although there are many different ways to cause harm, without exception, these tobaccos are not very friendly.

After ruling out the problems of water, fertilizer and ripening time, Shui Wang made detailed statistics and summary and finally determined that it was his own problem.

Yes, he encapsulated the complete ripening process and let his sister who knows alchemy operate it.

Although it was difficult for the sisters to activate his alchemy, they finally used the second generation seeds to produce good plants and made normal tobacco.

These tobaccos have a special flavor, which is quite violent, and the taste is indeed unstable. Even if they are from the same batch of plants, they will be very different.

But at least they got normal output, normal [Dragon Heart].

These small-volume products were experimentally put into the huge gray market of the ruined city by Aqua Regia.

Because it was cheap enough, and because the [Dragon Heart] series was somewhat famous, the two or three batches were sold out quickly, and there were even repeat customers.

When customers heard that the taste of each batch of tobacco will be slightly different, they expressed their understanding. After all, it is Dragon Heart, and each box may be out of print, so their most common comments are:
"In the future, if you find something with good appearance and taste, you can sell it to me directly."

This kind of market is not what Wang Shui wants.

Playing with special flavors will never make money through industrial mass production. After all, the testing and trial of each set of products requires a lot of time and labor costs.

No one here in Aqua Regia likes smoking, and testing is a problem.

We still have to find out the detailed issues. Wang Shui has not given up on domesticating [Dragon Heart]. He feels that this strain has great potential.



"The question should be about the properties of energy. Is it your energy that causes tobacco to gain special...aggression?"

"Yue", the chief scientific researcher among the sisters, made a guess based on the data.

After working in the busy alchemy workshop, she often takes time to help aqua regia organize data and plan new experiments.

"My energy, attributeless energy and true essence? Even from the perspective of the interference of energy properties on emotions, these tobaccos shouldn't be so aggressive..."

Wang Shui looked at more and more information and charts and felt quite headache.

Sylvia, who was passing by, complained at the right time:
"At least there is good news. Now the strains have been stabilized. As long as you cultivate them, the tobacco of the same series will have the same aggressiveness, but the taste will be slightly different.

This is the first time that I have seen the smoke exhaled spontaneously condense into a human shape, and it can also turn around and punch the smoker. Putting the quality of the tobacco aside, this idea is definitely something that tobacco companies would not dare to think of. "

"I don't want to go the funny route..."

Wang Shui understood the sadness. Now he has no choice but to introduce new extraordinary varieties to dilute the characteristics of [Dragon Heart] and obtain new stable strains through crossbreeding.

Hybridization is a technology that pursues progress in agriculture, but for each extraordinary plant that is unique, hybridization is erasing its characteristics and nature.

Encountering all kinds of unexpected problems is a must-experience characteristic of scientific research. Although Wang Shui feels bitter, he is not desperate enough to give up.

Perhaps feeling that the atmosphere was a bit depressing, "Yue" changed the topic:

"Let's talk about the good news. Our [NRA05-02 type·Hurricane] small alchemical bomb has received a huge order. In the next week, all the equipment of [Extraordinary Printing Factory] and [Energy Well] 35% The efforts from the left and right should be allocated to the alchemy workshop to meet the deadline.

Brother Shui, stop carrying out your large-scale experiment. It has been delayed for so long. Hurry up and assemble the remaining two frames. We need more cars to transport products and raw materials.

Also, there are not enough structures to expand the base and build underground transportation. Brother Shui is going to make another batch. Before the next air raid, we need to move the main body of the base 30 kilometers deep into the mountains. "

"it is good……"

On the other hand, Wang Shui, who was commanded by "Yue", could only obey, and it would indeed relax him if he diverted his attention.

Ever since he started researching extraordinary plants, the construction of the base was left to his sisters.

The sisters always have a cold face on the surface, but they are always enthusiastic about the construction of the base.

Perhaps because the artificial human body bears a lot of thinking and computing power, the digital souls of the sisters have more thinking and are becoming more and more complete.

My self-awareness is further awakened, so I have a special sense of belonging to this base.

Sylvia was not particularly involved in the construction of the base, she just quietly did some physical work.

Wang Shui even considered that he would leave for a while soon to see the world, so he strongly supported his sister in running the base while he focused on his studies.

Of course, we still have to put in our efforts where we should, after all, "Yue" has already begun to urge us.

In the specially opened garage, with the help of the structure, Wang Shui began to shape the body of the car and began to assemble the medium-sized truck.

Wang Shui found a lot of vehicle design drawings for reference. After eliminating a lot of redundant designs, he came up with a cheap product with a simple appearance, almost no safety measures, and only good load-bearing and speed.

Yes, safety, intelligence, and comfort are all superfluous designs here in Aqua Regia. There is no need for long distances yet, and comfort can be considered later.

"I can understand buying a finished, strong frame, but why would you spend a lot of money on an engine? I remember in the fantasy world, you can easily build all kinds of vehicles?"

Sylvia, who has been doing nothing lately and will appear in any corner of the base at any time, appeared behind Wang Shui.

"The past was the past, and the present is the present. An engine is not a simple lump of metal. A transcendent engine is not simply a matter of converting energy into mechanical energy. It is very complex and is the comprehensive crystallization of many high-end disciplines.

In the past, in the world of steelmaking, it was not difficult to just build a structure that converts the energy of the earth's crust into mechanical energy. It had poor torque, low power, and could only produce mechanical energy.

You look at this pearl of industrial technology, [EVd770-95·Dixinglong], you look at the appearance, you look at this beautiful internal circuit, oh you can’t see it... To put it simply, if necessary, just use any machine Masters can use this engine to release high-power spells with earth attributes. This is a magic device!
The complexity of this thing is extremely high. After simply shaping it with alchemy, it has to go through a lot of adjustments. The final quality will definitely be much worse than the products of the [Elvi Super Motion] company, so it is better to just spend money to buy it. "

When it comes to alchemy items and industrial technology, Wang Shui is eloquent and eloquent. The more he learns about the beauty of industry and machinery, the more he likes it.

"I always feel that you have too many pearls in the crown of industrial technology? I seem to have heard you say this in many places..."

"Yes, technology is like this. Only by mastering a large number of pearls can you advance and retreat freely. Only when life is like this can it be considered a success. This is something I can't do.

Alas, even if you have the talent of [Knower], even if you have unreasonable learning ability, the more you study, the more you will feel your own insignificance, and the more you want to know more...

I used to call myself half a bottle of water, which was really arrogant. My current level is just like one or two drops of water. "

Seeing that Shui Wang was deprecating himself on the surface but actually being narcissistic, Sylvia showed a disgusted expression.

"You smile so obscenely... Ah, I'm not here to supervise the work. I'm here to remind you to quickly replenish the structure of the engineering machine. Oh, by the way, a caravan has accepted us to do business together. Have you gone there recently? [Rena] Let’s go and register for a chamber of commerce.”

Sylvia explained a bunch of things and then ran away.

Wang Shui just sighed and shook his head. As expected, not working for others will only make you busier, and you can't neglect to contribute to your own affairs.

But emotionally, making money for myself is much better than working part-time.Whether it's a trip to the city or not, his recent frequent completely closed experiments have made his thinking somewhat rigid.

The job at hand is not too difficult, and with the help of industrial equipment, Aqua Regia can create constructs quite quickly.

During this process, he also discovered that the computing power of Huanshan Intelligent Brain was somewhat insufficient, and the efficiency of supplementing low-end computing crystal cards was too low.

But computing crystal cards are the core of manufacturing smart weapons. Even low-end first- and second-level crystal cards are quite expensive and often out of stock.

Wang Shui quickly solved the work at hand. He was always very efficient in doing things. Since he wanted to go out for a walk, he would solve the problems in the city together.

Sylvia is not going to accompany him this time. In fact, after more than ten years of getting along, they have a sense of distance as old friends and do not often move together.

But Wang Shui did not go alone. Naturally, he was accompanied by Sister Hill. This sister was called [Zhanfeng]. Sylvia said that this was the model of her favorite sword.

Of course, as a former fifth-level boss, Sylvia has used many beloved swords, and she doesn't know why this sister is so obsessed with [Zhanfeng].

In fact, it was not Wang Shui who wanted to take Zhan Feng, but Wang Shui who wanted to take Zhan Feng with him.

Some time ago, Zhan Feng collected a lot of materials by himself, and persuaded "Yue" to help get a professional engine, and asked Wang Shui to help her save a heavy-duty motorcycle that could retract its tires and fly at low altitude.

Although Wang Shuijun's car doesn't look very good, its performance is definitely outstanding, especially since he often doesn't consider safety in his design style, and always leaves a lot of room to improve other performance.

Recently, Sister Zhanfeng's heavy machine is often used to deliver urgent items. It happened to be one today, so Wang Shui took advantage of the train.

After passing through the secret passage deep underground, Zhanfeng brought Wang Shui to the main road on the surface. After looking at the straight road, she looked at Wang Shui's eyes again.

"Well, don't worry about me. Drive as fast as you like. Apart from ordinary work remuneration, I will also reimburse you for the consumption of energy coins this time."

Of course, Wang Shui, who is riding a car, will not have any objections.

Zhan Feng directly gave a thumbs up: "The atmosphere, that's settled."

This younger sister has a typical Sylvia-like cold personality, speaking little and being decisive.

So... As soon as Shui Wang settled down behind him, the heavy-duty motorcycle floated up, and the protective ring outside the wheel hub extended to wrap the front and rear tires.

Directly reaching maximum output and flying at low altitude... Of course it would be better to go faster, but Wang Shui suddenly felt guilty. He remembered the parameters of this heavy machine that he had made with his own hands.

But at this time, the heavy-duty locomotive suddenly released its deformation and landed again.

"By the way, Brother Shui, can your body withstand subsonic speeds?" Zhan Feng's question made Wang Shui's mind go blank for half a second, and then he thought about the question seriously.

"Theoretically speaking, extraordinary beings have a high resistance to frontal overload. As long as you increase the speed slowly, subsonic speed is naturally not a problem. However, this is just a heavy aircraft, a low-altitude aircraft without a cockpit. It has to drive to subsonic speed. If so, protection is necessary.”

"Ah, sure enough." Zhan Feng also looked like he suddenly realized something.

Sure enough!You almost started it, didn't you?

With Wang Shui's lingering fear, Zhan Feng took out a box from under the belly of the heavy machine, which contained several thumb-sized capsules.

"The disposable injectable [overload protection gel] seems to have been given to me by "Yue". I have never had the chance to drive fast, so I haven't used it. "

It was rare for Zhan Feng to talk so much, so she handed Wang Shui a capsule, took one out and put it into the capsule box on the right side of her belt.

The hunting suit is divided into trousers and a top, but there is always an intersection at the waistband. The capsule is activated in a special box, and instantly, a large amount of special gel fills the interlayer of the hunting suit.

Aqua Regia felt a special force field wrap around him, indicating that these gels were working normally. There were many low-quality and mediocre products near the battlefield, but there were no fakes.

After taking protective measures, the heavy machine deformed and floated again.

Zhan Feng pressed the button on the console, and the energy slot spit out an unmarked first-level energy crystal coin.

Then, she took out a crystal coin from her pocket that also had no special mark, but had a big "three" written on both sides.

The new crystal coins were stuffed into the energy tank, and light flashed across the surface of the entire heavy-duty locomotive. The momentum suddenly rose, and Wang Shui subconsciously hugged the driver in front of him tightly.

A dull sound sounded rhythmically, and the engine was heating up.

In fact, with extraordinary means, this kind of sound wave can be avoided at the design stage, but the vast majority of heavy machinery enthusiasts hope that the manufacturer will retain the sound wave.

The rising momentum reached a peak, and when Wang Shui was prepared, the environment he could see instantly became blurry.

The huge explosion sounded like a heavy artillery shell being fired.

Wang Shui knew that subsonic speed was far from the level of a cannonball, but he still felt emptied of energy and his heart seemed to be grabbed by something.

After a moment of blurred vision, the scenery of the high-speed retreat gradually became clear.

Wang Shui's physical fitness can support him to see clearly the environment at this speed.

In previous battles, he was also able to burst out at a very high speed, and he could also clearly see incoming attacks, such as bullets, with high concentration.

But those are all instantaneous senses under high concentration.

Wanting to maintain observation and analysis of the environment at subsonic speeds is a direction that Aqua Regia has not practiced in.

The base is only about a hundred kilometers away from the ruined city [Rena].

The current speed of Wang Shui and the others has been maintained at a thousand kilometers per hour. This is because Zhanfeng has turned on the [Upward Air Conduction] state in order to prevent the sand and dust blown by the air waves from being too obvious.

The air waves stirred up by the heavy-duty locomotive while flying in the air will be directed upward by the force field to minimize blowing on the ground. This state will reduce the speed of the locomotive.

Wang Shui was just distracted for a moment while observing the environment when he heard Zhan Feng's cheerful voice on the internal channel.

"We're almost there. Start slowing down immediately and pay attention to your physical condition."

Deceleration is also a technical task. The engine of a heavy machine is more focused on acceleration. Parking in a short distance is a test of the driver's operation.

Before stopping, Zhan Feng first turned off the power maintenance of the heavy machine, and then started to decelerate through the inefficient reverse braking of the [Super Mobility Module]. In this way, the burden on the engine was relatively small.

Yes, that's right, there is also a [Super Mobility Module] on the motorcycle, which is similar to the one on the mobile armor, and [Overload Protection Gel] is also commonly used on mobile armor.

In short, after Wang Shui felt inexplicably dizzy, the two of them had arrived outside the ruined city.

In addition to the exclamations of some passers-by caused by the perfect stop, the voice of Zhan Feng also came to Wang Shui's ears.

"Get out of the car, and let go of me."

(End of this chapter)

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